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Posts posted by dragonfly94

  1. It's quite interesting to read this news. I have seen many Thai families who own 4-5 dogs and do not look after any of them. In the end many of these drift off to soi and become a menace to people passing by and local council will not take any actions. And because these stupid people will make claim on these animals, you cant even poison them. There are times when I used to walk around with a stick at night time to scare soi dog's away.

    I agree with Somtam. What difference it makes if it s cow, chicken, lamb, pig or a dog? 1 less dog in street is one less chance to get rabies.

    Poisoning is a very painful and slow death. If you ever poison any animal I will try and get the Police to arrest you!


    Not all poisons are painful, how about that cow you ate recently that had it's throat cut?

  2. You know the Asian saying about messing with someone else's rice bowl... AD has ruffled more than a few feathers over the years...

    There seems to be an entire segment of old timers that have had it with Thailand and are moving on... Things were always better in the "old days" to these guys... I wish them well where ever they go, because the entire world has changed in the last 20 years and the "old days" are long gone in a lot of places...

    You are of course correct, I have been here 37 years straight and prior to that was stationed here during the Vietnam War. I can't return home to NY or any other city. I have made my bed and here I will die. Sure the place has gone to the dogs but now they're my dogs too. At 67, a widower with two grown children where would a pensioner like me return to the bliss that is America with their whiny women and entitled princesses? No thanks I will take my chances here with my fluent Thai, massages and overpriced wine and cheese.

    If it wasn't for my Thai partner I would consider moving away from Thailand after 11 years here. Unfortunately, I find Thais are becoming increasingly pushy and disrespectful, even to old guys like me. I see so much selfishness and bad manners around that it makes me fume. Some of it is also very dangerous, especially inconsiderate driving. I could live in many places around the world, but I'm kinda stuck here, although it's not too bad. It's just that it's getting worse all the time..

    Je suis Card!

  3. The bible has many passages concerning war and retribution -- should those be edited out? The bible is just a mish-mash of documents selected by the Vatican from the vast library of scrolls they have in storage - and under lock and key so that no-one can know what's in there. It's reasonably certain that none of bible was written first hand. The scrolls they chose were "selectively" translated and never corrected. There are glaring errors throughout the bible, but we're not allowed to know the true writings.

    Likewise the koran is the result of human editing with bits left out and omitted due to oral reciters forgetting verses or being killed (in battle) before they were written down. Also various versions of the koran were gathered in and burned before the one we have today came about. However the argument of 'what about the Bible' is spurious as the few passages concerning war do not make Christianity a supremacist violent religion of convert or die ideology. The koran is and has over 109 verses praising or instructing violence. You have to take into consideration the influence of the founders of these two religions, one was a murderer, a slave owner a thief and a war lord who preached conquest vengeance and division. The other preached love the neighbor, turn the other cheek and blessed are the meek, no need to say which was which as their fruits can be seen worldwide today on the news.

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  4. I like dogs, actually I think I like dogs more than I like people most of the time!

    However, as others have said, it's wrong to say that killing a dog to eat it is criminal but killing a pig or a chicken or a duck is fine.

    Laws protecting animals defined as "pets" exist all through the civilized world. It is criminal because laws say so and most Thai are very happy that such laws exist.

    That's animalism, 'all animals are equal but some are more equal than others', i'm sure you know where that comes fromsmile.png

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  5. It's quite interesting to read this news. I have seen many Thai families who own 4-5 dogs and do not look after any of them. In the end many of these drift off to soi and become a menace to people passing by and local council will not take any actions. And because these stupid people will make claim on these animals, you cant even poison them. There are times when I used to walk around with a stick at night time to scare soi dog's away.

    I agree with Somtam. What difference it makes if it s cow, chicken, lamb, pig or a dog? 1 less dog in street is one less chance to get rabies.

    Wouldn't it be nice if some of that poison you put out for the dogs got eaten by your or another persons child.

    Karma is what a person like you deserves.

    You don't 'put' poison out you find the dog give it to it and it wolfs it down, no need to leave it lying about the place.

