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Posts posted by dragonfly94

  1. Islam needs to change from the INSIDE. Like Christianity did. Remember the Spanish Inquisition? Have you got a spare 500 years to wait? Anyway, humoring them and acting like there isn't a problem is PART of the problem.

    But it has changed but for the worse. That link with the paintings of Mohamad shows a postcard with him on from the 1920's, imagine that today, the artist would be killed or the publisher fire bombed. They need to start with the koran, but they think it's the word of god so that's a non starter.

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  2. What's the alternative?

    start a civil war against the 6 millions muslims in France?

    No need for a war against Muslims, just one on Islam. No more Mosques, deportation of hate preachers, close all madras 'Schools', they are only brainwashing children anyway. No Sharia courts, label all halal food so we do not have to buy it. Strict enforcing of the no burka laws, forced marriage and genital mutilation of children. Stop as many more Muslims as possible coming to Europe.

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  3. Nothing about that religion surprises me, except, perhaps, the number of 'lone wolf' attacks around the world, that aren't associated with islam at all. The fact that the 'lone wolves' say it is in the name of islam, wear islamic fancy dress, and display islamic terrorist flags, doesn't really make them islam associated though.........

    does it??

    What more could they do to associate themselves with Islam? The killer of lee Rigby stood in the Street and screamed that the Koran made him do it. No difference between an Isis army, the 9/11 hijackers or a Muslim on his own. If they are inspired by the Koran and give that as their inspiration then they could hardly associate themselves closer to Islam. Lone wolf attacks are inspired by Islam and encouraged as far harder to detect and stop than group action.

    • Like 2
  4. Red horse is better than the mention stuff. but not really Thai. Lao dark is far superior to any Thai beer

    Beer LAO is indeed a VERY tasty beer !!!! But hard to get inside Thailand . . . .

    except in tops and villa market and foodland, even in Soi Cowboy

  5. I have often heard some form of a term regarding a "golden age" of Islam as well; or, of their great gifts to the sciences, arts, etc., that Islam brought the modern world. Indeed, it is suggested that were it not for Islam nothing would have survived the dark ages of the western world. This point is nearly drilled into the student of the western world. Is it true? I do not find it true at all. In fact much of what is considered Islamic is/was not at all but rather belonged to other cultures, superior or defeated or both. Islam has had some remarkable lights, but this does not constitute a golden age in a manner, say, we would call the Age of Reason, or Enlightenment.

    The real golden age for Islam was it's three centuries of expansion, the scientific advances strangely stopped along with that expansion- they merely took ideas from the countries they over ran. If Islam is so scientific where are all the Nobel prize winners and famous inventions from Islamic countries?, their 'Golden age' as far as science is concerned was mostly a myth, rather like the myth of a wonderful multi cultural Spain under Islamic rule. Not forgeting the myth of a man in a cave talking to God which has caused infinite suffering in the world.

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  6. While you were arguing about this Topic.....84 of the 500 children taken hostage in Peshawar (Pakistan) today are DEAD....thats right DEAD!!!!

    Thats right...CHILDREN at school...geez what wrong with all these idiots

    They are just following Islam, the instructions are explicit and cited universally by those murdering, maiming and torturing in its name.


    Your Islam bashing bigoted agenda is transparent. My kind and generous Muslim neighbors obviously haven't read their instructions yet. They are too busy concentrating on just being decent fellow citizens.

    To expose Islam for what it really is as against what some would like to believe it is is not bigoted, but honest. The fact that your neighbours are not killers does not alter the fact that the creed they believe in is responsible for the attack in Sydney and the murder of over 100 kids in Pakistan, and that's just this week.

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  7. Indeed Leo is awful tasteless muck, it seems to be the Thais favourite these days though. I think Singha made a big mistake going down to the 500 ml bottle, same as a can. Chang came out with smaller bottles and downed the strength to 6% but it's still the best Thai beer, not saying much though, all Thai 'beer' is dreadful compared to the real thing.

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  8. Also worth a look is this man. He was a hero and indeed his efforts saved Thailand a lot of penalties after the cessation of hostilities, indeed a hero.


    Not a hero at all but the reason cannot be discussed on here, it relates to the 'regency' of course

    There is a website in Thai language that I was reading last night that gives some historical facts but I guess I can't post a link.

    Not in the' land of the free' you can't!

  9. Politicians are terrified of the Islamic community in Australia and will never associate Islam and this guy in the same breath. Politicians are after the votes of the fast growing Islamic community in Australia and will stand shoulder to shoulder with them no matter how much death and destruction they cause. Australian politicians are cowards just like those they defend for a single vote and Australia can go down the toilet for all they care as long as they have a job and support of Islam.

    Breathtaking bullshit.

    Totally false when taking into consideration policy, actions and legislation of Federal Government to address radical Islam.

    which have been what exactly? they did not even have the bottle to take this guy out when they had clean shots on his head. The we thought he might have had a bomb are nothing more than weak excuses for a weak response. No way one man should have been able to drag this out for so long, the deaths could have been avoided if the cops been pro active, their do nothing response will only encourage others.

  10. I just had a colonoscopy done at Bumrungrad 2 days ago. I have had lower left abdominal pain ever since. When I called the hospital to inquire about it, I was told that many people experience a certain amount of discomfort or pain immediately following colonoscopy procedures, but that it should subside after 2-3 days. The pain comes and goes, but I'm starting to become concerned that the degree of pain when its present has not lessened. Has anybody else experienced this after a colonoscopy -- especially at Bumrungrad?

    I have had four with about 15 polyps removed, all done in the UK as I don't trust them here. I have had some discomfort, if it does not go away with in time they say then go back. VC is nowhere near as good according to my consultant, but I guess it's a good option if you have no family history, my mum and sister had it.

  11. Somebody should inform a few of them on this thread. :)

    Quite, the bloke was talking over 40 years ago for gods sake and it was probably tongue in cheek. They are in the main still philistines, you only have to look at the lack of museums, art galleries or even decent book shops to see that, and they are amazingly disinterested in anything outside of Thailand. The old excuse that Thailand is still a developing country just wont do any longer. What could be reported today? a country whose people's main interests seem to be the acquisition of money and eating, corruption rampant and TV and media output totally moronic.

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