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Posts posted by mikebike

  1. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    i agree with you totally there are extremely technically advanced people in the US There are also millions who commit the worst crimes on the planet in gang and drug wars, drive by shootings highest murder rates per second in the world- just a shame that their intellect is not matched by their common sense and feeling for their fellow human beings. If it was they may not blindly stick to outdated ideals and furthering their own ends above all!!

    You apparently do not know what you are talking about, the murder rate per 100,000 in USA is 4.8 and does not even make it into the top 100 worldwide, Thailand has a higher murder rate at 5.0. Then you have countries like Venezuela 53.7, Columbia 30.8, South Africa 31, Brazil where the world cup is being played 25.2 etc. etc., USA does not even come close and most all these countries with higher murder rates have gun laws that prohibit ownership.

    Now convert that into sheer numbers based on population size and you will see that i certainly DO know what i am talking about!! Just the number of drive by shootings in the US says everything about the country±!

    Once again that's flawed logic, USA is the third most populated country in the world but for total number of murders it does not rank in the top 10. Your odds of being murdered in Thailand are greater than in the USA. I think you have been listening to much rap music and watching way to many gang banger videos/shows!

    bkkfaranguy... try your analysis leaving out developing nations and do it with only developed nations... hmmm USA does not look so rosy when you compare apples to apples.

    • Like 1
  2. Omit all the aid, assistance and loans from the picture though, right? ........If what country pulled out all business and investments, manufacturing from Thailand, the place would be...what??

    Pretty freaking well off I'd suspect. You do realise that ALL of the USA's supposed 'largess' is linked directly to corporate opportunity, resource raping, and debt control leading to external political influence. The parachutic mobility of USA-style corporate capitalism is driven by bullshizzle aid, assistance and loans which rarely aid anyone but local collusionists.

    • Like 1
  3. Thailand is the fortunate beneficiary in that the US made a grave error in 1954 by "interfering" in the French defeat in Vietnam. Had it not been for the US' over reaction to the harm of communism, Thailand most certainly would now be communist or fascist at the least.

    the United States should take this writer's advice and back off, get its own garden in order and leave Thais to fend for themselves. The US should mind its own business.

    Your whole post is totally myopic but I'llk comment on two points.

    1. Whether or not USA had become the World Police against communism post WWll the communist experiment as defined by Soviet Russia was doomed to failure outside a small group of EXTREME totalitarian states. US's optics as the 'defenders of democracy' were as much of a military-inustrial farce then as the 'war on terrorism' is now. Fantasy threats used to manipulate the sheeple. Humankind's natural greed is the only inoculation necessary to defeat soviet-style communism. Thailand would have been just fine without USA's &lt;deleted&gt;-ups in SEA.

    2. I assume the last bit is meant as sarcasm, but it is really the only sense you have made!

  4. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    The writer had a chance to make a point here. unfortunately the article is a smattering of negativity from Google searches with no coherent connection.

    Yes Thailand you have made a mess of your politics, just admit it and try to fix it. Deflection to America will not make any difference.

    Just because America has it's own problems doesn't mean they and the rest of the world can't see yours.

    But, IMHO, it DOES mean the USA defaults on their right to criticize others problems... It is like being kids told how to behave by Frank Gallagher (Shameless US).

  5. Condolences and my support to the Mounties and affected family members. I am sure it will turn out to be a mental health and substance abuse problem. Automatic weapons are difficult to get in Canada, although our neighbors like to have them available.

    What the bleep ??? How did your " neighbor" get drawn into what is clearly a Canadian

    problem ? If you think grabbing a gun and shooting people is only an American problem,

    you must not read the news...

    It could be because gun-related homicides in Canada are at about the rate of 0.5/100,000 population, while to the south the rate is about 3.6/100,000...

  6. I would do it, Karma will pay you back big time.

    There is too much selfishness in this world as it is, I think we all in Thailand own something back as what a great place to live and enjoy and we are getting it for 20% the cost of our own country.

    Wow, what a dumb post. Sorry. Karma? Is that like the the story of the guy in the sky who watches over all of us?

    We foreigners owe Thailand exactly FA. We pay to play. Matters not what our currencies buy us here. We don't owe the Thais anything because their country is relatively uncompetitive and poor. Where do you get these strange notions?

    Unlike Canada which is uncompetitive, relatively rich and now a yankee teat-sucker....

    • Like 1
  7. i bet all you "holier than thou posters, who go spouting off, you are all ,rich farangs,dont live in a tin shed with no electric or water, haven't got a clue what it is like to wonder where the next baht is going to come from to put food in the kids mouth, so get off you high horses, i have actually got an insite into this,

    In other words, it's OK to turn to crime if you're poor.

    What total rubbish.

    It may not be philosophically right, but it is a viable option.

  8. I personaly wish they would get all these vendors of the sidewalks and put them in a market somewhere off the main street.

    Would be nice to walk a few blocks without all these people and their customers blocking the sidewalk, of course there is the dodging motorcycles on the sidewalk.

    Next is all the beggars, I mean three or four to every block is a bit much.

    Enough, I feel better !! Jerry

    If this is what you desire there is a utopia not so far way... Its called Singapore.

  9. worth an hour and a half of your time to watch this documentary on counterfeiting

    all too easy to say it doesn't hurt anyone except the big corporations, but they can afford it can't they. yea everyone likes a good knock off pair of shades or T-shirt, but what about essential medications?

    If you use your head and do some research and testing I've found that Thai (or Indian) generic meds work for my condition(s)... But it ain't like buying a t-shirt you actually have to educate yourself...

  10. One reason for the schools closure might have been traffic related: loads of demonstrators going home, there is far less of a rush hour when schools are closed.

    How would that have any meaning except in urban areas? Where I live, and indeed in most of the countryside, there is no such thing as 'rush hour'...

  11. seems like there should be a hammer in there somewhere

    If you need a hammer you had better add bailing wire as well... and a screw driver and... Oh pluck it. WD-40 and Gaffer's tape work for me!

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