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Everything posted by mikebike

  1. Greece did not accept my Thai license in 2017. It had photo and English. Better to get the international to be sure.
  2. Awww, how cute. You think Tucker got fired because of ratings 🤣🤣🤣🤣
  3. He did try that on xitter... didn't work out so well. He needed FOX more than they needed him.
  4. I would really like to know where some people get their "information", if it can even be called that 🤣
  5. Then your memory must be failing. All entertainment has a political component, intended or not.
  6. You DO, of course, understand that sporting governing bodies and entertainment "academies" are purely political bodies, right? 🤔
  7. Did you just teleport in from the McCarthy era? Wow.
  8. Yep, those quarter billion US dollar retail companies... Very communist. 🤣🤣🤣🤣
  9. The OP is pure drivel. Written be someone with zero understanding of current geopolitics and foreign policy.
  10. 500 baht on camera a couple of times...
  11. Every vape I've bought advertises the amount of puffs. For me 3000 puffs equals about 3-4 packs 5000 puffs is 6-7 packs. I'm not a child. Young people have been trying taboo stuff since forever. Vapes are not the problem.
  12. No, the number for Surat metro area is about right. The one I question is NST. The metro area is WAY more than 100k.
  13. Well there ya go. Your subjective experience FAR outweighs any object data 🤣🤣🤣🤣
  14. Why would Thailand stop obsessing with China? It's a nearby market with the most potential tourists in the world.
  15. Huh? None of those organizations have any ability to control the laws of sovereign nation. And international law can only, just barely, prosecute the worst of the worst genocidal maniacs. It relies on the laws of sovereign nations to prosecute animal traffickers. If a nation has a law that says you can, there is zero any of the above organizations can dodo other than harass individuals.
  16. Most snowmobiles are still 2 strokes, an ICE vehicle, but very different in the cold.
  17. Let's pull that back a bit. Yes ICE vehicles can be better choice if your climate is Canada cold many months a year. But ICE vehicles are not "happy" at -50C, unless they are specifically designed for it.
  18. Curious as to whether there was the same "right or wrong" function related to purchasing VHS or Beta back in the day? The worse tech won out. Personally I do not see a right or wrong judgement in any of these decisions.
  19. Well of course not. Why would you? You made the same purchase as every other vehicle owner for the last 100+ years. It's NEW things that folks tend to fear.
  20. Hmmm? Is electricity not taxed in your country? Isn't it the same thing?
  21. I predict he will choose a woman. Certainly not meatball Ron as some seem to be wetting their pants over. His strategists are smart enough to know what the biggest election issue will be. There are a lot of pissed off women out there. I think they are being massively undercounted. Look at the voting results of attempting to restrict rights even in the reddest states.
  22. Thailand is a sovereign country which needs to protect its sovereignty by buying military equipment from other countries. Those contracts come with stipulations. Your proposal would guarantee only one outcome. Thailand would be limited in its access to western military equipment. Is that the outcome you want?
  23. Trump voice: I'd like to introduce my running mate, Meatball Ron. He needed me to get elected in Florida, and I hate his guts, but I'm gonna make him VP" Dream on dude.
  24. Yes, that's the way orders of magnitude work. What's your point?
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