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Khaeng Mak

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Posts posted by Khaeng Mak

  1. Daughter is fibbing me thinks.


    As a foreigner, it is impossible to sign up for the internet unless you sign a 12 MONTH contract and pay for the entire year up front.


    Only way around this is to use a Thai proxy on the contract.  I don't think the daughter or the mother acted as the proxy because if they did they just would have cancelled the contact.  But that did not happen because the guy has internet and has used it to communicate with the British embassy.


    Would luuuv to hear David's side of the story.


    Please post hear Mr Maclean if possible.

  2. 1 hour ago, robsamui said:

    Very shortsigted view. I've been living here full-time for 23 years. During this time my income has averaged 40,000 baht per month. I've never had 800,000 baht in the bank. But I've put well over 12 million baht into the Thai economy. 


    Now I'm taking it to Vietnam, where it's much cheaper, much easier to stay, and foreigners are viewed as a welcome cash-crop right across the board.

    If Thailand was a restaurant, then its business plan would be low quality and high-priced, and have no regular locals eating there, only tourists. And in the first low season it would go bust because there was no customer-base to keep it going.

    The restaurant analogy is nice.


    But you forgot to mention the Maitre D who now requires a 800K tip and two inches of paperwork just to let you in the door.

    • Like 2
  3. 8 hours ago, humbug said:

    this criminal gang of nationalists backed by the chinese state will always be trying to reduce numbers of expats, its what they loudly bellowed with chests puffed out to the cheering mostly chinese origin protesters.


    blaming embassies, blaming agents all just an excuse, reducing numbers is what they are you doing, we all just know that if they stay in absolute power for a few more years, there be even more negative immigration changes for all of us 

    Long stay expats in Thailand are currently under siege. It is unfortunate that the mass of them do not yet realize it.

    • Like 1
  4. 1 hour ago, wgdanson said:

    Naaaah, can't be ar**d.

    There we have it.


    That's why you have never received a mobile number from an IO.


    Interesting that you are posting like a boss on this issue and liking all the other poisonous and troll posts on this thread and you can't even speak Thai.


    How the hell would you know what is going on at the immigration office when your Thai wife is the one doing all the talking for you.

  5. I just did my last extension 40 days early.  At my office they allow 45.


    Heard some offices offer 30.


    Never (until reading the comments in this thread) heard of 60 days early.


    This is just another example of what a mess the whole system is.


    You can't even get clarity on a simple question like:


    How early can I do my application?


    Also please note that if you do apply early for your extension you will not lose any time of your old extension. That is, if you still have 1 month left on your current extension and you go to make a new application, the stamp you get will be dated 13 months into the future.


    • Like 1
  6. 1 hour ago, Jingthing said:

    I agree with that. However, it is my guestimate that "some" will actually be a lot and it doesn't take much imagination to think of hundreds of scenarios where these new rules are going to be simply unacceptable and/or unworkable for many. Of course it's guesses at this point. I'm going to exclude those that were lying to embassies and also those using corrupt agents that couldn't qualify before. So of those remaining totally legitimate retired expats here,  my guestimate of those leaving by free choice or push is at least 20 percent but under 50 percent.

    Also, totally absurdly the seasoning on steroids rule and virtual 400K untouchable virtual bond will result in many that will be staying spending much less in local businesses. Always the need to watch the seasoning levels and the 400K. All freakin' year! That is not retirement happiness and freedom. It's the opposite. 


    (New people -- do yourself a favor and seek more welcoming nations for legalized retirement. There are many.)


    Before this, I saw my "purpose" here as spending money. Now we're being strongly incentivized to spend less money! Crazy stuff. 

    Another aspect of this that I consider outrageous and arguably inhumane is the 400K baht thing that could be seen as an emergency fund but if you have to hit it, then you become illegal. People -- think about how outrageous that is. Please. Emergencies happen. That alone I think rates as strong enough evidence that new people should avoid retiring in Thailand. I'm invested here so difficult to leave, but that's an example of how your welfare is regarded here. In effect -- it's not regarded. 


    This is actually a step down from being regarded as a walking ATM. We'll still be seen as walking ATMS but at the same time also under onerous personal banking oversight. This is one reason I accuse people that cheer on these increasingly onerous rules and mock those that complain or can't comply as suffering from Thai expat Stockholm syndrome. 

    I started this topic and for the record:

    I have been here a long time

    I'm not broke

    I have never used an agent

    I have always done all my extension applications myself

    I speak pretty good Thai certainly enough to chat about my application with an IO


    Please enlighten me as to why any of the questions or comments I have posted here are paranoid.



    • Like 1
  7. 4 hours ago, wgdanson said:

    Why would I need his personal number. I can & have conducted business with him on a professional basis whenever needed.. 


    The issue is not whether you need his number or not.


    You were implying that I was lying about having the mobile number for an immigration officer.


    I said it is easy to get such a number. Just ask.


    Or do you not speak Thai after 10 years here.

  8. 42 minutes ago, Sheryl said:

    I think that is going way too far.


    There was some sort of intent behind this other than trying to do away with all expats, but very poorly implemented.


    Ineptitude and excessive haste - looks to me like the kind of thing that a "big honcho" would abruptly concoct on his own and, this being Thailand, would not  take the time to consult anyone for feedback and no one would dare tell him it wasn't going to work as intended. The excessive haste part likely has to do with the political ambitions and trajectory of the principal person behind this.  Wants to make a big splash solving a problem and tries to do so in a hurry without really understanding the ramifications or thinking through how it would be implemented.


    Very, very annoying and more than a little disheartening but no call for paranoia, I think.


    If you are married here, why not switch to a marriage extension?



    With respect Sheryl, I used to think like you.


    But I have seen a steady tightening of everything over the years.


