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Khaeng Mak

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Posts posted by Khaeng Mak

  1. 14 hours ago, SheungWan said:

    Risk of exchange rate variations is part of the expat experience. Prudence or otherwise one's own factoring in. Nobody else's responsibility.

    Yes entirely correct.  But the nature of that task was once a doddle. Just check my baht balance a day or so before I do my extension and top up if required.


    Now I am forced to monitor the balance every day AND make any PREEMPTIVE top up in anticipation of (entirely unpredictable) events such as currency corrections, flash crashes, and (heaven forbid) military coups. 

    • Like 2
  2. 49 minutes ago, kickstart said:

    It was about 2005 when Thaksin overnight doubled the retirement extension money to 800K, he said farangs are getting a good exchange rate, so they can afford it, would they do it  now with the low exchange rates, and have they worked out how much us farangs living here spend.

     If they do up the amount, well a lot of farangs will be caught between a rock and a hard place, retirement in they own country not easy not enough money to live on, and I would say for a few farangs finding somewhere to live,

    Or, clearing out all they home county banks shipping it all over here, with low exchange rates, and just hoping they do not have any major expenses in their own country .not easy. 

    They have already upped the amount.  As Sheryl posted yesterday, because 400K must be retained in the bank account all year the amount of money that is required for an extension now 1.2 million.

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  3. 57 minutes ago, The Theory said:

    Perhaps you will be questioned at the port of exit for not having “reentry permit” since your extension is base on retirement. 

    My guess is they won’t renew your retirement extension next time due to lack of fund in bank (400,000 year long). 

    I always get a single reentry permit stamp when I make any annual extension.  Have not used many of them but like to have one in my passport at all times just in case I have to dash for some reason.  They are only 1000 baht (which actually now is getting a bit expensive).

  4. 9 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

    Taking advice on this forum is being absurd.

    Where else can I get advice?


    This is the go to place for Thai visa advice isn't it?


    I have read many of the threads here and its seems that Thai visa often assume the role of mouth piece for the expat community and seeks clarification of new stuff on our behalf. 


    If I can't trust the advice on this forum why does Thai Visa seek to present itself as representing an expat such as me when they approach immigration for further information or clarification. 


    Who appointed Thai Visa as my intermediary with immigration?


    I want Immigration to communicate and clarify any new changes directly to me.  Not using some website where senior members tell me taking advice is absurd.


    Sawan called the immigration office for me this morning and they didn't even know about this new rule.

    • Haha 1
  5. 13 minutes ago, wgdanson said:

    Just put 65k a month from your country into a Thai Bank account. No worries.

    Or a lesser amount, topped up to 800k/400k three months before.

    Thanks for your kind advice.


    What do I do.  Trust that the advice provided by Ubon Joe is absolutely correct.


    Or do I act now and try to transfer the equivalent of 400K back into my Thai account (plus a significant margin more to guard against any big FX movements or flash crashes).  This later solution is not as simple as it sounds (and maybe impossible) as I have already locked the funds into fixed term investments outside of Thailand. And there is a grace period of one month on repayment if the term is broken.

    • Sad 2
  6. 11 hours ago, ubonjoe said:

    The new rules are not retroactive. If somebody is already on a extension before March 1st the new rules will not apply until their next extension.

    When they apply for their next extension they would have to have the 800k baht in the bank for 2 months before they apply and then 3 months after they do it. Then the 400k baht after the 3 months.

    See above.

    I hope the advice you are providing is absolutely correct. 


    If it is not, when I make my next extension application I will be sitting on nearly a year in overstay and could face jail, deportation and a 5 year ban from visiting Thailand and my family.


    Not to mention the difficulties I will face trying to live alone with my disabilities and illness without the support of my family.



    • Confused 1
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  7. 4 hours ago, jimn said:

    You are obviously a born worrier The new regs dont start until March and as far as I can see will only be checked when you go to renew your extension. Not 3 monthly or with the 90 day reports as some have suggested. Enjoy your time here and stop worrying.

