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Posts posted by mikebike

  1. Again, I'm not saying that it should be like America. This was meant to be an entertaining thread but if you intend to troll it, I would respectfully ask you don't post on it.

    If you are not saying it should be like home, then I would respectfully ask you to refrain from editorializing your musings.

    ...in the US... you would never use a fork and a spoon together.

    This I found to actually annoy m

    ..which makes me feel forced.

    ...this makes me feel a little rushed.

    Your first comment makes no sense.

    Did you miss the irony that you respectfully ask peeps not to critique (troll) your posts while at the same time you editorialize your musings?

    If you had refrained from editorializing, chances are no one would have trolled.

  2. I can see where a bank may make it a policy that all non-Thai customers (that is, any person who can't produce a Thai ID card) will be presented with the FACTA related forms when opening a new accounts.

    That wouldn't work since a person with a Thai ID card could still have dual Thai/US citizenship.

    True, but the probability they are also American goes way down unless there are other indicators like applying for a joint account with a farang spouse.

    I know a number of Thai's with dual US/Thai citizenship, none have a farang spouse.

  3. Again, I'm not saying that it should be like America. This was meant to be an entertaining thread but if you intend to troll it, I would respectfully ask you don't post on it.

    If you are not saying it should be like home, then I would respectfully ask you to refrain from editorializing your musings.

    ...in the US... you would never use a fork and a spoon together.

    This I found to actually annoy me

    ..which makes me feel forced.

    ...this makes me feel a little rushed.

  4. Here is a clear description of what the OP encountered: http://americansabroad.org/issues/fatca/fatca-bad-america/

    The reasons foreign institutions are complying is: "If an institution does not comply, the U.S. will impose a 30% withholding tax on all its transactions concerning U.S. securities, including the proceeds of sale of securities."

    World Police....

  5. Have friends over in Chiangmai and they tell me the Army comes around and shuts everything up in the tourist areas at midnight. They say it is crap treating tourists like children and sending them home to bed. They have vowed never to return to Thailand.

    So Thailand should govern based on the needs of entitled tourists?
    No but they should bloody well stop crying that tourism numbers are down because they make the country unwelcoming for tourists. Can't have you cake and eat it to. If you want them to come and spend billions then give them something. Let them enjoy thier time so they will tell friends and they will return. If the place is unfriendly and soldiers are sending them back to sit in hotel rooms, they won't come back

    Is it not better, in the long term - for tourists AND the country in general, to swallow the bitter pill which is the reform the Kingdom requires to move forward within ASEAN and the world in general? Let the tourists and tourism industry bitch and whinge in the short-term - reap the benefits in the long term. Of course they will come back, or others will fill the void. Tourism is a fickle, volatile 'industry' any way you frame it.

  6. Like the pun.

    But if you cant distinguish between a thousand years of mainly subsistence farming vs making a living as a trading merchant and the different skill sets involved thats your call smile.pngI can distinguish the fact that a successful non-nomadic agrarian must be a cultivator, a trader, and a defender, whereas a trading merchant requires only one skill. I'll go with the multitasker!

    Great traders and business peoples throughout history: Byzantines. Romans. British. Spanish. Dutch. Chinese.... and Thai farmers... you re definitely having a laugh... smile.pngYeah, it is easy to be a 'great trader' wen you are the dominant empire, or in the case of the Spanish and Dutch, have an imposing military armada to 'lubricate' the wheels of trade... See present day USA as an example. History will record the good old USA as the 'great traders' of the 20th century. But are they really an better at it than the Arminians? No, just more militarily, and therefore economically, dominant, as in your examples above.

  7. Generally Thai Thais have been agrarian by nature. For thousands of years farming has been key.

    Go back only a few hundred years and merchants had nowhere near the power in Thailand they do today. Today the traditional Thai Thai farmer who is less economically savvy has fallen behind.

    I d say history counts against Thailand on this score rather than for it. That thousands of years doesnt apply to Thailands predominantly agrarian history.

    Sorry, are you actually implying that to be a farmer in a bartering, agrarian society requires no trading acumen? Bullocks I say.

    Also worth noting that the survival of the Kingdom, since at least the Sukhothai period has been dependant on the Thai people's negotiation skills...

  8. There's no doubt about what you were talking about. In Thailand the people who use this model have failed to adapt to a competitive market and refused to recognize that the old-style market has changed to one that is competitive. If not that they (also) may often try to use a cartel monopoly mentality and fix prices by a cartel like mechanism. e.g. taxi mafias who subvert competition and fix prices. In a monopoly, or a cartel (where competition is fixed across the board), they can increase revenue.

    In the long term they ultimately always fail.

    Yeah... tell that to telecom and internet providers in the west, the old-style market seems to work for them!!!
    • Like 1
  9. I, for one, believe that 'most' of the actions of the junta in reclaiming beaches or land that had been illegally used in national forest reserves are correct and warrented. However, I think the NCPO should take into consideration those innocent individuals who lost his/her jobs because of this program. The junta should insure that each and every worker who lost their job received severance pay and should receive assistance in finding other meaningful work. Consideration must also be given to families who have engaged is subsistence agriculture over a long period of time without exploiting the land for other than their family's welfare.

    In addition, this program clearly illustrates that Thailand needs to implement meaningful land use and zoning regulations. For example, you neighbor should not be able to open a car repair garage in what is predominately a residential neighborhood and so on. All beaches should be the property of the people to the high water line -- no exceptions. With current satellite technology, it should be feasible to monitor and capture those engage in illegal logging or the trafficking of endangered species.

    Lastly, those who have been the source or corruption in land use matters should be named and prosecuted.

    "The junta should insure that each and every worker who lost their job received severance pay and should receive assistance in finding other meaningful work." Really? They broke the law for years without prosecution and you want to reward them? Perhaps when a bank closes we should compensate bank robbers too?

    I strongly doubt that the workers (not owners) of these shops and restaurants didn't have a clue about the legal status of the deeds or issues involving encroachment. Under the Thai Labor Code, the workers are entitled to severance pay. Is following the law an issue with you?

    i do not believe that illegal work in an illegal biz is covered in the labour code. Apparently following the law is flexible in your opinion. Would your opinion be the same if the biz was a boiler room or meth lab?
  10. When my mom passed few years ago I learned that in Canada you get cremated human remains in a cardboard take-away box if you don't know any better an fail to make other arrangements, even after paying a whole bunch more than 4,500 baht.

    I did not feel disrespected nor did I slag the funeral home, but understood it was my lack of experience in these matters that resulted in the unfortunate presentation. When I went though the same with my dad I arranged for a lovely cherry wood box...
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  11. Equalizer, I will try to explain why this is not a scam. It is your phone which is requesting internet access when your plan runs out, not Dtac pushing the service to you. You, through your phone's data settings are requesting THEIR service. If you do not turn data services off your phone will constantly look for an internet connection and if it does not find wifi it WILL connect to Dtac. It is your lack of phone savvy which is screwing you, not Dtac.

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