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Bday Prang

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Posts posted by Bday Prang

  1. 10 hours ago, Lucky Bones said:

    Brits behaving badly again eh?🙃🙃

                I have no real issues regarding "racism" there are plenty of people I have negative views about based on their race,   I  would not be able to elaborate further, or go into specific detail on here without my post being deleted, but suffice to say I am comfortable with my views, and feel pretty much nothing when the racism word is hurled at me by the woke brigade.

                Do you have similar racist views to me?  If you do that's fine and you can disregard this post, but if like many on here you claim to feel that racism is  inexcusable, unacceptable , and pretty much  totally abhorrent ,  then your post is irrefutable evidence that you are nothing more than a hypocrite


  2. 10 hours ago, Neeranam said:

    Don't most countries do the same when foreigners or immigrants are involved?

                I think you are probably right, but here 5 or more onto one is  hardly reserved just for foreigners is it . Without wishing to "Thai bash" anybody watching the Ihai news on TV could genuinely be forgiven for thinking that Thai guys save the one on one concept of fighting  for the times when they attack elderly members of their own families.  Maybe out of a sense of respect, or more likely, because more often than not, their friends are not present during the majority of domestic altercations so they have no real choice in the matter.

               However, when fighting amongst themselves and their peers,its clear that  the 5 onto 1 scenario is very very common, almost to the point that it is the norm

                Where I come from, Liverpool Uk . attacks on elderly relatives are very rare,   like any other city, there is  no shortage of scuffles between  youths, but 5 onto one really is frowned upon, by those involved and by society in general,  it is considered a sign of cowardice , and is even  liable to result in repercussions from one's peers, the same can be said for attacking from behind, or kicking a man when he's down.  There is in effect an unwritten code of behaviour for situations involving violence, but  I can see no evidence of such here in Thailand

                I am not arguing the rights and wrongs of this,   as they say "it is what it is" and anybody considering "having a go" at a Thai needs to bear this in mind. Whether they are a foreigner or a Thai themselves


  3. 5 hours ago, kwilco said:

    You really aren’t up to speed on this are you?. You have resorted to rather lame logical fallacies that give this away… - I'm replying to this quote regardless of who said it...


    Reductio ad absurdum

    “The secret to avoid road accidents in Thailand.
    Would you please share your knowledge with us and reduce the road accidents to "0"”


    You are characterizing an opposing argument in such a way that it seems to be ridiculous, or the consequences of the position seem ridiculous, but as it is fallacious the opposite is true.


    Expert - a reverse fallacious appeal to authority, often used by people to attack the messenger rather than the message. People without any argument seem to believe that they can discredit anyone who says something they don’t agree with or didn’t know, by suggesting they are an “expert” or asking them why they think they are an “expert”. As if any opinion other than an “experts” must automatically be invalid


     you could have  just admitted  that you misquoted me  and apologised like any normal person.  Instead of making your self look ridiculous by writing such barely coherent twaddle. 

    • Haha 1
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  4. 1 hour ago, kwilco said:

    If it's secret, you shouldn't be driving.

    Well if you are intending to quote me at least have the intelligence to choose some words that I actually wrote and it would also help if you posted what was written in its entirety, albeit by somebody else in this case,  It might help the rest of us figure out what on earth you are trying to say?

    "If it's is a secret?       if what is a secret?             " You shouldn't be driving"   Why should the secrecy of whatever you are talking about have any bearing on whether I should be driving or not?  

      I really expected better from our self appointed road safety expert and statistical analysis guru, whatever did they teach you on the one day , entry level ,basic road safety course you bought online from the "Pirate Bay" ? 

    I never even mentioned the word "secret"      As you appear "confused" shall we say,  here is what i posted, in reply to somebody else, 


    What would be the point other than morbid curiosity?   It might sound heartless but I really could not care less, I have survived  decades of the Songkran madness, and  completely unscathed, it's not that difficult for those with a bit of common sense.  There are more than likely some who are regularly involved in Songkran incidents maybe even every year, we can draw our own conclusions why that might be 


    The fact that the person i was replying to,  ( the one you quoted) seems to think  i am privilege to  some sort of secret, which enables me to survive on Thai roads, suggests to me that he should not be driving,      and you should not be posting this late as its obviously past your bed time

  5. On 4/16/2024 at 1:42 PM, superal said:

    It always seems to rain nearby but seldom in Prasat Surin . Another TMD forecast shows that May 6th the temperature falls to 34-36c so another 2 or 3 weeks to endure . I am going to have a heavy electric bill this month with having the aircon on most of the day and night . 

    it rains more in Prasat than Kap Choeng I can assure you

  6. On 4/16/2024 at 11:13 AM, Muhendis said:

    What I would do would be to screw some thin plywood or cement board to the underside of those, what look like, 30mm x 30mm steel roof panel supports.

    This would create an air gap which would reduce heat significantly. If you could also fill that air gap with fibreglass insulation, that would be even better.


    I would avoid using wood, it's too tempting for termites and other such pests

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  7. 17 minutes ago, Confuscious said:


    What I would like to see is a stat about the REAL number of people that becomes disabled for life and become a real burden to the Thai society because of this.

    "Every year, about 1 million people become disabled and become a burden to the Thai society" (500 million baht according to this report).
    Assuming that this number remains unchanged over the years, in 30 years time half of the Thai population would be disabled.