    I am old, sick, disabled and after many years in Thailand have a life and family here.  However my life and family are currently under siege.  It is clear that retirees are now viewed as the enemy.  In such a milieu, worry is well justified.

    • Like 1
  8. Current events:

    1. Banks are currently required to flag out of country transfers

    2. You have to submit the details of your bank account when applying for an extension

    3. You have to apply for a letter and statement from your bank to include with your application


    Future events?:

    1. Easy for immigration to instruct that whenever a bank issues a letter for an extension renewal, they must also then flag and monitor that account to ensure that the balance does not fall below 400K for the following 12 month period.

    2. Immigration to also impose penalty for any bank that fails to notify immigration within 7 days of an account that fell below 400K

  9. 1 hour ago, chrisinth said:

    I think you imagine immigration to have powers greater than you give them credit for.


    Immigration would need endless paperwork to see an individual's financial history.

    You're joking right? As part of my annual extension application I have to provide immigration with a copy of every page in my bank book (and this year every page in my old book that has holes punched through it as well) and I had to sign each and every one of those pages.

    • Like 1
  10. 4 hours ago, Sheryl said:

     Or more likely, widely different practice sand interpretations by different IOs.


    I don't think it is just the translation that is badly worded, suspect the original in Thai is no better. For some reason, Thai government bulletins/edicts seem to favor vague wording.  Causes all manner of problems.

    No. Causes all manner of opportunities.

    • Haha 1
  11. On 1/31/2019 at 6:42 PM, digger70 said:

    A diagnosis of rabies can be made after detection of rabies virus from any part of the affected brain, but in order to rule out rabies, the test must include tissue from at least two locations in the brain, preferably the brain stem and cerebellum. The test requires that the animal be euthanized.Sep 20, 2011   

    So Who's telling tales ?

    No they will just wait and monitor the dogs until it is too late to treat the lad for rabies even if he has it.

    Thai rabies is different.

    • Like 1
  12. 5 minutes ago, jacko45k said:

    An idea yes, whether they have that authority I do not know. 

    We might as well give them our log-in details and passwords!

    The banks are already required to disclose the details of any offshore transfers so it is not a long bow to pull to suggest that they can require reporting of balances that fall below 400K on any account that they issue the certification letter for ( that you use when you make your extension renewal application).

  13. Ubon Joe


    I have just done my extension and then transferred all of my money back out of my account and sent it back home. 


    1. Do I have to transfer the equivalent of 400K back in to the account before 1 March.


    2. If I don't is my current extension then invalid (same as a non B who loses his job or a marriage extension who gets divorced)?


    3. If my extension is invalid can I be arrested for overstay and banned from Thailand for 5 years?

    • Confused 1
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  14. 7 minutes ago, pr9spk said:

    It's not paranoid to think that this forum could be viewed by people in Thailand, and I mean Thais with some authority in the country. However, most people on this forum are posting in order to find out the correct way to do things, and nothing subversive is generally discussed. And I think Thailand will still welcome foreigners who have ample funding and no dodgy intentions, at least for the near future.


    The Thai authorities are, quite rightly, being strict about who they let in, so if you're posting about how you can get in to the country on your 25th tourist visa, then yes that is probably very dumb.


    However, most people on here don't give out their personal details and the Thai authorities are not exactly quick off the mark, to say the least, so doubt there is anything to worry about tbh.

    I have always had a legal visa or extension.  And always applied in person not through an agent. But as I see it the current trend or agenda is to rid Thailand of all long stay expats. They want to tear me from my family. Why all the hatred? Is it because nationalism is getting out of hand?

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  15. 5 minutes ago, ubonjoe said:

    Ubon Joe. 


    I have read that.  I have just done my extension and then transferred my money back out of my account. Do I have to transfer the equivalent of 400K back in to the account before 1 March.


    Also if I don't is my current extension then invalid (same as a non B who loses his job or a marriage extension who gets divorced)?

    • Confused 1
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