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Bday Prang

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Posts posted by Bday Prang

  1. 8 hours ago, Nismooo said:

    You were the one mentioned countries with lower covid rates than Thailand, not me.


    Did the vaccine mess up your memory?


    You were trying to make it sound that the UK had a lower covid rate than Thailand (L O L) and therefore having a quarantine would be useless in stopping mutations for vaccinated people. 


    Then when you realized that your arguments didnt hold up then you came up with the Myanmar narrative. 


    You also keep avoiding answering my questions so i guess they are too complicated for you...


    Then you give me a quote without any link or source thinking you won the argument? ????


    I can post 10 quotes that says otherwise but whats the point? 


    Arguing with you is like arguing with a 65 year old stubborn man that still think he is 35... or you might just be a simple covid denier? 


    Its funny how some people tend to complain and whine about a few extra days/expenses in quarantine rather than to care about the risks they put others around them in.


    Then again, im not surprized. It was exactly that attitude that totally ruined the European countries in the first place so you must be proud of yourself. 


    PS. I would easily give you 20k to help you out if you cant afford it. 







    Actually today in uk -:     1,072,576 tests, of which 2381 were  positive! and 15 deaths within 28 days of a positive test.  So not that much different from Thailand, except the number of tests. However I imagine the Thai testing is more focused on areas / people of concern, whereas the UK is testing anybody who wants testing even if they are from areas with very low infection rates. If you think about it, a negative test is actually, in reality a wasted test

  2. 3 hours ago, Bkktodd said:

    It does already.  One before boarding flight. 2 on arrival.  Just filed out paper work unluckily now with 16 day lockup.  Thai National STILL DONT NEED A TEST BEFORE BOARDING FLIGHT.  <deleted>

    I can't believe airlines are not requiring all passengers to show a  negative test certificate  issued within say 72 hours of flying before they allow them to board. ???  What about the "health and safety" of their staff and other passengers ??  They are quick enough to use those reasons to stop people boarding if they smell a whiff of alcohol.  Are you sure this is true?

  3. On 4/26/2021 at 9:05 AM, Samui Bodoh said:


    Ten Twelve Reasons to Quit Smoking (in no special order)


    1. You won't smell anymore. Apologies, but there is no polite way to put it; smokers stink. They smell. They reek. Their breath smells like an ashtray. Their clothes are foul and gross. They leave a putrid miasma in every room they occupy.
    2. You will regain your sense of smell and taste. It is truly an amazing thing; I lived and/or visited Thailand for more than 25 years, but after I quit smoking, Thai food became twice as good. Seriously, twice as good!
    3. You won't look like a dried-up lizard. Smoking makes your face/skin look old; quitting smoking means putting 'lizard-ness' off for a decade or two.
    4. If you quit smoking, you don't have to listen to people like me, your spouse, your kids, your friends and complete strangers telling how smoking is bad for you. Wouldn't it be nice if we all shut up? If you didn't have to hear us?
    5. It is easier to pull/keep chicks. Simply put, it is easier to pull and/or keep a hot chick as a non-smoker rather than as a smoker. Nuff' said.
    6. You won't get sick as often. Yes, I know, perhaps smoking helps with c-19 and perhaps it doesn't. But, a non-smoker will catch fewer flus, colds, infections, etc. than a smoker; it is a scientific fact.
    7. You won't hurt those around you. Second-hand smoke kills about 50,000 people a year and damages the health of many, many, many more; don't you want to stop hurting your wife? Your kids? Your friends? Your neighbours? Strangers on the road?
    8. You'll have more breath. Smokers; when was the last time you climbed three flights of stairs without panting or wheezing? Without some shortness of breath? Without stopping for a sec to catch your breath at the top?
    9. Money. Cigarettes are expensive and you get nothing (literally nothing) for your money. One example; by quitting when I did, I saved approximately 190,000 Baht. What would you do with an extra 190,000 Baht? Whooo-Hoooo!
    10. Impotence. It is a medical fact that smoking reduces the lead in your pencil. Further, it is also medical fact that the more you smoke, the more the lead in your pencil is reduced. Simple question; what's better? Smoking or sex? If you chose sex (and you really should have), then it is time to quit.


    And a bonus #11; you won't be an addict anymore. Being an addict, whether it is Nicotine, Yaba, Alcohol, Opioids, Meth, Heroin, Crack, or anything else, diminishes a person.


    If you quit smoking, you'll be a better person to be around, your sensations and pleasures will improve, your health and appearance will be better, you'll do better with the girls, you'll have stamina again, you'll save huge amounts of money, and your sex life will improve.


    If you keep smoking, your stink will drive people away, you won't enjoy food and drink as much, your health will decline, you will become 'Lizard-like', hot girls will laugh at you and throw rocks, you'll be awful in the sack, you'll be poorer and no woman will want you.


    And now number 12: It makes Covid-19 worse and you are more likely to die.


    Does anyone really need number 13?






    1, non-smokers can also stink its not unique to smokers

    2, so you got fat

    3, I don't look like a lizard 

    4,  I don't have to listen but yes it would be nice

    5, rubbish plenty of smokers have hot chicks

    6, can't remember when i was last ill, that's a scientific fact

    7, Rubbish how can anybody put a figure on it , and endangering neighbours and strangers on the street , for gods sake man

    8, seen plenty of non smokers struggling with stairs  for your information Rodger Bannister was on 40/day when he did 4min mile 

    9, plenty of things are expensive should we stop doing everything?