    Visa runners


    Ed Visas roll keeping and immigration raids to check class attendance


    No more triple entry tourist visas


    Onerous new criteria for tourist visas


    End of stat decs for income for extensions (not every embassy but the big 4)


    Ridiculous extra requirements for retirement extensions: recent examples- Information sheet with details of vehicles, email and social media, with whom and where do you hang out; Hand drawn map (even though I am also required to provide 2 other maps printed from google (region and moobarn/street) and photos of me in front of my house; and this year a new I guarantee not to break any law form I had to sign.


    And now these latest changes that have effectively doubled the amount required for a retirement extension from 800K to 1.6m.


    Surely all of the changes listed above cannot be attributed to ineptitude.


    I think the trajectory is clear.  They do not want us here.  And for sure they do not want us providing a nice house and life for our Thai partners. That messes with their sakdina.


    I care not if I am labelled as paranoid. I view myself as prudent.


    I will PM you to clarify why I am on retirement ext and not marriage.  I am loath to share any personal details in this thread as there are far too many poisonous and troll posters.

    • Like 1
  9. 36 minutes ago, khunPer said:

    Your deposit need to be in a bank deposit – long term fixed-period savings with higher interest is accepted – whilst mutual funds, property, or any other kind of investments cannot be used as it's considered speculation without a fixed value; it will likely not be accepted by your local Immigration Office, even fund books once were accepted by some Immigration Offices almost 10 years ago.

    Hmm.  Did not not that bank mutual funds were once acceptable.  Anyone out there still using this method? Please report if you are.


    I use a FCD.

  10. 4 hours ago, wgdanson said:

    I actually DO live here, for 10 years, I DO have friends, and I visit an Immigration Office every 90 days, but I still do not have the IOs personal phone number, and it has been the same man for over 7 years.

    10 years here. Ok. So you speak good Thai like me. 


    Next time you go to immigration ask the "same man" for his mobile number.


    Please report back with the outcome.

  11. 3 minutes ago, Sheryl said:

    Except that unlike a doubling of the amount, which would lead to people spending more money inside Thailand, this will not.


    One of the factors behind this may have been the difference between what can be done via a Police Order and what would require a change in law. BJ can do the former  but not the latter.


    However if the idea is to limit retirement visas to people with 1.6 million baht a year income, this is a poor way of doing that.  I think it is very badly designed/thought through.

    I am struggling with the WHY?


    Is it ineptitude, or is it malevolence?


    For the sake of protecting my family and the life that I have built here with them I have to assume it is the later.


    I am of the opinion that long stay expats here in Thailand are currently under siege.  Unfortunately, the mass of them, do not yet know it.

    • Like 1
  12. 3 hours ago, Henryford said:

    What Immigration are now basically saying is that you need a MINIMUM of 1.6 m in your thai bank. 800k to get your visa and 800k to cover any of these unforeseen problems.

    Yes that is entirely correct. This latest ruling is a "defacto" doubling of the amount required to obtain a retirement extension.


    If you look closely at the requirements regarding the 800K and the 400K the most optimistic take on it is that your require 1.2 m.

    • Like 1
  13. 18 hours ago, ubonjoe said:

    How would that happen? It would only happen if you did not renew your extension and did not leave the country.

    You would declared you on overstay if your money went below 400k baht. There is no mention of that in the order.

    And no mention to the contrary either.  

    With respect Joe, you seem fine to trust that immigration will do right by me and my family.

    I have zero evidence upon which to adopt your view.

  14. 2 hours ago, Rod the Sod said:

    Ah look, I agree that it isn't easy and some things like local interpretation are a nightmare. There are others you mention like the cost of transferring funds and the proof of origination. Sorry, but if the cost of a handful of bank transfers is a deal breaker, then you are not yet ready to retire in LOS. Also, there is always documentation to prove origination of funds. If however the IO wont accept it then that is another matter altogether. Re opening Bank Accounts. Not so, if all is legit - just go the the Bangkok Bank website that sets out exactly what you need to do. Finally, transferring funds on death. Just make a will, lodge it and have done with it.


    Too many people looking for excuses and reasons why not. Start to look for the positives. Tens of thousands have and still do make it work here by following the rules.

    The manner in which you have replied to Sheryl's post is frankly offensive.


    Do you know who she is?

  15. 3 hours ago, Pravda said:


    What if a Farang that owns a home (or rather his wife, heh) also has the extended family to take care of? So, his cost will be higher than a single guy on pension renting out. Who the heck is going to make all these calculations? Don't most here complain about Thai bureaucracy?


    They want money in the bank, plain and simple. You should stop dreaming about the different scenarios that will never happen and concentrate on fulfilling the immigration requirements.


    What's the next thread? Immigration should accept my mom's bank balance?



    Thank you for your helpful comments.

  16. 9 minutes ago, ravip said:

    Does a Fixed Deposit account of 800K qualify for the visa?

    Is it not compulsory that it should be a savings account?

    This is another area that demonstrates the ineptitude of Thai immigration.

    The correct answer is sometimes.

    Every office has a different take on this.

    Some accept a FD, some don't.

    And the clarity on issues such this has never been improved.  

    And now the waters are even muddier with this new police order.

    Immigration loves grey areas and uncertainty.

    It creates financial opportunity.

    • Like 1
  17. 34 minutes ago, dcnx said:

    Cambodia, Philippines, Ecuador, Mexico, Colombia, Peru, and Chile are reasonably priced. You can get citizenship in Peru in 2 years. Ecuador gives you 7% - 8% on the money you put in their banks for an investment / business visa. There are options, you just have to research. TONS of groups on Facebook for all of their countries full of helpful expats. 

    Indonesia offers a 25 Year Visa for those that marry a local girl.

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