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Everything posted by Silencer

  1. Crypto is gambling. Real estate is where the action is. Friend of my wife made 30M baht in one deal two weeks selling a property. She will likely make at least that again this year. She has a 6th grade education, no training, no overhead. THAT is easy money.
  2. How would the witness protection program apply to a tourist or visitor (assuming they aren't citizens or permanent residents)? Wouldn't the host government reject the request and tell them to return to their home country and get protection there, if necessary? Even if needed for trial, they can return for it, if they felt safe to do so.
  3. Quite amazing the level of corruption here. From the 2-20k to move something local through the system, to monthly payments to police, to 100's of millions being skimmed at the national level. I suppose this guy got a bit too greedy and someone wanted him exposed.
  4. Rural Thai's (and likely many in the cities) don't care what the legal driving age is. Since when has Thailand enforced any traffic laws with any hint of consistency? Motorbike use by underage riders is more common than somtam throughout the country, it's ubiquitous, their way of life. 10 years old, no problem. 90 years old, no problem. No license, no problem (unless you make the news). Anyone living near a village will see more than a handful of underage children driving motorbikes (often with friends/siblings on board) to school each day. Some should not be on the road but that won't change for many families. So the real issue here, as its always been, is driver awareness training for both parents and children and enforcement of safety rules, both lacking now. I don't see the enforcement of age/license rules (in rural areas) happening anytime soon.
  5. Put myself and 3 kids through the US university system over the years. No loans. I don't feel cheated in any way by this hand-out. The US government funds a lot of stupid things and has some very questionable hand-outs. but I can support this one. Good luck to all those that this will help. Now, get to work and be productive!
  6. Oh...so you have never compared an experience, law, act, food, attraction, people, event, whatever between one country and another? WOW...you are amazing! Woo-hoo.
  7. Many illegal charters work from US coastal tourist cities. Tourists are warned to avoid them and what to verify before signing up. Passengers can be fined for violations but almost always its the boat Captain and owner that take the hit. We know things work a bit differently here. However, the focus in the US is always on those illegal charters and the laws and fines are most severe (brutal in fact, amounting to millions of baht in most cases) and directed at the boat owner/operator. They would be the story, not anyone onboard. I'm not giving this guy a pass, he screwed up and was stupid posting about it (which led to all his trouble) and deserves a fine/deportation, but as usual, its the foreigner that is the main story, not that spear guns are available for rent and boats available to take you to a marine park to fish. That is the main problem IF protecting marine wildlife is really what is desired.
  8. After talking with many expats here, and hearing the good and bad of their house build experiences, the BOQ (that lists every material and quantity that will be used in the house construction) is vital to get a house built to a western standard. The differences then come down to labor costs, schedule, and profit margins.
  9. What are you on about? We don't live anywhere near where her family lives, I created a western standard BOQ, I interviewed 7 companies with both Western and Thai owners, I visited their previous projects, and I selected the builder. Wife was not involved in any steps other than the design.
  10. A lot written here is true (I resemble several of the things mentioned by OP), with exceptions aplenty. Mine is 25 years younger, high school drop-out, beauty from the north that worked in a bar 3 weeks (where I met her). She converted to Christianity before I met her (which is only mentioned because she believes lying, no matter how small of a lie, is a terrible sin), had a kid just a year before I met her, and we have been together 4 years now. We will be building a large house soon for the three of us. I did the design, planning, picked the company to build, had the drawings made and permit in hand. I was planning on paying for the house (with a good chunk of my savings) but the business I helped her start last year resulted in her making over 7M baht recently. She said she will pay for the house (about 6.5M) and we can use my money for traveling around the world occasionally, maybe a new car. I also get a decent pension so I will always have my own money no matter what happens in my life. Your mileage may differ, but there are good ones out there that love to cook, clean, great in bed, don't take advantage of you, don't lie and cheat, and do everything happily for you which just makes it delight (or at least much easier) to do everything for them (and their future). I could care less what anyone thinks of our relationship. Maybe I was lucky, I knew there was a chance of making a wrong choice and I knew I could make a life of renting a girl each week/month/year but that is not what I wanted. The unexpected new kid in my life was not in my plans but she is wonderful and now learning English well and likely keeps me young as well. Many fail, many do not. Choose wisely.
  11. Yes, indeed. The boat Captain will know the Marine Park boundary lines, what species are legal to catch by season and quantity, any size restrictions, and on and on....99% of tourists will not.
  12. Although this was not his intent apparently, grabbing ice buckets from tables as you run by, dousing yourself in water before running through a room on fire, is not a bad survival plan in this situation.
  13. Been a quiet couple years from these types of stories but good (?) to see some pre-Covid normality returning to Pattaya, from a distance.
  14. Murders: Sounds like an interesting case, and some planning with more than one person involved. I hope it gets resolved and details provided. RIP to the couple. Implants: Good ones between 100-300K. Big difference between cement ones and natural feel/look ones (and everything in between), and size, and you pay for it. Can still get a pair for 60-70K in Bangkok, hard quality. Many Thais travel to Korea for cosmetic surgeries. Why implants? Usually the gf/wife asking vs. the guy demanding it. If "big tits" is your thing, your partner would likely already have them.
  15. I have never visited a doctor that is for alcohol consumption or cigarette smoking. Regardless of the benefits, or problems, of wide-spread marijuana availability in Thailand, the real problem was there was no public discourse or planning before an "out of the blue" decision by Anutin was announced. The police, hospitals/doctors, politicians, and regular citizens were all surprised.
  16. I don't care why he is doing it, a vendetta or for personal gain. Would be great if more people would openly talk about what's going on behind the scenes, exposing it all, and let the "chips" fall where they will. Whispers, nods, knowing looks, just perpetuates it all.
  17. Thank you for the information. All things being equal (which they never are) if you have a choice between changing an OA to an O, or marriage visa, which would you choose. Drawbacks/considerations in either compared to the other?
  18. Wondering if the expected Fed rate increase later this month (maybe .75 basis points again) is already cooked into the Dollar-Baht exchange rate OR if we can expect a further weakening in late July and beyond? I'm holding $100k I need to transfer to Thailand sometime in the next 6 months and though I don't need to time the peak, would prefer not to fire too early. My crystal ball is foggy.
  19. Not sure how a comment "acts" any way. The topic is a lack of organization over its legalization, keep up.
  20. As we all know, the rollout was a total mess. One day illegal and the next day it's given a green light and even giving plants away to citizens. No public discourse or debates, no real planning. Just enjoy and be responsible! Only then did they start thinking about the ramifications; regulations, laws, restrictions, procedures, enforcement, and on and on. We get to see it play out daily now.
  21. Hard to see clearly but it looks like 5 people were 'fighting' and one was being assaulted. Rather typical.
  22. Best that I can recall, many years ago, I needed a specific rider (amendment) on my homeowners policy to cover particularly valuable items like women's jewelry (rings, necklaces, designer pocketbook, etc). and evidence to its worth (receipt/appraisal). There was also some restrictions on their use. Travel was ok, but not covered while white-water rafting for instance. If these are really scams I assume they need to put all those things in place on their policies as well?
  23. Just a guess but a turning vehicle in an intersection would allow for several accident scenarios (mainly pointing to the vehicle making a turn as the cause) and could account for both having green lights.
  24. You may be confused as a GARY Bolten a British citizen, was convicted in 2013 over the GT200 fraud. https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-23768203
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