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Khaeng Mak

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Posts posted by Khaeng Mak

  1. Why don't they just order the guy to set up and pay for a breeding program for the big cat species that he killed.  Set some realistic new cub targets and fine Premchai if they are not met each year.


    Big cat population wins, national park wins, Premchai get to use the program as a social responsibility marketing tool for Italy Thai, and the corrupt authorities cant filter of any lump sum paid to the court as a fine.

    • Like 1
  2. 2 minutes ago, rott said:

    Never felt the need for one, never had any problem.


    Neither have I ever felt the need to get cheeky and call someone a liar.

    You posted previously, and I quote:



    Never knew anyone have an IO mobile before.


    That was a snide and back handed comment.


    It is very common for immigration officers to give their mobile numbers to long stay expats and other customers. 


    If you actually lived here you would know that.


    Unless of course you have no friends and have never visited an immigration office.


    • Confused 1
  3. 38 minutes ago, Surasak said:

    It doesn't bother me, I have sufficient funds in a Thai bank to cover the requirements. I also have a reasonable income from pensions, building up in a UK bank A/C  which I occasionally draw from. My wife and I run a small business which keeps the family at a reasonable standard, nothing fancy but we wont' starve. In my twilight years I would hope that my family will look after me and give the same support as I have given them. I have every confidence they will do so. When deciding to move from ones home country, reasonable finances are required to do so and one must look to the longer term. Money is the root of all evil, but without it?

    How did you get your work permit while on a retirement extension?

    • Haha 1
  4. 33 minutes ago, Spellforce said:

    There is a really interesting investment offered at CIMB Thai: https://www.cimbthai.com/en/personal/news-and-promotions/promotions/promotion/promo-021111.html


    Fixed deposit max 1 MB, 24 month

    Interests = 2,4% pa paid monthly


    Does that mean if you make a deposit in that bank (800,000 bahts) = 2 years visa + good interest rates ?


    I was unaware that a 2.4% return was...good.

  5. 12 hours ago, george11 said:

    Looking at the top four counties, that are not very democratic. Corruption is the most likely reasons why there is wide inequality.  

    Yep.  That table is just a good reflection of the level of corruption in each country.


    And note carefully that the level of corruption has increased over the last 4 years in Thailand.


    Why's that I wonder/

  6. 4 minutes ago, rott said:

    Never knew anyone have an IO mobile before.

    The first thing you need to do is calm down. You are coming across as near hysterical and that aint helping you. Nothing can be sorted before Monday, the very worst option would appear to be that you return to your home country and apply for an O-A. Not convenient but not the end of the world.

    For the moment the advice is that this is unnecessary. But calm down, go and speak to Imm next week. No panic. It is not possible for you to get the money here for 1st March anyway so that is off the table.


    For the record my situation is similar to yours. We could turn out to be the lucky ones with one year's grace.



    Now I have to question whether you even live here.


    I have always obtained the personal mobile numbers of the Immigration officers that I have dealt with over the years. They have changed bosses and staff a good many times as well.  Not a single one of them have refused to provide me with their number.

  7. 1 minute ago, elviajero said:

    I get that, but you're suggesting permission to stay based on investment, not retirement. That already exists and requires investment of 10M min.


    I agree to a point, however, the 800K was a minimum amount.

    I am not talking about an investment visa.


    I am talking about retirement extensions.


    We now have to have a minimum of 400K deposited in a Thai bank all year.


    Why can that money not be invested in another asset besides cash.


    For example. the ssrv retirement program also requires a cash bond, but you can use it to buy a condo.

  8. 1 hour ago, MadMuhammad said:

    Everyone seems to be making out that 800K is all they have to live off and that’s it, nothing more.

     If that’s the case I’d be more concerned about the rest of my life than a visa extension. 


    Thanks for your helpful input.


    I am not broke.  I just need to manage my money carefully to take care of me and my family. The strategy I was using was perfectly fine up until a week ago. Now because of this recent change I am exposed to a risk of being on more then 6 months overstay which could result in me banned from Thailand for 5 years.


  9. 2 minutes ago, NanLaew said:

    I will take a stab at what the poll stats reveal.


    Yes, I will almost certainly have to leave = 7.72%. These are the guys without a pot to p!ss in regardless of what fiscal providence is required. It was only a matter of time anyway and at least they have the sense to know when their time is up and withdraw with grace.


    No, I will not have to leave = 69.49%. Have enough of a financial cushion to handle this minor storm. Whether through smart savings, savvy investments or just common sense. Bring it on!


    My future for staying in Thailand is seriously jeopardized = 22.79%. These are the ones that have been using agents. Their magic carpet has crashed and burned horribly and the pigeons of their early-retirement, ATM-to-mouth, visa-exempt, fools paradise are coming home to roost.


    No you are entirely misguided and rather self centered.  I have never used a magic carpet. Always done my extensions in person and according to the law. Sheryl (a moderator here) faces the same problem I do.



    • Thanks 1
  10. 23 minutes ago, elviajero said:

    An extension of stay based on investment is currently possible if you buy a new condo valued at 10M baht or over.


    For your idea to work the retiree would still need to show an income or other money to live on. 

    No. Under these current new changes. My 400K is locked up. No need to show any income for living expenses.


    Immigration can not lock my money up and then tell me it is for living expenses. That line no longer stands up to logical scrutiny.

  11. 37 minutes ago, Sheryl said:

    While I agree that the reasonable interpretation is that the minimum

    balance comes into effect only for extensions made after 1 March I am not sure I would count on all IOs understanding this fact in the same way. It is not clearly spelled out.


    I am directly affected by this as I did an 800k extension last July and now have less than 400K in the bank. I am thinking of moving up the date I do a transfer to top up, or possibly making an additional smaller transfer, before 1 March just to be on the safe side i.e. get balance over 400k from 1 March onward. It will be highly inconvenient, and not necessary  by any rational reading of the regs, but unless TI issues a further clarification that removes room for doubt, I will do so - better safe than sorry.


    I am in exactly the same pickle. I just did my extension a week or so ago. I then transferred my money offshore and put in an invest account that has a 6 month term and A ONE MONTH grace period if I want to break the term and get at my money.  I have other fixed income investments that provide me with money for my monthly expenses but it might be impossible for me to get my hands on 400K before 1 march.


    Many other people on this website are making fun of my situation and posting some horrible and poisonous comments.


    I am not broke.


    I am not an illegal person as one other poster called me.


    I am just an old guy with a family and I must manage my money closely.


    I need absolute clarity regarding the same issue as you.  Do I need to transfer the equivalent of 400Kthb back into my FCD account before March 1.


    Sawan called immigration yesterday and again this morning for me.  The said they are not aware of any new rule.


    Where to from here?


    EDIT: I should (for clarity) add that the investment income I get each month and use for my living expenses is less than 65K thb.


    I could perhaps borrow the money (or put it on a credit card) to make the top up to 400K. But that is a ridiculous and very expensive option. Thus my urgent request for help.

    • Like 1
  12. 47 minutes ago, Baerboxer said:


    Totally agree. 


    And each Immigration Office boss will have his/her own ideas of how to interpret and enforce the rules. Officers will then have to follow their local boss's rules, which they will interpret and apply!


    As the months progress and this gets implemented we'll be able to comment on how each office is handling this and compare the differences.



    That wont help me. I have just done me extension last week and then transferred my money back offshore. I want to know if I have to transfer 400K back in before March 1 to avoid being on overstay. Which would amount to more than 6 months overstay by my next extension, with possible arrest, deportation and banned from visiting my family for 5 years as a consequence.


    I need clarity right now.

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