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Everything posted by RJRS1301

  1. Perhaps to the soles of the feet as well
  2. Specifically the LNP Government The RC is interesting watching the relevant MInisters including Bulldozer were squirming and bleeding incompetence and lack of regard for rulings from AAT and others
  3. Damn ???? missed it, I walk that bridge a least twice a day.
  4. Perhaps like many insurance companies travel policies this did not motorcycle accidents, power-boating hang-gliding or other activities deemed high risk
  5. They tried Afghanistan decades ago got thrown out, perhaps because the Taliban are "not an army" as such, they may succeed for a while, but not longer term IMHO
  6. One has question what are the conditions being treated on admission? Or is just people presenting for conditions and they happen to be stoned and now admit it? Are people being admitted for incidents such as falls minor injuries while stoned,? Been using dope for about 55 years no problems for me or anyone I know with exception of a green out on some really good hash
  7. If found guilty, the photographs of the foreigners should be posted in departure gates, of their respective countries capital cities and Thai entry and departure points outlining their crimes and their sentences.
  8. Not very secret really, how many hundreds of thousands across the globe knew about this "secret palace" yonks ago?
  9. Was the ambulance using sirens,? I did not see flashing lights
  10. That would be the man who has commanded troops who have been accused of rape torture and forced deportations. Truly a person withal compass, the one who said this is not war, but a special operation The same one who is probably responsible for the deaths of several persons who questioned or opposed him?
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