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Everything posted by mikebike

  1. BS. I know for a fact it was questioned by many without “power/political capital" as it happened... didn't change anything then, and apparently you bought the lies.
  2. Which, of course you know, they haven't paid. Promises are worth nothing. It's the actions which speak.
  3. Yes, dependant. Legally married can follow on retirement visa and extensions. Saves some dosh in the bank.
  4. Delivery charges are not a mystery... I often order random weird stuff just to see... often they make great give-aways - sometimes because they are actually good products, sometimes for the comedic value.
  5. I'd burn the insignificant 300 baht just to see what I got! ????
  6. The seller has other products. Its a seller rating, not a product rating.
  7. "All [persons] are created equal" has NEVER been true in the entire experience of humankind. Unless you have unique definitions of "created" and "equal"...?
  8. Yes it should! After that long only a really bitchy whinger would be complaining and not working out a solution... <deleted>.
  9. How long have u lived here? Beer is always available.
  10. Hmmm... insurers in cannabis-legal states have reduced premiums compared to non-legal states. The conclusion was reduced MVAs. As their bottom line depends on precise actuarial assessment i tend to believe them more than govt sources.
  11. Studies in Canada and U.S.A. states with legal recreational use have seen a reduction in MVAs... current theory is leaning towards less alcohol-impared drivers on the road. Literally every straw-man you have brought up in this thread has been debunked in studies. But please keep up the anachronistic entertainment...
  12. Wow! This topic is hilarious! We don't even lock our doors. Neighbourhood eyes are always watching. One small theft at a house just up the way a few years back. Cops spoke to the folks in the neighbourhood and had the guy a couple of hours later. I'm in NST with my farang wife and feel as safe as my home county... Where do you you folks who need all the gear live anyways? Or maybe the question should be, "how do you live?"
  13. Nope. Many cultures have had more than 2 genders - long before 'murica came into existance.
  14. You do realize, of course, that tomato is a fruit. No sauce for you!
  15. No, it seems to be you trying to drag the thread off-topic.
  16. The USA does not seem like the best country to get info/data from on this subject for MANY reasons. Possibly some isolated state's data could be useful.
  17. Canada has a cannabis hub in virtually every city these days...
  18. Huh? This is well researched and established already.
  19. If u r paying 100 baht/gram for compressed, u r getting ripped off big time. I pay 30...
  20. If you are looking for Euro-quality ferries you should be looking in Europe... Why do you want Thailand to be like home? Ahhh right - you want cheap, carefree, boozy, girly lifestyle here but with all the safety and comforts of home. Oi vey!
  21. Just took this trip there and back last weekend. While I was sitting on the ferry with about 20 other folks, and my car sat below in a less-than-full vehicle deck, I wondered outloud to my wife, "how can they be making ANY money doing this". Fare increases do not seem like gouging to me, it seems like they are needed to keep the ferries running.
  22. Even if the DoJ does not move forward, there are a few state prosecutors already chomping at the bit to blend the committee's finding with their own investigations. I predict charges will be laid - I just don't know in which jurisdiction.
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