He has been BETTER than I expected.
He delivered LITTLE of what he ran on.
He ran on being TRANSITIONAL
45 sucked and should never be allowed near the levers of power again. But 46 aint no jewel in America's crown. There are better candidates out there. Get over your fear.
Wow. So much to unpack in 2 paragraphs.
I'll start with the fact that TJ was referring to England.
And your TJ quote is actually 100 years older. And French. Read Montesquieu.
Are you implying that jobs lost during the pandemic were guaranteed to come back? USA's post-pandemic economic recovery has been better than most rich nations.
What in God's name do YOU think the ratio of home ownership to renting is across the entire USA? Hint... There's way more renters. It indicates the rich have gotten richer.
How does anyone swallow this drek?
In making America great AGAIN, does not one of the faithful ever wonder why no other president needed to harp and whinge about the need for absolute immunity in almost 250 years?
Hey, chicken little... Go back and check how well US supplied equipment has been tracked in previous conflicts. You might find out you are dealing with an institutional problem rather that a current news event. The return of 45 would make zero difference.
I guess some people don't know that there is extraction grade lithium all over North America. Just need the political will to make money off a new resource, rather than an old one. Then the same greasy folks could power your EV F150.
Wow, r we off topic...
BOT, uptake is impressive.
Opportunity for entrepreneurial Thais to put charging stations all over the place. Hint, all those quaint roadside coffee shops could use a charger... 😉
Apparently I was a very imaginative child.
Much better than, from your response, seems to your situation, where your thoughts are getting more and more evil as u age... I left behind the darkness by the time I left my teens.