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Posts posted by mikebike

  1. I heard that the dealer for Thailand kept those high prices because he wanted Triumph bikes to be a luxery item for the selected few.

    Perhaps Triumph UK have pulled the plug on this guy as Ducati did, and just see how well Ducati Thailand are doing now.

    This has nothing to do with artificially inflated prices and everything to do with taxation.

  2. Did anyone watch the clip that Davis posted ?

    The girl is the winner of a fashion modelling contest.

    Maybe she wants to be a model ?

    Strange how that escapes some posters. As the father of two, now adult, daughters I really do not see the issue here. My daughter's had friends that were into the modelling/acting thing back home and this is just a normal part of that milieu... Says more about these posters fears and hang-ups than society's at large.

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  3. There are a couple of loud peeps disagreeing with thailiketoo... most rational probably do not feel the need to comment. Thailiketoo is pretty spot-on. There is plenty of real abuse of young girls and boys which is worthy of your wrath. A modelling contest is not one of these abuses. Even allowing for questionable motivation of parents this is just such a non-issue compared to real abuse. I hope the young lady enjoys her win.

    Also curious if any of the posters commenting on the model's appearance have actually seen what "super-models" look like without hours of hair, face and full-body make-up prep? It is a body type and bone structure that counts, actual "beauty" is not required as pro hair and make-up can make virtually anyone look stunning.

  4. 1. If pointing out your answer wouldn't solve the Op's issue is a nit-pick so be it...

    2. Because a step by step answer would help the OP - they are obviously an end user and not a power user used to tinkering... there really is no need to quote all the linked pics to comment on the first sentence.

  5. Nobody mentioned anything about default browser, i was giving instructions on how to change the default search engine!!!

    Sorry, search engine... which was still not his issue. Did you have to quote my entire, high bandwidth, post for that nit-pick?

  6. The OP's problem is not with which browser is default his problem is with homepage and cache. OP the following steps "should" fix either Chrome or Safari or both.

    1. Open Chrome.

    2. Click on "Chrome" in the Menu Bar and choose "Preferences"


    3. When the Preferences page opens, click on "History".


    4. Click on "Clear Browsing Data".


    5. Clear EVERYTHING from "The Beginning of Time" as in the following and click on "Clear Browsing Data" in the bottom right corner. When it has finished you will be returned to the "Settings" page.


    6. Set your start-up and new pages to open Google.com (USA). In "Settings" under the "On Startup" section click on "Open a specific page or set of pages" then click on "Set Pages".


    7. On the "Startup Pages" screen enter: http://www.google.com/ncr and click OK. You will be returned to the "Settings" page.


    8. In the section below "On Startup", "Appearance" check the "Show Home Button" box and the click on "Change".


    9. In the "Home Page" box lick on "Open the page" enter http://www.google.com/ncr in the dialogue box and click OK. You will be returned to the "Settings" page.


    This SHOULD correct all your issues. The procedure is similar for Safari. If you would like to return to using Safari PM me and we can go through those steps.

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  7. I am amazed that so many have answered the OP's original hypothesis without questioning WHY Thailand was dragged into a war with a neighbour. For me the WHY is the most important question. There are few valid reasons to wage war. There are an almost infinite number of horribly invalid reasons. Unless I felt a strong moral obligation the answer would be NO no matter what was on offer as incentive.

    Why do you assume war would be with another country?

    I would think civil war would be most likely,

    So you could fight for the Junta, or fight for democracy, or maybe fight for the Shins, or fight for a new country Lanna Republic?.

    What you gonna choose?

    I am not "assuming" anything. I am referring to the topic and the original poster's hypothesis... that is what the discussion is about. Please keep up rather than jumping in halfway.
  8. I am amazed that so many have answered the OP's original hypothesis without questioning WHY Thailand was dragged into a war with a neighbour. For me the WHY is the most important question. There are few valid reasons to wage war. There are an almost infinite number of horribly invalid reasons. Unless I felt a strong moral obligation the answer would be NO no matter what was on offer as incentive.

  9. I can't think of any countries who under severe threat did not have conscription. I believe all the major powers in WWII did. Perhaps you can enlighten me as to a country threatened with annihilation did not employ conscription.

    The original hypothesis was Thailand being dragged into war and would you fight.... no idea where u have come up with severe threat or bleedin' annihilation. And absolutely no way expats are being conscripted... My needing to know the reason for the 'war' is basic and rational. Since I would never volunteer for the armed forces of my own country without just cause I would apply the same reasoning here.
  10. Let's say that Thailand was dragged into war with a neighboring country...

    To truly answer the hypothesis I would have to know WHY. Is it an ideological war? Political? A war to support corporate access? Very few 'wars' improve the lot of the common citizen and I would definitely not fight a war of ideology, nor a war for politicians or corporations...

    In what country do they ask soldiers if they agree with the war?
    Uhm, any country without conscription...
  11. Let's say that Thailand was dragged into war with a neighboring country...

    To truly answer the hypothesis I would have to know WHY. Is it an ideological war? Political? A war to support corporate access? Very few 'wars' improve the lot of the common citizen and I would definitely not fight a war of ideology, nor a war for politicians or corporations...
  12. Well another visa extension done on the 29th of Oct. I had to do a 90 check-in on the 22nd so reviewed what was needed for the extension with the nice helpful immigration officer. This year I had to include the tambian ban for my rental house AND the owner's house (not sure why, but it was easy enough to ask her for it) and a copy of my Thai bank book (first page and most current page) and copy of the front of my Thai and Canadian bank cards. Aside from the extra items everything was smooth and pleasant!

  13. ...do you want to call America to solve the world's problems once again paid for by American taxpayers once again?

    I am struggling to come up with even one "of the world's problems" that has been solved by US intervention....

    I am struggling to come up with one little tiny thing that connects your post with the topic? What Am I missing?

    I believe what you are missing is the fact that YOU brought the point to the thread (sans the delineation of "contributions". CYA much?rolleyes.gif )... therefore it is fair game for rebuttal.

  14. Yeah, because it's always worked out so well in the past.

    Tell us again how you ridded south east asia from the evil threat of communism?

    You too? Lost in the past? Try the news today. Do you want to die of Ebola or have your throat slit by ISIS?

    Do you want America, the worlds policeman, to sit by like Switzerland stay neutral and do nothing?

    If you want to discuss the past I can take any country to task for wrongs. I'm challenging you to talk about today. Do you have another answer? Or do you want to call America to solve the world's problems once again paid for by American taxpayers once again?

    I am struggling to come up with even one "of the world's problems" that has been solved by US intervention....

  15. I am so sorry...

    I forgot that Thais are the most logical, practical, non superstitious, courteous and well educated people on the face of the earth.

    I was assuming they were as primitive as the people from my country who value freedom of speech, are thick skinned about humors criticism and know how to laugh at themselves.

    It took me years of living with Thai people in Thailand to fully appreciate that they are truly the the best in every respect.

    No one can ever be as good as a Thai.


    My sincere apologies!

    Yeah, the holier-than-thou sarcastic apology really helps...

  16. Makes me wonder how I have managed to survive 50+ years in urban and rural settings around the world without ever having to arm myself... Oh yeah, it's the team of highly trained, armed bodyguards I travel with and the army of intelligence specialists I retain to background check every individual I encounter.

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