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Posts posted by dragonfly94

  1. Hitler does have a point, I used to travel 6k miles to visit Sukhumvit 20 years ago and it was probably at it's best 15 years back. Now I could not be bothered to travel 20 miles to sample a it's delights. It's a shadow of what it was. What ever did happen to Kloster beer?

  2. In reply to my accusers:

    1) No go areas for non Muslims in Muslim countries is not the issue here.

    Why is it not the issue? the thread does not state what country the no go zones are a 'myth' in. Lets make it an issue then, if Islam is so tolerant why are there no go areas in Muslim countries and why are Churches and Synagogues not allowed or welcomed in some Muslim countries? We await your apologies in anticipation cheesy.gif

  3. @samran

    Granted, the clip is out of date. How does this make its content any better, in light of the OP?

    One would have thought that following the events depicted in the clip, things as described in the OP would be taken far more seriously.

    Also, how does the clip content sit with claims that Australia's multiculturalism works just fine?

    Regardless of the these questions - could be missing something, but outing posters or exposing details from their real lives is kinda low.

    Nothing against forum rules against exposing hypocrites is there? We know the beer bars are full of ex SAS, CIA and special forces who can karate chop someone without even looking at them, and it stands to reason they make their way into these boards.

    You are right and I haven't addressed content, and I have made that pretty clear before, intolerance of any brand has no part to play in modern Australia and anything contrary to australian law is to be pursued to the fullest.

    You probably know forum rules better than me, but that's not what my comment was about.

    It was interesting to compare some of the comments made during the Lindt attack with a retrospect view of the clip linked earlier. Same goes for similar topics where each instance is described as an isolated non-representative case. This is not so much to do with condemning actions and the like, but more with accepting that there are real issues at hand. It seems that at least some of the people do not share the same vision of multiculturalism, and in fact, are basically taking advantage of the notions premises in order to advance contrary goals.

    You might have seen the outgoing head of Asio give a speech to the national press club before he retired last year. I'll take his view on things over people with agendas posting 6 month old videos and calling it up to date

    no never heard it, little use posting without a link to what he said.

  4. What is the love scene?

    A late night bar just around the corner from Soi Cowboy, popular with those who could not stand the Thermae, but wanted to keep drinking after the bars shut.

    So what was a family man on the moral high ground like Andrew doing in a place like this miles from home in the early hours? Is this soi 23? doing 'investigating' I guess. thumbsup.gif

    could be a story here,- journalist found illegally drinking after hours in red light district shock horror cheesy.gif

  5. Islam is a fascist ideology that needs to be resisted and opposed in every western country. It offers nothing but sorrow, division and the oppression of gays, woman and unbelievers and has nothing positive to offer any modern civilized nation with it's 7th century barbarity and superstitious BS. The prophet was just a lair, as well as a slave owning, raping murdering thief. How can anyone with an ounce of intelligence follow a monster like him? By their fruits shall ye know them, well we can see the fruits of this sicko every day on the news! Piss be upon the prophet who hopefully is still burning in hell for all the death and misery he has caused.

  6. Give this guy a medal for helping getting rid of these obnoxious strays-of course many will be outraged at my comment but please stop and think for a second my my friends-you are eating thousands of carcasses that have been mercilessly slaughtered against their will every damn day-those animals also deserve to be protected but because of your demand to eat them they are mercilessly slaughtered-why dont you also condemn that practice rather than only condemning the killing of useless dogs,or rather eat the dogs as well, because they in reality are much less valuable to humans than cows in terms of the non violent food that the cows provide us with like milk-cheese-ice cream-youghurt etc.etc.Only a fool would choose to worship a dog which only passes filthy stool everywhere and barks and fights all night completely disturbing the atmosphere, except for the brain dead of course..

    I love animals, and I am a proud dogs owner...but training my dogs to be social and inoffensive pets. Living here, for first time in my life I had toughs to kill dogs, surrounded by them on the village's streets, and also being attacked 2 times. First time, on my bike breaking my laptop. Second time getting a bite on my leg and spending 20K in hospital vaccinations. Fortunately...somebody took care of the problem and those dogs vanished some way.... before I figure out how to kill all.


  7. Glad to see this thread is still proceedingly along merrily, even though there has been no substantive change to the law!

    Except now its going to be enforced, so a fairly big change if they pull it off and a lot of interest to many people, hence the proceeding merrily

    These toss pots could not even enforce the price of lottery tickets, they have no chance of enforcing booze sales. How about restricting the hours of selling pussy?

  8. I lost count of the number of times that friends in the local village pubs would tell of their sons being attacked for walking by a muslim area on a Friday night in the 80s, because they had spent their taxi money on another pint. All they get from the police is "Please don't make a fuss."

    I had a knife pulled on me in a street in a 'no' no go area as far back as the 80's by Muslims youth. Then I was fit enough to run off and rang the cops. They were not interested as nothing was stolen and I was not robbed!

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  9. The problem with sensationalist journalism is not always whether they tell the truth or not, but sometimes what they leave out and the context of the facts. For example falang diving into a river to save drowning child could be reported as foreigner assaults innocent child. Or, man writing about Mohammed's child bride could turn into man wanting to discuss sex with children. This is the sort of way of working that sold the News of the world and other trash papers. Lets have the truth in exposing wrong doers by all means, but it's best done with the honest truthful facts without the sensationalist twists.

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