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Posts posted by indepth

  1. 12 hours ago, neeray said:



     "How does a kid accidentally  killing someone disgrace his family?"

    First of all, not a kid. By running away and not accepting responsibility for his actions while drunk and drugged, he is rottener than an over ripe durian.


    Enjoy your Red Bull. Personally, I don't need over priced boosters.

    Drunk and drugged, I havnt read that, would be interested if you can back up that . Either way, his family got <deleted> to do with the accident.

    • Like 1
  2. 4 hours ago, laowai1960 said:

    I recall during the weeks leading up to Y2K, there were many doomsayers predicting all manner of disasters, including the possibility of planes falling out of the sky.




    Likewise, in the weeks leading up to Brexit, there are many predicting financial ruin for the UK. In the event of a so-called 'hard exit', I suspect that there may well be a short term 'shock' but then life in UK will return to normal (and personally I think the UK will prosper).




    As for the changes to the rules for extending 'retirement visas', I suspect that few foreigners will leave Thailand for that reason alone. I suspect that there will continue to be various processes through which extensions of stay can be acquired.


    "I suspect that there will continue to be various processes through which extensions of stay can be acquired." I think that i have read somewhere that there are ways to continue extensions . This topic has been done to death hundred of times already.

    • Like 1
  3. 8 hours ago, madmen said:

    We are in denial. Ozzies will tell you how much cheaper thailand is but they ALWAYS leave out the cost of medical insurance which is of course is basically free in oz.

    Take away the sex and thailand would be devoid of all single fat men

    Where do you live madman? ( men is plural, you cant be plural).

  4. 3 minutes ago, tlandtday said:

    I often wonder why australians seek tropical places to live when they have it on their doorstep.... i guess it is the costs?  sex?  booze?  all of the above lol

    Cost, not anymore. Sex maby for some. Booze, does cost more in a pub but a slab of tinnies cheap enough.

    • Like 2
  5. 10 hours ago, madmen said:

    After 12 years Ive been having the same fantasy.  You forgot to mention the government give you rent assistance about 30% of the rent value, real beaches ..no plastic bags littering the shore line and no big fat rats. warm days and cool nights

    To the OP both nZ and oz are a part of the Asia pacific region and you did say or elsewhere in Asia

    " the government give you rent assistance about 30% of the rent", as Normy Rowe sang, it aint necessarily so. Depends how much the rent is and how much income you have. On $400 rent and $40000 PA, get back about $30. ( or was it 60 , forget now)

  6. 1 hour ago, Nyezhov said:

    To be honest, Marmite, as well as its cruder, less refined version, Vegemite, is an excellent way to accentuate the flavour of other ingredients in a good sarnie, while at the same time masking the inherent disgustingness of both products which are favoured only on this earth by the inbred residents of a two bit Island and their degenerate, convict offspring.


    One takes two thick slices of a fresh pumpernickel. Spread a thin layer of the disgusting yeast stuff on one piece of bread, spread a bit of Russian Dressing on the other. Place thinly sliced rare roast beef, thinly sliced sharp cheddar, thin sliced Tomato and some onion and sprouts. Assemble and serve.

    The inbred degeneratives were english.

    • Thanks 1
  7. 1 hour ago, madmen said:
    1 hour ago, Khaeng Mak said:
    What is the expiry date on the jars?

    Vegemite can only have more intensity if several years past due by

    When I buy  a new jar, I take the lid off and leave the jar out in the sunshine for about a month. Talk about enhancing the taste.

  8. 28 minutes ago, Katia said:

    That's all well and good, but the point is still that he's doing neither.  If he ought to be "securing the scene" rather than giving first aid, then maybe he'd better be doing that, not standing there paying no attention to his surroundings.

    Ive just had a second look at the pic, and yes, your right, he is paying no attention to his surroundings, dunno how I missed that when I first looked.

  9. On 2/22/2019 at 8:19 AM, FolkGuitar said:


    It's a wonderful sentiment, but unfortunately without a shred of reality. 'Back in the wild?' Do you mean where our houses presently stand? Or where our kid's schools were built? Perhaps they can roam freely over the lands taken over by the roads we drive to get to the market? Sure, there are pockets of 'wild' left in Thailand, where 'some' elephants are left to live in peace. But the herd size is 'controlled' (a polite way to say that some of the babies are not permitted to survive,) so they don't outstrip the available food supply in those 'pockets.'  (This is what modern Game Laws all over the world serve to do... maintain healthy herd size for available habitat.) Somebody, be it Mother Nature or Man, has to feed the elephants. We've taken away most of the Nature.


    If we could remove 90% of the cities, towns, highways, and other man-made constructions that decimated the 'wild' lands where elephants once roamed freely, then it would be a perfect habitat for released elephants. There would be plenty of room and plenty of FOOD to support wild elephants. But right now, that just isn't the case. Sad to say it, but that's the facts.  We have destroyed the natural habitats for so many animals, including elephants, with our rampant desire to build, build, build, for profit, profit, profit. 


    As it stands, we have two choices. Feed the elephants (and someone has to pay for that food,) or dispose of them.  They won't fit in our back yards.


    yawn,  zzzzz


  10. 6 hours ago, RotBenz8888 said:

    Good work Jiraphon! But the man on the right, wearing helmet, doesn't seem to have a clue what to do...


    Any opportunities to thai bash, fools will  take it. What exactly would you expect to cop do? Why stay here. If anything, looks to me as if he is watching the traffic to keep the couple safe. I would use stronger words but would get banned. 

    • Like 1
  11. 18 minutes ago, Khaeng Mak said:

    I keep most of my cash in accounts that have no card attached.


    I then have a specific account that a keep a balance of 50K thb in. It has a debit card attached.


    I use the card for online purchases such as booking a hotel room or plane ticket.


    No problems to date.


    I figure if I get hit by a skimmer the damage is contained.

    Add no internet banking to that. 

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