    This assumption doesn't take into account the number of people which get disabled by other causes (Loss of limbs because of Diabetes and other diseases; Loss of limbs because of industrial accidents; People born disabled; etc.)

    I can not believe that the Thai authorities haven't calculated this evolution.

    I cant believe the ways some  people waste their time 

  8. 7 hours ago, Confuscious said:


    Research and Statistical interests.

    I don't give a flying f//k about your "achievements" at Songkran.

    I'm glad to hear it , but like most women you seem to have changed your mind, as  a couple of hours later  you felt the need to ask for my assistance when you wrote...

                                      Seems like you have the secret to the Holy Grail.
    The secret to avoid road accidents in Thailand.
    Would you please share your knowledge with us and reduce the road accidents to "0"



  9. 9 minutes ago, digger70 said:

    Must be working .normal death rate from accidents is 62 per day so 206 deaths in 5 days is  pretty good compared to the normal death rate  this is about 1/3 less than the normal deaths from crashes per day.  


    On average, 62 people are killed in crashes every day in Thailand, 

    It is what it is, every year,   little point in dwelling on it,

    • Agree 1
  10. 12 minutes ago, Confuscious said:


    I would like to see a breakdown into GRAVE INJURIES (loss of limbs, brain damage, etc.) and minor injuries (non-lethal injuries).
    How many of these 1,593 injuries will be disabled for life and become a burden to the society?
    Accumulating every year on.

    What would be the point other than morbid curiosity?   It might sound heartless but I really could not care less, I have survived  decades of the Songkran madness, and  completely unscathed, it's not that difficult for those with a bit of common sense.  There are more than likely some who are regularly involved in Songkran incidents maybe even every year, we can draw our own conclusions why that might be  

  11. 1 hour ago, dinsdale said:

    The so called 7 deadly days are usually less deadly than every other day of the year so your comment is way off the mark.

    indeed, the Thai authorities response , if questioned about this, would be something along the lines of     " just think how much worse it would have been if it wasn't for the  annual safety campaign"   personally I doubt it makes any difference.  On the two days when everybody is travelling to or from Bangkok the slow average speed reduces the number of accidents, on the days of the celebration less people are driving around which also reduces the number of accidents. I doubt the number of those driving whilst drunk changes that much.  Either way, twice every year, the daily death toll reduces by around 30%  for whatever reasons.  So the concept of "the  7 deadly days" is in reality a pure fallacy.  

    • Agree 2
  12. 13 minutes ago, KhunLA said:

    As a tourist transportation vessel, and a business, I would hope insurance is required to operate.

    I half owned and operated a tour boat that was certified for 50 people started in 2004 and I sold out after 10years. Compulsory Insurance was available for around 1500 baht I have no idea what it covered or how much it would pay out and fortunately never had to find out.  Knowing what I know through my experience of that business I would never set foot on any tourboat in Thailand again ever and that would be my advice to anybody considering doing so  Every one of those ill maintained boats is a tragedy waiting to happen as we have seen time and time again

    • Thumbs Up 1
  13. 9 hours ago, BigStar said:

    Right, your claim to forum cred will have to be based merely on the usual cynicism.

    I don't deny being a cynic, but I seek no credibility on here,  You on the other hand don't need to seek credibility as  you think you  already know more than everybody else. So you have assumed and confirmed your credibility, all on your very own. Well done

    • Haha 1
  14. 5 hours ago, BigStar said:


    The key word you missed was contribute. It doesn't say that's how much they spend. And so the total spending (total) isn't ONLY what they spend. The total comprises all that generated through direct, indirect, and induced revenue.


    presumably it also takes into account how much they get scammed , overcharged, or extorted . or are the rest of the" contributions" received as charitable donations

    • Sad 1
  15. 5 hours ago, BigStar said:


    But our Economists judge reliability according to how negative the stats are, 'cause we like negativity. If numbers and revenue have declined, our Economists wholeheartedly agree. That's cause we've been mistreated so badly by the Thai authorities, and Thailand has so many repulsive characteristics, how can can tourism and the economy be growing? It's impossible. And we want justice.


    If they're quite good, as with the 40 million in 2019, then we sneer and proclaim how wrong they are, but without ever providing any figures of our own.


    On the other hand, in 2020 when COVID decimated the tourist numbers, our Economists suddenly reversed themselves to accept the 40 million in 2019 as now accurate after all. That was to increase the dramatic horror of the new low numbers and enjoy exaggerating their significance by contrast as much as possible. 


    It basically depends on what our Economists will think most enhances their forum cred as wise, shrewd and cynical.


    very few on here are wise or shrewd, myself included.  

  16. 2 hours ago, sambum said:

    "Boontob pointed out the lack of awareness among Thais about alcohol’s effects, particularly impaired decision-making while driving."


    The way some of them drive it would appear to be irrelevant if they've been drinking or not!

    correct, could not have put it better myself, alcohol is just a convenient scapegoat used to avoid losing face

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  17. 43 minutes ago, zhounan said:


    If tourists have gone from being white to yellow and brown ass this does not mean that tourism is declining, but that we are becoming impoverished and our civilization is declining.


    The sooner we accept this truth, the sooner we will get rid of a burden.

    What on earth are you wittering on about   have you been drinking again?

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