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Everything posted by RJRS1301

  1. stating Russia is a brutal ruthless invader is not emotional response it is cold hard deadly disgusting criminal FACTS
  2. Alcohol presents higher risks. Both alcohol consumption and pot smoking can take a toll on the body, showing both short- and long-term health effects, though alcohol has been linked to some 88,000 deaths per year, according to the CDC https://www.livescience.com/42738-marijuana-vs-alcohol-health-effects.html
  3. Russia just needs to show some humanity and go back behind their own recognised borders.
  4. stain on Wang Nam Khiaw's reputation! Poor choice of words, contact Monica she will have the remover for it
  5. Countries that have legalized recreational use of cannabis are Canada, Georgia, Malta, Mexico, South Africa, and Uruguay, plus 19 states, 2 territories, and the District of Columbia in the United States and the Australian Capital Territory in Australia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Legality_of_cannabis#:~:text=Countries that have legalized recreational,Australian Capital Territory in Australia.
  6. A 2015 report by the Governors Highway Safety Association cited one study revealing that marijuana‐positive fatalities rose by 4 percent after legalization in Colorado. However, another study from the same report discovered no change in total traffic fatalities in California after its decriminalization of the drug in 2011.61 Using synthetic control states, Benjamin Hansen, Keaton Miller, and Caroline Weber estimate no effect on traffic fatalities among legalizing states https://www.cato.org/policy-analysis/effect-state-marijuana-legalizations-2021-update#road-safety .62
  7. Level of impairment with THC is difficult to measure. Alcohol impairment levels have been validate by various health agencies Overview: Blood concentrations of THC and its metabolites are not sufficient to prove impairment. Testimony about additional signs of impairment is necessary to prove impairment. https://www.ncids.org/2021/marijuana-impairment-faq/
  8. My question is were the "recruits" voluntary or under threat/orders from al-Assad regime? I doubt most Syrians have any interest in Russia or its objectives, they just want food . Are just cannon fodder?
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