  6. Suggest you watch how pigs are slaughtered in Thailand SP as it's horrific and certainly less 'humane' than the way in which the unfortunate dog was dispatched.

    That's why their pork is shit, and you cant get decent Ham, bacon or whatever cut of meat.

    If someone could just educate them they could earn more money from the livestock, by learning the best way to kill a pig.

    They know better though, farang eat from supermarket knows nothing in their minds.

    Ham and bacon is cured, it's nothing to do with how it's slaughtered. Thai pork in the markets is IMHO very good and you can choose your own cut.

    If a pig is stressed at time of death it secretes adrenaline and other neuro chemicals.

    That leads to poor meat.

    This is a myth, this is not and this is in Australia

  7. They have a few on Lazada I was wondering if there is much difference between them. The Google chrome cast is the most expensive but are any of the cheaper ones just as good? The Google one is quite a bit more here than you can get them for in the US.

  8. I think Drummond did good work, but some of it ended up as petty personal disputes along the lines of galt/stickman and that did not come over as very professional. Also he promoted himself as a sensationalist journalist, yet wanted to be looked on seriously. He recently 'exposed' this site as having links with some go go bars and tended to have a vindictive streak along with sometimes not checking his facts properly on his targets. He had many good points and was certainly courageous, but I think the fact that he got banned from about every Thai forum says something about his ability to get on with people. I would say he was basically a good bloke but with a few serious flaws.

    I wish him good luck, he will need it in freezing UK!

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  9. I hate to say it but it is a trait of the British.

    The Australians have for a long time called them "whinging pohms" in Australia. I have come across them in many countries. If you meet them in other European countries they are usually moaning about the beer or that there are no fish and chips. It is always the ones that whinge that dont bother to learn the language or understand the culture. If they are not understood they tend to just talk louder as if that would make understanding more effective.

    It is mainly because of this that I will now walk passed a farang without acknowledgement should I see him in Tesco or in the street. I have no desire what so ever to meet whingers and moaners.

    You don't hate to say it at all and you are whinging at other people whinging. So here is my whinge, I like having a moan and poking fun at some of the stupid things that go on in Thailand, bending over and accepting some of the nonsense that goes on here without a murmur and being a good little go home if you don't like it falang seems rather gutless to me. There's something to laugh at everyday here so why not make the most of it, it's a Brits human right to have a moan anyway. When it comes to Australia there's plenty to moan about there, never gave the world anything except skippy, neighbours, Kylie and Rolf Harris!

    Can't wait to see the new BBC program on the airport, bet there will be plenty of moaning holiday makers on that, great!

  10. O kay shooting a dog in public is not an good idea,,he needs to be punished,,,,On the other hand if the owners of all the mangy soi dogs had some brains and decency to look after their mutts and keep them of the road then their would be no reason for people to be angry and shoot some of the dangerous soi dogs.

    Soi dogs do not have owners, normally they are just stray dogs, wild in fact and need to be put down

  11. The point you have (deliberately?) missed; the simple fact you have ignored is that the vast majority of the Muslim world do not support these terrorists.

    You use one cleric's words as proof that they do.

    The terrorists, those you call 'nutjobs' do not represent Islam; except in their own perverted minds.

    The governments, organisations and individuals who have condemned the terrorist do represent Islam; even though one may not agree with all the policies of the governments concerned.

    I will look up the previous posts where you have called Muslims who condemn terrorists liars and get back to you.

    But all Muslims DO support the violent supremacist koran that is directly responsible for terrorism. They also regard the prophet (also a terrorist) as the perfect man. Just because the vast majority don't support the methods most certainly support the aims and all support the fantasy Allah and his fairy tale hate book.

  12. Personally I don't believe Islam deserves any respect whatsoever. If you look at the life of the prophet and the supremacist calls for violence and division in the Koran, together with Islamic intolerance and violence all around the world and barbaric sharia law, just what is it they expect us to respect? In the case of the cartoons we are talking about a slave owning thief who raped women, had people butchered after he promised them free passage and even had a pregnant woman torn to pieces in front of him. Then there was the child abuse of course. If people want to take the piss out of this monster then I think it's perfectly justified.

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