    10, No complaints so-far  I'll be sixty soon 

    11 , Have you ever tried Crack, Opiates, or Meth if not shut up

    12, Apparently not

    13, ok bring it on


    oh and if you stop preaching you might be a nicer person to be around too, I'm sure there are plenty of women left gasping by your superior sexual prowess, is that how you spend all that money you have saved?  its also rather addictive don't you think. You will end up poorer and no woman will want you either, could be  few nasty diseases to be caught along the way too.

    instead of giving that 13 th reason that you think we shouldnt need.  why not give us one reason why you can't just carry on with your whoring, and leave other people to do as they wish


    • Haha 1
  4. Well there must be a reason why people started smoking originally, thousands of years ago or whenever it was. Maybe it did indeed offer some protection from some other respiratory diseases. Only a narrow minded anti smoking zealot would discount the possibility, or be adverse to further research. A little like the people who have denied millions of people the medical benefits of cannabis for so long.

           I wonder what the reaction from the "experts" would be if it was actually proved that smoking tobacco or even worse cannabis was highly effective in avoiding covid , do you think they would tell us?

            Somehow I doubt it 

    • Like 2
  5. 2 hours ago, smudger1951 said:

    Bday Prang, the app is now available to download and register today. Various details required to confirm identity.

    As far as I know they are going to use the existing NHS app that people use in the UK for appointments etc. (not the covid app) So I would imagine the APP itself is available but I would doubt very much if its been modified for this purpose yet as its only just been mentioned. I imagine first they will have to get everyone who's been jabbed registered/uploaded onto some sort of data base, then I suppose they have to get other countries to accept it. Think they will try to get it up and running for the holiday season if they can 

  6. 4 hours ago, Steve80 said:

    I would rather spend a week in Phuket in a cheap hotel with freedom to go out, rather than a week locked up in a overpriced hotel room in Bangkok.


    I still have not seen how this is going to work with Flights though, considering nearly all international flights go to Bangkok and being able to connect to a domestic flight to Phuket?


    Also considering the UK still has not pulled its finger out and decided on proof of vaccination certificate/passport, what they will require as proof and whether this can actually be obtained from the NHS or UK government.

    uk gov has announced they intend to utilize an NHS "APP" to provide some sort of proof of vaccination, subject to other countries accepting it of course

  7. A somewhat pointless question, people who carry such  "equipment" are hardly going to worry about the legality of it, or indeed the legality of the results that will inevitably ensue should it be used for the intended purpose,  The keyboard warriors of Thai Visa would be better advised to continue using the  CAPITAL LETTERS KEY 

  8. Having given it a little more thought I doubt that it ever actually happened at all,  I mean ,I know it is common practice , but something about this so called news item doesn't feel right, I mean come on  a web site called "Organization Opposed to School Style Haircuts". its either a gang of media savvy  kids having a laugh or  just plain clickbait designed again, very effectively apparently,,  to upset ,and therefore catch the interest of  the "easily offended"  and those not really comfortable with how things are done here.  



  9. I doubt very much if the kid will be "traumatised"  Thai schools have a dress code which includes the length of hair, the kid knows the score, he  will have been warned  repeatedly before this happened. Thai kids, like most kids, enjoy pushing their luck, they often compete to see who can grow their hair longest before they get "the chop"   He was probably a hero amongst  his peers , to suggest that he would be bullied for having his head shaved is not true either, as the rest of the kids hair would  also be shaved as per school regs  

    Its just how it is here, Its no big deal

    • Like 1
  10. Thai TV soaps are written for Thai people,  they are popular with Thai people from all walks of life ,  However those Thais who don't like soaps,  simply change channels  (immediately)  and watch something that they do  like

     What I'm wondering is , how long, does a non-thai speaker, who doesn't like soaps and is "uncomfortable" with the storyline, wait before they do the same ?  Its really not that difficult.

  11. 5 minutes ago, ThailandRyan said:

    Has nothing to do with woke views. It has everything to do with being treated the proper way and not oppressed.  Guess you wouldn't mind being barbed wired into your house or condo with no where to go and be isolated like an animal in the zoo.  Get over yourself.  It also speaks volumes for how this government sees themselves and that is superior to all others regardless if you are from a European country, the US or another Asian country that is less wealthy.

    Many people around the world are confined to their houses, its nothing about "oppression" for gods sake

    Nothing to do with "woke" views eh???   The  Thais being referred to as "disgusting animals" because their actions don't conform to lefty ideals is condidered ok .   Thats pretty indicative of" wokeness" if you ask me

    • Sad 1
  12. On 5/4/2019 at 5:37 PM, Jip99 said:

    A 59 year old friend just applied by post and received a 12 month multiple entry Non-Imm 'O' based on retirement

    I'm slightly off topic I guess , but, that's very interesting, I was always lead to believe that this visa was only available for people with a state pension, surely at only 59 your friend doesn't yet get a state pension. I might try for one myself do you know what documents he had to show?

  13. 1 hour ago, ubonjoe said:

    I can assure you that they will not issue one unless old enough to draw a state pension.

    You need to note it is or the 10k pound number which means a person of pension age could use it instead of pension income.


    Thanks for clarifying that. You have probably saved me from wasting £150 in non returnable visa fees. The way it is worded on the London embassy''s Website is, in my opinion, somewhat misleading and more than a little ambiguous. Surely this could not be intentional ????

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