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Bday Prang

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Posts posted by Bday Prang

  1. 6 minutes ago, Robert Paulson said:

    I suppose you should embrace the slow drivers then as well. They are part of Thailand too. But I guess that part was just too inconvenient for you? Haha. Maybe as the other guy said,it’s you that needs to “go home”.


    i wasn’t referring to Thailand anyway. A certain sect of drivers that compulsively NEEDS to be driving faster than any other car on the road, no matter how ridiculous the speed, are a danger to everyone and have serious mental issues imo

    Well, to be honest, slow drivers in the wrong lane is not unique to Thailand. I am just as likely to encounter that back in the UK. so wishing that people  driving  at a snail's place would at least keep out of the righthand lane ,is nothing to to with  wanting Thailand to become more like the UK (God Forbid)   But those people are a real nuisance, but  little attention is given to their contribution to accidents, not least by the frustration they cause in others. (rightly or wrongly) 


    1 hour ago, Robert Paulson said:

    People dont understand  driving in the slightest. Sure there may be someone who is in the wrong lane from time to time, but from what I gather usually “slow drivers” using the “wrong lane” are simply passing… yet they are not passing quickly enough for what I’ll refer to as the accident causers. 

    They are not "simply passing" anything they obstructing everybody else and cause plenty of accidents themselves,  When all other vehicles are moving  in one direction at a similar speed,  any other vehicle operating  out of sync  Whether faster or slower is potentially more likely to cause  an accident 

    Undoubtedly there would be less fatalities if we all drove at a snails pace, but that's not how things work in the real world

  2. 9 minutes ago, SmartyMarty said:

    Sorry Paul. Bad joke on my part. I realize the driving here isn’t what most foreigners are used to, but I am ok with it. When I made my move here I embraced everything about Thai culture and habits. I know that the more we want changes to reflect 1st world, the less enchanting life will be here. If my time is up due to some careless speeding drunk, that’s life. I love the chaos, the risks, the unknown. It’s what makes life interesting for me. 

    Well said mate, too many here want to change this place into a clone of the miserable place they left. Why don't they just return from whence they came ? and leave the rest of us to take our chances in peace. 

    • Thumbs Up 1
  3. 9 minutes ago, bob smith said:

    I've seen the video multiple times and I have yet to see anything that even remotely resembles a kick.


    Granted I am not a forensic examiner so I cant say with any great certainty one way or the other.



    I'm with you on that. I have also watched that video dozens of times, slow motion, freeze frame   , and zoomed in. There is no way that it proves he had any Physical contact with her, at all.    Neither a full blown swinging kick, which from a guy his size would have launched her, Or even a more restrained kick which would  have resulted in some unnatural jerky movements from her on impact and as she struggled to stand up. It doesn't even show him gently touching / nudging  her with his foot , which if there was any contact is probably what happened, she certainly didn't struggle with her composure as she stood  up, neither was she clutching herself in agony

             We all know touching or even pointing at things with our feet is a rather sensitive issue here so its no surprise that its resulted in such controversy and as a consequence has invariably been subject of some exaggeration

             Personally I find it very strange that so many on here are basing there accusations on that video, one or two even describing it as a serious violent assault its almost like some sort form of  mass hypnosis has occurred 

             I wouldn't dream of suggesting that the UK justice system is any better or worse than other countries but if that was all the evidence the police had of an alleged assault, its unlikely he would even be charged, and even if he was, it would never get to court, the crown prosecution service would never approve it for trial, simply due to lack of evidence 

             How ever in the face of such prolific  media coverage and the ensuing public outcry , its quite possible that he might end up in court on a much lesser charge of insulting behaviour or such like   But assault ?  No way

    • Thanks 2
  4. 15 hours ago, fredwiggy said:

    My statement there is no way everything came to be without a creator makes sense.

    So ok , lets say I'll give you the benefit of the doubt,  and i accept your argument that there is or  was a  creator.    Where does your fairy tale concept oh "heaven and hell" come from ?  

  5. 2 hours ago, thesetat said:

    Seems you are making any excuse to get free handouts.. Perhaps standing on a street corner would get you what you need. My op said nothing about who to make bribes to. 

    So what did you mean by "local payoffs" ?    I don't need free hand outs, but as you seem to  be determined to  throw your money away what does it matter to you who you give it to,  Ironic that you mention standing on street corners,  that is exactly where you are heading, if you are lucky

    • Haha 1
  6. How much does she charge for the junk?  Im guessing Its basically worthless, so in percentage terms she's probably doing as  well if not better tha the real gold shops, and no need to pay a copper to sleep all day in the shop. No need to even bother locking it up  at night would anybody really steal fake gold?  

