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Khaeng Mak

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Posts posted by Khaeng Mak

  1. 28 minutes ago, simon43 said:




    That was the 4th little hotel that I built, all of them on 20-30 year rented land.  What did I do after being 'run out of Phuket'?  I simply stopped paying the land rent and, according to my land lease, the owner of the land repossessed it (but he did have a problem to kick out the druggies!).  There was no way to go back and run it again, definitely not good for my 'health'.


    I sold my brand new teepees a few months ago - got about $1,000 for each one ????

    So the Thai owner of the land got a nice little newly constructed resort for free?  Are you sure he did not install the druggies?

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  2. Simon.  Good luck with your new position. What has become of your airport hotel that was stolen from you at gun point. You had a 30 year lease on the land right?


    Can you put up one of your Tee Pees in the forest around Den Ha?

  3. Given the recent immigration rule changes and the impact they have had on my life here in Thailand, I am reading, with interest, the many new posts discussing the ins and outs of alternative retirement destinations.


    One thing that I do like in Thailand is the fact that I can usually buy the medication that I need from a local Pharmacy without a prescription.


    This saves me some money but more importantly at my age, it saves me time.


    I was in a remote area of Malaysia last year and needed some amoxicillin.  It was a massive all day ordeal to sign up at the local clinic, join the massive cue to see a doctor, get the prescription, and then buy the antibiotic.


    In Thailand I can just walk into any pharmacy and buy a sheet of 10 amoxicillin capsules for 50 baht.


    I have been here a long time so I am well aware that some drugs require a prescription here also. But for many medications, such as antibiotics and my blood pressure pills, I do not need to go to the doctor first.


    I would like to discuss whether a prescription is required in the following countries. If you have actual experience please share your knowledge. Perhaps we can create a list. And general comments on the price of drugs (cheaper or more expensive that Thailand) should also prove useful:


    Malaysia (Prescription required. More expensive)





    China (Mainland)



    These are the alternative retirement destinations that are of interest to me.  However, I note that many are discussing South American and Southern European options. Please add those to this discussion if you wish.




  4. On 2/4/2019 at 1:40 PM, Shiver said:

    I like elephant flaps (beef curtains).  I like anything that is female to be prominent and not CGI'd or photoshopped out on the front of a magazine.  If you ever look on youtube with (primarily Japanese, but also other Asian regions) were they have eye, hair, jowls tighteners, tooth overlays etc, and the do a transformation from omg 'n' 'o' no, to wow, is that really possible? then you can see the fakery (they look like Anime cartoons), and want to take them for a swim to see if it's all water proof.  Asians with blue or green eyes look great, until you take a second and realise the lie - you're not interacting with a person, but a pre A.I. organic robot.

    So so many beautiful people, all natural, and I wonder how they get the mental distortion to want to Orange-utan their hair, piece, tattoo, whiten, silicone etc.

    I saw a young girl on our street yesterday morning when the dogs demanded that it was walk time about 5:15am (not even light yet, "and you missie are not the alpha"), but eventually I do what blokes do and comply.  This girl was incredibly pretty, lean, had something about her (way too young for my fat western ass and my wedding ring, but I was just looking).  She was so shy, and our little pup really wanted to meet her, taking me for a walk as much as she could pull the leash.  She was scared of the pup (she can't bite really, it's a rat on stilts), but she smiled that nervous smile.

    The point being, this is not an old blokes daydream, it's that she didn't have fashion braces, silicone, hair colour change, impolite clothing and she was very unsure of herself, which was truly beautiful.  I guess I'll see her in 5 years somewhere in summertime, when her elders have told her how it should be done, and she'll be just another broken commodity.

    How I wish I'd got here at 18 with resources and met someone that was similar to the above, but as they say "too soon old, too late smart".


    Nice post.

  5. So what happens if Don does fly back to the UK. Get an escorted wheelchair from the plane to inside the airport, and then says I can't get out of the chair. 


    When questioned about family he says. I have none.


    When asked where he lives he says, I am homeless.


    When asked who should we call to help you, he says I don't know anyone.




    Genuine question by the way. Can anyone map out the most likely course of events?


    Or will Don just be tipped out of his wheelchair outside of the airport terminal and left to die?




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  6. 1 hour ago, Boatfreak said:

    Really? Name one country that sees the benefits? 

    Depends on the nature of the immigrants does it not?


    Australia, for example, benefited greatly from post WWII migration (white only policies).  Hard working "New Australians" contributed greatly to that countries culture and industries such as wine and cheese. Massive infrastructure projects such as the Snowy River hydro electric scheme were staffed almost entirely with skilled immigrant workers.



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