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Posts posted by indepth

  1. On 2/2/2019 at 11:35 AM, overherebc said:

    Once again wrong on so many points.

    The whole subject on the 800,000 is being applied to one year extensions of stay based on retirement.

    I've always had a visa ( from places outside Thailand )

    An O-A long term visa is only valid for one year and then becomes an extension of stay/permission to stay for one more year, at which point if you go on holiday and return you require a re-entry permit, which you didn't need while the VISA was valid.

    See attached.

    1. visa 1 year multi entry.

    2. short extension of stay.

    3. Retirement extension of stay. 1 year.


    1. Does not require a re-entry permit.

    2 and 3 require a re-entry permit to stay valid.

    (NB: 2 and 3 do not have the word 'visa' on them anywhere except as printed on the passport pages )


    images (18).jpeg

    See the word RETIREMENT. But actually, I dont give a stuff what is called, I just like to give the experts on all subjects something to occupy their minds. Truth be known, it actually called a Stay Permit , as per IO law book. 

  2. 7 hours ago, Rc2702 said:

    There system is local everywhere. That's why it's called a borderless transfer. You send to them locally and they release from there own bank locally to wherever it is going locally. Appreciate a bank may be reporting it as an intl transfer but I'm pretty sure it is not due to the system it is employing.

    i believe that is what Mosan was alluding to.

  3. 8 minutes ago, madmen said:

    Good post. All of SEA is making it tough

    Phillipines only welcoming crazy people who can never be rude to a government official or solicit a hooker if these reforms get through.

    The best option for those running would be south America or eastern Europe or best of all your home country where you will be cuddled until you die!


    New Philippines Immigration Reform Act filed. If the recent price increases, violence escalation, infrastructure or lack thereof, and general lack of fair and due process doesn't convince you to go elsewhere, the new Philippines Immigration Reform Act will. It gives wide and vague latitude for Immigration and Police to basically do whatever they feel like with you. Here are a few new highlights:

    ● Exit Clearance will now be required after 60 days - [MTV] Essentially if you stay in country for > 60 days you need Tax Clearance before you can leave, even if leaving for a holiday - IIRC this is currently 6 Months
    ● Foreigners Permanent Residency will be cancelled on divorce, relationship abandonment, or failure to provide support for Filipino spouse and family(does not disclose as what extent of her existing family). - [MTV] Scary 
    ● Foreigners Permanent Residency will cancelled if outside the Philippines more than 1 year.
    ● Foreigners will no longer be allowed to establish any type of business under a visitor visa.- [MTV] One of the major selling points of PI over TH
    ● New visa applicants will be required to have a physical and mental evaluation prior to getting an immigrant visa. - [MTV] Speechless
    ● Entry into the Philippines will be denied for those believed to arriving for the purpose of getting prostitutes or showing "disrespect" to any government official or employee. - [MTV] Some may guffaw at this but anybody who's visited the Philippines for the past 10+ years can tell you about clampdowns in Manila & (especially) Cebu 
    ● Deportable offenses: engaging in prostitution,  being deemed a public charge, being deemed undesirable, and being "rude" .- [MTV] Speechless
    ● Foreigners must register within 60 days of arrival and update any changes in said registration within 7 days. - [MTV] TM30/TM28 anybody?
    ● Also states that the immigration agency can start requiring cash bonds on demand to ensure immigration adherence. Provision perhaps for longer stays?- [MTV] at the moment the only cash requirement outside of visa expenses is if you go for an SRRV Visa, this sounds more like they're going to want to see Funds in the Bank for people who are staying longer on any kind of basis
    ● Imprisonment offences of not less than 5 years: falsely claiming to be a Filipino citizen, pretending to be someone else or using false documents, making a false statement in any immigration matter,   

    An Internet search for Retirement Philipines would have sufficed. 

    • Haha 1
  4. 5 hours ago, Psimbo said:

    Bearing in mind there will be about 20 pages of frothing to follow I take it the proof will mean a bank statement every ninety days rocking up to Imm in person. With the (rickety) advent of 90 day on line reporting and rumours of 90 day reports being abolished I think this is a case of one hand not knowing what the other is doing and is doomed to failure.


    I am looking forward to all the wailing and beating of chests here though. ????

    the only complainers will be from those who are here illegally anyway, ie. no money,  so, no harm done.

    • Confused 1
    • Haha 1
  5. 21 minutes ago, Old Croc said:

    On a separate, but related matter, I noticed that the "Kid" Craig Ferguson, was being described in the media as the "outgoing Consul General"


    I hope for the OP's sake his replacement is older and more accessible.


    As the poms would say, hear hear. Ozzies, you beauty mate, Yanks, o my god, o my god. 

  6. 45 minutes ago, LosLobo said:

    Hi cleverman so indepth is your new name?


    The oz consul will only certify a copy as being a true copy of an original.


    He will not certify proof of income!

    i read what cleverman posted, so, there is one way to confirm or refute his info. i dont slag people off, i seek the truth. why would cleverman change his moniker? i have not praised him, i am questioning him.

  7. If your an Ozzie and need proof of income and if your income is from a Govt source or super scheme, take those documents to a consul or your embassy and ask them to certify them as being correct and let us all know what happens. ignore any negative comments you may get on here, just do it. NB certify, not issue a stat dec.

  8. He is only a kid, obviously well connected. A consul should respond to their expats. They should access social media to keep in touch with what is happening to their fellow countrymen. I urge all Ozzies to contact their Dept of Foreing Affairs and voice their opinion on their consul. You try to get an appointment to see him personally. He is a public servant whose salery is paid by us. He needs to be reminded about that. There once was an honary pommie consul in Pattaya. Mr Kenyon, he went out of his way to be of assistance to his countrymen. 

  9. Many years ago in Ozzie, the Dock workers would have ghost workers, non existent workers were clocked on and off and their pay packets went to their union. Could we have a ghost worker here. Ive been to our consuls office, staff wont let me see him, I ring, staff wont allow me to talk to him, I have emailed him three times, no reply. Does anybody have any evidence that he actually exists? My reason for wanting to speak to the consul was to ask if what somebody posted on here about Oz consuls will certify income proving documents is still their intent.


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