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Bday Prang

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Posts posted by Bday Prang

  1. 1 hour ago, NanLaew said:


    Not even then, because it happened in Soi Buakhao, among the bald, tattooed mongers, well beyond their use-by date, that infest that ghetto.

    in the interests of "diversity" should that not be the "bald and tattooed mongering community"  I mean It resembles a bona fide  community  a bit more accurately than a few sexual deviants who are scattered around at random

  2. 56 minutes ago, Andre0720 said:

    Yes the culture.....

    A culture where kids are forced to show respect to elders, rather than simply showed how to be friendly.

    A culture where people teach their children that adults are more worthy than them, you have to 'wai' to adults.


    Seems to me that when these kids grow up, they want to show that now, they are 'grown-ups', but ill equipped to do so based on their upbringing.

    And they do not want to fail in showing that they are now strong. Even if it takes 5 of them to show their newly-acquired manhood...

    There is something real nasty that has been embedded in the mind of these people....


    Not seen in my culture. Anyone has another cause to effect reasoning for this behavior that we see here....

    I see nothing wrong with brats being taught to respect their elders, The protocols regarding the "wai" are a little too complicated for  most foreigners to fully understand.  None of that is relevant to this story

     Perhaps if Thailand had a more established football league young males might find a more appropriate medium in which to vent their natural aggressions just like in the "civilised" countries in western europe

    • Haha 1
  3. 12 minutes ago, Yagoda said:

    We call them chick with a dikk

    I refuse to indulge them anymore, In the interests of accuracy Its a bloke with a dick, dressed in a frock, masquerading as a woman. Its also a particularly nasty and dangerous, violent version of the above from whom the rest of society needs protecting. Throwing a glass bottle into a bar  is the issue here not the chosen pronouns of the perpetrator who was a man in a frock.

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  4. 5 minutes ago, Goat said:

    You Brits are a sensitive lot.

    You seem surprised and get all worked up if some people are not fond of you.


    There is no laws in Thailand that state you have to like English people. I even know Scottish and Irish, who are a lot closer to your home that are not particularily fond of you blokes.


    Harden up.


    listen to the words of that song, does it remind you of anybody,  It should

    • Haha 1
  5. 5 hours ago, Goat said:

    I think you are confused what is and is not a quality tourist.

           Maybe I am confused,  and indeed there is no official description as to what constitutes a "quality" tourists, Its is by nature a very subjective term and   the  type of  people who use such a ridiculous term are generally referring to those they consider to be of a similar ilk to themselves.

          So try as I might, I am finding it very difficult to believe that anybody would consider a person who seems to spend every waking hour on this website, trying to stir up racial hatred amongst like minded morons to be considered a  "quality" tourist.    


    • Like 2
  6. 15 hours ago, Bobthegimp said:


    You're correct, and illustrated my point very well. 


    My former employment brought me into contact with all kinds of people. Drug addicts were the least human, by far, always scheming, lying and trying to manipulate people into giving them money for drugs.  That, and looking for things to steal. 


    Gamblers aren't much better. An establishment in Jomtien had a trusted long term employee steal 200k baht not too long ago. Rumour has it that gambling debts were the root of the theft. 

    Gamblers are the worst, other addictions are to a degree self limiting, there is only so much alcohol or meth one can consume on a daily basis, There is no limit to what a gambler can lose in a day.   Day after day  A house or a car can be gone in seconds, even just at the card table in the village

    • Agree 2
  7. 23 hours ago, BuddyPish said:

    Yes but there are pretty valid reasons for farangs featuring more prominently in the Thai media. 
    So many behave like absolute scum.
    Beating up women, sexually assaulting their pupils, dealing drugs, assaulting policemen and even sexually assaulting a HORSE . . . . .  

    All common occurrences generally perpetrated by the indigenous population,  so why not?  when in Rome and all that  

    • Haha 1
  8. 2 hours ago, zakalwe said:

    On a side note, a woman once told me at Eden Club that the majority of British visitors enjoy being buggered. Make of that what you will

    I find it a bit strange that anybody would waste time discussing at length the alleged sexual preferences  of a particular nationality in such circumstances,  maybe you are one of those creepy punters who "just wants to talk and cuddle"?      Anyway  Isn't that what the "B" stands for in LGBT etc etc  did you not know  people involved in such sexual practices are "protected" these days, criticism of which merely exposes you as a homophobic bigot.   There is no place for your sort here

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