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Everything posted by RJRS1301

  1. My question is were the "recruits" voluntary or under threat/orders from al-Assad regime? I doubt most Syrians have any interest in Russia or its objectives, they just want food . Are just cannon fodder?
  2. Except when they do not maintain the electrical connections, could be run off solar with battery storage
  3. They have obviously failed at community education if the locals are perplexed, another road rule which will not be obeyed or enforced. Whose family owns the paint manufacturing plant?
  4. When I first accessed a dentist in Thailand some time ago before relocating, I found a dentist whose pricing was available on the internet, transmitted my x-rays, received a plan, time frame, and approx costs. Went as planned and have been going to that practice ever since, however it is in Chiang Mai. Research on the net, try to make contact with a reputable one, some in that area will know one. Good luck
  5. What would be taken from you, your legal rights would not be impacted
  6. I am well aware of the sentence thanks, however I was making a comment on conditions, and what I think may occur
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