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Bday Prang

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Posts posted by Bday Prang

  1. 9 minutes ago, Mac Mickmanus said:

    It was the posting of the video online that caused the problem, rather than the sex itself 

    Strange morals  the Thais have, My mates missis spent a lot of time and effort trying to keep the local lads away from her daughter, but was quite happy when the girl went to "work " in Pattaya !  Apparently it was OK because she was only doing it for money.!    Not sure how she would have reacted if she'd posted a video online of herself working, Maybe it would have been ok if it was "pay to view" I'll ask next time I see her

    • Haha 1
  2. 3 hours ago, Gottfrid said:

    We, means the people that stay and live in Thailand. Though you could get that much. Sorry, as that was not the case. Neither did I mean that we all will do it, as some do not come in contact with things at all. However, we have dealt with drunk people, yaba users and now another 5 million pot heads. But, never mind. You do not need to understand what it´s going to do to the Thai community.

    I don't even understand your post ! How have you "dealt with drunk people and yaba users"?  Are you one of the Thai Visa armchair vigilantes,?    I was watching the news earlier tonight and there still seems to be plenty of "yaba users and drunk people about" so you haven't dealt with them very well have you Action man. I'm sure 5 million drug crazed pot heads are shaking in their boots

  3. 3 hours ago, anchadian said:

    It has begun:


    Four admitted to hospital, one dies after using cannabis following decriminalisation


    The governor received a report today (Tuesday) from the Bangkok Metropolitan Administration’s (BMA) Medical Services Department that a 17-year-old and a 25-year-old have been admitted to city-run hospitals for treatment of heart palpitations after consuming cannabis. A 16-year-old was admitted to intensive care, allegedly following a cannabis overdose. Additionally, a 51-year-old man suffered chest pains after using cannabis and later died of heart failure.





    The only thing that has started is the inevitable media frenzy, don't you think that its strange that this never happened before it was legalised

    • Like 1
  4. 6 hours ago, Gottfrid said:

    I will assume that more will register. We will certainly reach a number of 5m registrations. As if it wasn't enough already. Now, we will have an additional 5 million mega stoned potheads to deal with. What can possibly go wrong with that?

    And who exactly is "we"  and how exactly do "we" intend to deal with 5 million mega stoned potheads.   A good strong talking to ? or maybe a damn good thrashing ? Or more likely a strongly worded post on here expressing your outrage  hahaha   Chill out pal you won't be "dealing" with anyone

  5. 6 hours ago, Gottfrid said:

    I will assume that more will register. We will certainly reach a number of 5m registrations. As if it wasn't enough already. Now, we will have an additional 5 million mega stoned potheads to deal with. What can possibly go wrong with that?

    "mega stoned potheads to deal with"   Yoy have absolutely no idea what you are talking about do you .  People like you base all their incorrect fears on the misinformation spewed out by governments. Do you believe everything they tell you ? If so you really are beyond help

    • Like 1
  6. None of them have visas  they don't even have passports, as one of the first things they do is to destroy any evidence of where they come from (so they can't be sent back) Apparently it costs thousands of pounds for them to get to the UK so they are not exactly destitute are they?  Most of them that get taxied in by the coastguard or even worse by the RNLI seem to have smartphones

     99.9% of them are young males and nobody ever mentions what the eventual social impact of importing so many unaccompanied young males will be! 

     The fact of the matter is that no right minded UK citizen wants them in the UK.  those that claim to welcome them are limited to the usual collection of human rights lawyers, who are no doubt making a good living off the back of this, and a very vocal minority of leftie "activists" 

      If it  is illegal  to send them to Rwanda, then the law needs to be changed, simple as that as Rwanda is the best place for them. Prince Charles would be better occupied trying to control his ginger haired "son" and his pedo brother

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  7. 3 hours ago, WinterGael said:

    Most Thais I know like this as they cook with the plants.  They don't seem interested in smoking it, which is just as well because, honestly, Thai pot does not get you high.


    As I've stated on here before, the obvious direction for growth is the medicinal market.  That's where the money is.

    Thai pot doesn't get you high ?????   are you another one who has never smoked it ??  or maybe you thought you had but they actually  sold you oregano or something, in which case I advise you to change your dealer

    • Like 2
  8. 3 hours ago, WinterGael said:

    Most Thais I know like this as they cook with the plants.  They don't seem interested in smoking it, which is just as well because, honestly, Thai pot does not get you high.


    As I've stated on here before, the obvious direction for growth is the medicinal market.  That's where the money is.

    Thai pot doesn't get you high ?????   are you another one who has never smoked it ??  or maybe you thought you had but they actually  sold you oregano or something, in which case I advise you to change your dealer

    • Like 1
  9. 7 hours ago, DrJack54 said:

    When you renew you passport you need to visit your bank to update your details.

    If not then to access the account you need to show both passports.


    Yes that appeared to be the case but I managed to talk my way out of it at the time,.... eventually!

    I was more interested to know if anybody else had been asked for financial details when applying for a covid extension.  Personally I doubt it, and am more inclined to think that the document checklist form I referred to was a generic form used for various kinds of extension and not just for covid extensions.  Anyway I guess I'll find out when I go next week, fingers crossed in the meantime 

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