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Everything posted by Kaopad999

  1. I don't personally know any conservatives, including myself, who would want to demonize gay people. We understand that sexual orientation is a personal choice and should be respected. However, I do have major concerns about the way LGBTQ is being introduced pushed on to children at a young age. It seems that the focus is primarily on promoting progressive values while traditional family values are overlooked or not encouraged in our modern era, which I find extremely worrying as traditional family values are incredibly important for the stability and well-being of individuals, families, and society as a whole
  2. What, because they don't agree with the mainstream narrative, but would rather value and maintain traditional family values? Sounds rather peaceful and healthy to me..
  3. I find it very odd that lefties often consider conservitive people as thugs.
  4. I do feel for these people, but breaking the law by working illegally does come with a risk of being caught and deported.
  5. 100%. she'd most likely call the police and run for her life ????‍♀️
  6. I can't help but wonder why there is a tendency to make things unnecessarily challenging for foreigners, considering the significant interest in living and contributing financially to this place. It seems evident that embracing foreign residents can only bring about positive outcomes.. I don't know, maybe i'm missing something?
  7. Yes, i guesss that's what i meant. As I've been here for just over 10 yars, so i can only speak from what i've seen in that time. I wasn't actually aware that it was even mroe relaxed before Thaksin's goverment. But do you not think that it will thghten even further with the Move Forward party? I'm curious to see what other people think of this too..
  8. The tightening on visa rules came from Prayut 's Mob
  9. Don't get too excited right yet. The biggest hurdle has yet to be crossed..
  10. And he's back! https://bangkok112.com/what-happened-to-the-bangkok-112-channel/
  11. Indeed, it's true and those men that can 'attract' an attractive partner solely based on their wealth. will alays find themselves in the role of a beta provider, merely fulfilling a financial support role for a woman who dosen't genuinely love, respect, or feel sexually attracted to them
  12. Hit the nail on the head. Well said. Looks trump everything. Look at Richard Ramirez for example, as serial killer, yet he still had a huge female fanbase that wanted to <deleted> him. Why? well it's certainly evident that it had nothing to do with his personality..
  13. Looks are and always will be the most important thing for attracting the opposite sex. Without looks how are you goig to manage to attarct a woman in the first place in order to display all of the other characteristics that you mentioned? good looks = good genetics. it's that simple. You can have the best personality in the word but if youé ugly then then majority of women are not gonna even give you half a chance in the first place.
  14. Where and when did i say all Thai women despise me? I have dated plenty here and have a Thai girl now. I was just pointing out that not all Thai women are gonna throw themslevs at us just becasue we're Farang. Please tell me what part of that is untrue?
  15. Absolutely hate that scene . I doin't drink at those bars. Never have done, and never will do. In fact, i seldom drink alcohol these days
  16. This is the same guy Maybe the title of the video needs to be chnaged to "I wantd to become Thai Guy, but I got voted out"
  17. I agree. I'd go as far as saying that they purposely choose a more liberal/left-wing leaning group of girls in order to stir controversy. Fruthermore, he wasn't in any way disrespectful. He came in and was very honest about his views and what he expected from a relationship, which says a lot more than many men who would just say anything in order to get in the girls' pants.
  18. Yes of course, women naturally tend to date up, and Thai women are no exception to the rule.
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