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Everything posted by mikebike

  1. You DO understand that it is Congress which directs legislation, not the prez, right?
  2. Tough to be productive when u r chasing X likes. 😓
  3. Hmmm... Policy. How effective has the current, GOP, Congress been? https://www.npr.org/2023/12/21/1221040449/118th-congress-to-be-the-most-unproductive-in-decades#:~:text=118th Congress to be the most unproductive in decades %3A NPR&text=118th Congress to be the most unproductive in decades The,the least productive in decades.
  4. That's kinda the GOPs thang, isn't it?
  5. No worries. Understood.
  6. You have obviously never read my posts and are generalizing based on your feelings. How freaking appropriate 🤣
  7. Do I have to repeat that comparing wartime leaders to 45 is patently ridiculous?
  8. Exactly!! Firmly backed up by project 2025. That document puts an end to ANY dictatorial ambitions. 😉
  9. It has been "told as it is" for 30+ years 😵‍💫 Younger folks are far more aware and motivated than old folks on this issue. What r u on about?
  10. Neither candidate is fit for the office. Unfortunate consequence of a 2 party system.
  11. Research "Trump drone deaths". All presidents kill.
  12. Are you familiar with the phrase, Cognitive dissonance
  13. Love it! Can you possibly generalized about 9 million incredibly diverse people even more?
  14. What kind of stupid is this? Please tell me how many H & M "killed" BEFORE they became "dictators". Ya know, apples to apples... Many would assign a certain number of dead to Biden based on his time in the Senate, as VP, and in Gaza ...
  15. You really think so? Were ya watching debates in the 60s-70s? Not like today in the least.
  16. Yes, THIS! No better way to express confidence than manipulatively setting the bar low 🤪😅
  17. No. Manufactured from scratch.
  18. Did our 90 day online on June 10. Due date June 17. Already accepted and in my PP.
  19. Maybe for you 😅 18 years here and 6 houses. I know what I'm getting 😉😎
  20. https://finishboxex.com/ is the manufacturer we are using. Great people and professional attitude.
  21. Hmmm, 13 states recognise common-law marriage in the USA. I guess hypothetical girl does not live in one of them 😉
  22. I'll rephrase my answer. Standard 3 module house starts at 750,000 baht.
  23. Absolutely! We can PM. Sent u a msg.
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