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Everything posted by Kaopad999

  1. wrong. Wars are frequently initiated due to the actions of unstable dictators who flagrantly abuse human rights, leading to widespread unrest, international tensions, and ultimately armed conflicts
  2. Bye then, & make sure the door dosent hit you on the way out.
  3. I don't have a peoblem with that, but they prefer to be called Ladyboy in Thailand.
  4. No. Ladyboys themslves are proud of the term. So a friend told me anyway...
  5. My guess would be the bald one. You can cleary see him/her trying to remove the gold neklace in the photo.
  6. Why have to mention that the person was transgender?
  7. I agree with the first part, but if you were to buy a house in a nice village, most of the Thai's will be middle class, so very unlikely to have such issues with loud music.
  8. No protection here and no I am not scared. No point in going through life feeling constantly scared. There are so many things that can happen that will kill us in an instant. Juta enjoy the moment we live in and don't take things for granted as all of our time here is temporary
  9. "Time to ramp up the fear generals! . let's seee if we can get these suckers lined-up up for their next shot and get rid of the rest of these masks we unable to shift during the poandemic .."
  10. Yet those people who got the vaccines are still scared to death of Covid. Think about it...
  11. Of course, but luckily some of us saw through all the BS early on.
  12. I know exactly what you mean man. My girl also went out to vote for MFP whith such joy and optimism. Kinda sad to be honest when you know deeep down what the end result will be.. I really do wish the best for Thai people, but i think they're going to have to go through many more struggles over the coming years before things get better.
  13. I can't see them letting go of power anytime soon. And you think it's gonna be possible to defeat a whole army? I don't think so... I believe that it's going to take generations to come for Thailand to actually chnage.
  14. I also would like to see greater accessibility to quality education , particularly for families with limited financial resources.
  15. All sounds very well and good for the most part . However, people also ignore the fact that the issue with adding more tax for the rich is that it can discourage investment and economic growth. High taxes on the wealthy can reduce their incentive to invest in businesses, or start new ventures. When the wealthy have less disposable income due to higher taxes, they may be less likely to take risks and make long-term investments. In turn this can actually have a negative impact on job creation and economic development.
  16. I called the Mae Sot Border yesterday and they told me that the border is not open for visa runs. So i i take it things have chnaged since April.
  17. Yes he is very open and honest about it. he never tried to hide any of that. always said that he part of the corruption himself. At least he was honest
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