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Everything posted by RJRS1301

  1. Perhaps respect for self and others helps moderate unacceptable behaviours and speech
  2. I feel that when people want to be derogatory, they will misappropriate the word "woke" (which was originally used by Afro-Americans), to make a point about something with which they disagree. Perhaps the primary role of the air force is security and defence and killing is not really a consideration, but technology and utilisation of "know how " and research is definition of: alert to injustice in society, especially racism.
  3. Russian security service claim to have identified killer of Darya Dugina lacks credibility https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/aug/22/russian-security-service-fsb-claim-to-have-identified-killer-of-darya-dugina-lacks-credibility
  4. Pinball (Wizard)
  5. I think those large plastic barriers were placed there post accident, to prevent injury to rescue workers on the scene
  6. I would not consider it racist, however it is pure arrogance and displaying a sense of superiority, to a person he obviously considers to be a lesser being. Poor command of English is not an excuse for rudeness, I would counsel him about "attitude" towards others
  7. Andrews (sisters)
  8. does not account for regions with poor health data or hospitals no testing
  9. That is in the western world, as gay men and men who have sex with men , are more likely to attend a doctor more often for regular health reviews, including sexual health and ask for tests, Africa transmission different , as we will begin to see. Endemic in part of Africa and no one cared, no vaccine programs
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