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Bday Prang

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Posts posted by Bday Prang

  1. One further thing, they gave me some forms to take home to fill,  in there was the usual TM7 and a specific Covid extension form along with the form that warns of the penalties of overstaying in Thailand  The last form was all in Thai  was a check list of required documents  Strangely it included all the documents given to me but also listed  statement of deposit  and bank book showing "sufficient funds "  or "money enough"  as my missus put it

    And it also mentioned a  copy of a tabien baan  and Id card too. There was two areas for the Official to sign his name indicating  either a pass or a fail 

               Im guessing , as it was all written in only Thai ,it was meant for "office use only" and given to me in error (looked like she was a newbie possibly an Intern)  Bit hard to read what it said but it was along the lines of " list of copies of documents required by persons requesting a temporary extension of stay " so hopefully  its a generic form and not everything is required for a covid ext  ! 

     Sayin' hopefully  because my bank passbook has been full for years and I live 400 km from my original branch and its Bangkok Bank and they can be "awkward", and I really can't be bothered, with the hassle, Last time i was there there was an issue with me having a new passport and the woman couldn't accept that i didn't take my old one everywhere with me .

    Has anybody  else needed to show a bank book ?

  2. 3 hours ago, aussiexpat said:

    I assume you mean 41 days from the date of issue. An extension is granted for 30 days from current visa exempt expiry date no matter when you apply

    I was a little surprised when i went to my local immigration office to ask for a covid extension. My current permission to stay expires on June 23rd I went on June the 9th. However the extremely helpful officer suggested that I return nearer my current expiry date as according to him the 60 day covid extensions start from the day one applies and I therefore if he had processed the application there and then (which he was quite prepared to do ) I would have forfeited 14 days.  I had assumed, obviously incorrectly that the 60 days would be added on to my current expiry date, so it was nice of them to help, and no problem for me as i live only 5 minutes from the office

  3. 9 hours ago, Wagga said:

    Anything is legal if ya don't get caught  ????

    Absolutely right, but to be honest I've always been of the opinion that the illegality of cannabis (or any other drug for that matter) had very little bearing on peoples inclination to indulge themselves. That's the main reason that the "war on drugs" has been such an abject failure.  However I do find the thought of the Thai Visa anti drug stalwarts suddenly deciding to indulge themselves highly amusing.    Can you imagine them "all fingers and thumbs" as they try to knock up a "3 skinner"    Or even better, watching them fall off their barstools as they experience a "whitey" when smoking for the first time after 6 bottles of chang !        Unlike alcohol its pretty much unregulated (so far)  so there are no standardised strengths or measures or opening hours to guide the "newbies"  could be a lot of fun indeed.  Best stock up on chocolate too as there may soon be a national shortage

    • Haha 1
  4. 3 minutes ago, Crossy said:

    I think the switch is "bypass" or something similar so "off" is correct (bypass is off).


    Of course, everyone assumes that it means detection on/off in the absence of a label!






    Thanks for the  quick reply

  5. My consumer unit is fitted with a RCBO as shown in the attached photo, my question is regarding the small on /  off switch in the lower right hand corner, when I press the "test" button with the small switch set to "off" it appears to work normally I.E the breaker trips out  However when I press the "test" button with the small switch set to "on" nothing happens !   To me this implies that the small switch should be normally be set to the "off" position for the RCBO to work normally. To my simple way of thinking this appears strange,and the more I think about it the more worried I get,  can any of our sparkies shed any light on this ?  Thanks in advance


  6. 1 hour ago, Liverpool Lou said:

    No, it doesn't but why did you not mention that in your earlier moan?  That would have shown your post in a completely different light.  Does that seem unreasonable to you?

    "My earlier moan"?? I wasn't moaning, why would  I moan? I made a claim, and, contrary to my expectations, I got paid out, happy days. That was the fundamental message of my post.  I was just a little surprised at the lack of communication who wouldn't be ?  You obviously.  The only thing shown in a "completely different light" was your sad little provocative attempt at being a keyboard warrior. I noticed that you've tried it half a dozen times with other peoples posts on this particular thread.  The weather is a bit miserable today did you start drinking earlier than usual

    • Haha 1
  7. 45 minutes ago, internationalism said:

    any insurance, domestic or international, was paying for hospitalisation. There were some issues with free insurance from Emirates.