      Turnover in the millions apparently , wonder if her  prices for this stuff varie in line with the price of the real stuff?  

  7. On 4/10/2024 at 2:41 PM, AustinRacing said:

    Yeah. Before anything find out whether you’re allowed to own such a business. If yes, you’ll need to deal with the work permit if you wish to be engaged in running it. Lastly there are quite a few water related family places in pattaya. Starting a business that may be in conflict with another business with ties to local authorities (bribes) would not receive a warm welcome. Not an issue if you like dramas. 

    I don't think there are any restrictions on what business you can set up, there certainly isn't an outright ban on foreigners owning any tourism related businesses , 

  8. 7 minutes ago, fredwiggy said:

    Not a fanatic like Jehovah's Witnesses.

    Well show me a jehovas witness that thinks he is a fanatic. They are no different to you

  9. 3 minutes ago, fredwiggy said:

    There is even a video about a Myanmar monk who was dead for a few days and came back, saying he went to hell and saw Buddha there., among other  Buddhists. You can google it.

    Dead for a few days and came back to life? Really ??  Don't believe all you see on youtube and tiktok. But  You should try using google too, check out the origin of the saying "saved by the bell"  and while you are at it you could check out the loch ness monster and bigfoot for good measure

  10. 8 minutes ago, fredwiggy said:

    Like I said, better to keep your opinions to yourself so they don't hurt anyone.

    Where as you consider it perfectly acceptable to inflict  your opinions on everybody. Your job  as you chose to describe it , your divine right perhaps?

  11. 12 minutes ago, fredwiggy said:

    Warped is a parent that doesn't teach their children positive things. Teaching them about God isn't hurting them in any way and gives them hope. What would happen if there turned out to be no God? Did they waste their time being good people? Where is any loss ? Of fun? Living a positive, helpful, loving life and having God in it doesn't subtract anything. I'm not afraid of God, as I know I, and everyone else, will meet him someday. Hopefully I'll be prepared.


    I don't condemn anyone. Not my job. Only my job to spread the word. It's up to others what they want to do with that information. I live near Cambodia also. My belief is more valid because I believe in God, and with that I believe there's a forever in heaven. If you don't believe in God, how is there a heaven? Who created heaven if not God. They believe in an afterlife, enlightenment. What is that if it doesn't have a heaven? And where I live there are Christians, bot foreigners and some Thais. My ex's sister is a Christian. And what would you be curing me of? A faith in God? What's the cure? Believing that we all came to be from nothing? From a big bang that created all of life, all the species, all the planets and that life just happens to have all it needs on earth?I think I'll stick with what makes more sense.

    Your Job?  what are you a Jehovah's Witness ?      Ok then tell us about heaven, how does it compare to muslim heaven?  Are there 72 virgins or what?

    I'll tell you what I think its like after you die, and that is  exactly the same as it was before you were born,   Prove me wrong and I'll convert here and now.  Don't worry I won't be holding my breath

  12. 2 minutes ago, fredwiggy said:

    Christianity looks at women as equals. Believers see all of creation as miracles, and it's strange to me, and millions of others, that some think all of creation just happened by chance, which is impossible. That's our proof, and it's all we need to believe there's a creator. Like I said, it's best to keep your beliefs to yourself, as trying to turn people away from God is usually fruitless, and a complete waste of your time anyway. Why bother?

    I would not waste my time trying to change your beliefs.  But i feel entitled to explain why the rest of us may not agree. It does not mean we are "sinners"  "living in a moral vacuum"  or even "yobbos" as  the OP described us.  Our views and opinions are just as relevant as yours if not more so.

      Your proof is fundamentally flawed however, as not understanding or knowing the answer to certain questions and the inability to explain things, is not evidence of the existence of "god" it is only evidence of ignorance or a lack of knowledge. 

        As an example   I don't understand Quantum physics , fluid mechanics, or calculus, it is because I am ignorant of such matters simple as that. It in no way proves anything  else  and to use that ignorance as the basis for a religion would be ridiculous, would it not? 

  13. 5 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

    Anyone that believes in invisible friends is mentally ill. End of!

      As usual you are pretty much  spot on There is absolutely no other explanation

    • Thanks 1
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