Neither is Rasmussen. Not because the "left" thinks so. Because other pollsters think so.
"Rasmussen has been questioned for its methodology and for an apparent bias toward the Republican Party. In 2024, FiveThirtyEight dropped Rasmussen from its polling averages and analysis, saying Rasmussen failed to meet FiveThirtyEight's standards for pollsters."
Well, if we are going into unnecessary personal attacks...
You are one of the most perposefully stupid people to exist on the planet. If you even are human.
Insert the word "western" before logical thinking... Ya gotta get that outta your head. Asian logic does not always reach the same conclusions. You are pre-programmed to only accept one way of thinking.
Yes. I really think he is too fracking stupid to do otherwise. Dude is a roiling stream of consciousness of what's rattling around in his narcissistic excuse for a brain.
Yes. I own a NETA V in the rural south and love it. It does everything I need a car to do.
Doubt it is for everyone, but, as they say, different strokes....
Resale is not an issue because I intend to use it until it's dead.