    As somebody mentioned below his axa for 9k policy did pay even for 7 nights hospitel some 17k. I am not sure about his statements, because quarantine was rather 10 days, much more expensive than 17k and not covered by any policy - looks like he was triple lucky.  

    My 10 days hospitalisation was covered by dhippaya for a medical bill some 50k (even my policy cover was for 100k). They didn't want to cover cost of room, food, cleaning for the remaining 92k - I just run out from hospital with no any consequences. My health insurance has 300k deductible, so no use. Still waiting for 200k lump sum from south east insurance.

    Yes, those cheap covid policies for 450-1100b were not enough for certificate of entry requirements. But they still were used to cover hospitalisation, as in my case.

    For CoE and later for Travel Pass was Tune insurance for 15k per year (but it allowed only 1x entry). For multi entry was a proper health insurance from around 25k per year covering over $100k - that was the best deal, included accident.

    For tourists there is travel insurance, around $50-100 per month, depending on age. From 15.2 there is a problem with hospitalisation, because the government changed rules, so no asymptomatic and hospitalisation only for 39.5C for over 24h or breathing rate over 25 per minute are required.

    The only scammers, who benefited from those rules, were private hospitals. Partially also AQ and sandbox hotels, which were offering only very strict policies, charging additional fees etc.

    The whole quarantine projects were superwised not by the ministry of health, internal or international affairs, but by (surprise) the ministry of defence. So it's this ministry which benefited from all abuse of rules. 

    Affair with the ministry of defence became apparent around 11.2020, when thai repatriate posted online appalling conditions from the Ambassado Hotel in Na Jomtien. It was the spokesman from that ministry which threaten this citizen with defamation



    just to put your mind at rest here is a copy of my quarantine bill


  8. 1 hour ago, Liverpool Lou said:

    Yes, you did, you saw their money in your account and your bank statement would have shown you the money that the insurer sent you!   What more did they need to do, you expected a running email commentary on the entire claim process?

    No I did not expect a "running commentary on the entire claim process"    but as their claim form clearly states   "  Once your claim is registered, You will be updated through sms or email."   I did expect some form of communication  does that appear to be unreasonable to you? 




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  9.           I bought insurance, as required for the Thailand pass, from AXA it was the cheapest I could find but I didn't really look very hard.  I was PCR tested at the test and go hotel and it showed positive. I was totally asymptomatic . I was subsequently transferred to a quarantine hotel for 7 nights the total cost was 17,000 baht. so not really the end of the world. 

              I had plenty of time to read through the small print and was pretty much convinced AXA was not going to pay anything. So with nothing to lose I completed the claim form and uploaded the required documents and e mailed in to AXA.

               Somewhere on the AXA website it said that e mailed claims would not be considered and that everything would need to be copied and sent by post to the Bangkok office, but to be honest I just couldn't be bothered , so I was further convinced that nothing was going to happen, and somewhat unsurprisingly, despite a follow-up email I received no correspondence whatsoever regarding my claim

             Fast forward a month and I was at the ATM withdrawing some cash and was somewhat surprised to notice that I had about 17,000 baht more in my account than there should have been !

             So it would appear that they did in fact pay I would add that the cost of the policy was just over 9000 baht so even somebody as cynical as me would have to admit that as far as I am concerned I certainly haven't been scammed as such. But I am still surprised that I heard nothing at all from AXA regarding my claim

  10. Oh dear sounds like one of the wokies getting themselves all offended over nothing again. That crazy old man should indeed be in some sort of psychiatric institution, and once incarcerated should be treated just like any other patient, does he deserve some sort of special "holy" status? I think not.

    I also find  it difficult to believe the gullibility of of the people who consumed the bodily fluids and any right minded person would consider it disgusting

    Could somebody please enlighten me why these comments were in anyway crass or offhand? on second thoughts, don't bother I'm not in the least bit interested

    • Like 2
  11. 14 minutes ago, Stubby said:

    Why do people take yabba if it makes them go crazy? I thought the whole idea of getting off one's face was that it made you feel fantastic. Or maybe it's the eventual craving for more that puts addicts over the edge? I've been in Thailand for many years, yet I'm still ignorant of this societal menace.

    not much different to alcohol in that respect,   many people enjoy the effects with no problems , whereas others..............

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