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Robert Tyrrell

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Everything posted by Robert Tyrrell

  1. Good morning, Being retired in Thailand 🇹🇭 6 years now I see this language gap very much !! With Thailand being a big tourist attraction I’m surprised that I see basic English in schools but it seems to drop off a cliff not just with Thais but even businesses , Example up until about 1+ Year. 7/11 Did not even an English option on there App. Thailand 🇹🇭 Is big on Tourism so I think people at minimum in that business and businesses should be able to offer and speak English :) English is the International Language of Business globally !! Wake up Thailand 🇹🇭 !!
  2. Good morning 😃 So his brown envelopes were FATTER !!! Then others :) 55555 :) Lol :) TIT !!! :)
  3. Good Morning ???? Its absolutely hilarious how they whine about cannabis, Yet alcohol is legal in Thailand ???????? Having one of the highest death rates with driving drunk and highest overall road deaths in total, Underage Thai children in villages are sent to stores to buy there parents beer, Seen MANY TIMES !! Not to mention them getting in there cars and driving drunk to go out and kill people and themselves most times ,RIDICULOUS THOUGHT PROCESS AND COMMON SENSE IS EXTREMELY QUESTIONABLE HERE IN THAILAND ???????? ????
  4. Good afternoon ???? the question would be , Are the pets fully vaccinated ? And how will you control pets with behavioral problems with people and other pets. I hope you are prepared Tesco ???? I would worry about those questions I asked to avoid legal liabilities: ???? Hopefully ???? You’ve thought of those things ????
  5. Good morning ????, Thailand has certainly found away to merge Drama and Corruption together, It’s hilarious ???? But poisonous ☠️ To the Thai people for sure ???? Never mind us the Foreigners 55555 ???? Lol ????
  6. Good afternoon ???? Back to job normal , Corrupt recruiting the corrupt !! The majority of Thai people, DID NOT!! Vote !!! for this gu,y , Yet boom this guy walks right in. I see just more corruption, This is a apparent reputation of Thailand ???????? Sadly I think the Thai people deserve MUCH BETTER !! AND START LISTENING TO THERE VOTE AND MAJORITY, THEY DON’T WANT YOU !!! Is this a Democracy or a Facist State within government, It’s all visible no false hoods stated here !!
  7. Good afternoon, So apparently it seems Thai Nationals who travel abroad for better Jobs and Wages and education , Even less attractive for them to travel abroad to expand there education and finances !! Thai government shooting themselves in the foot again !! ???? Don’t they understand that a very large percentage of Thai Nationals income abroad comes back home to Thailand !!! And it’s economy !! ???? TIT 555555555 ???? Lol ????
  8. Good morning, Chinese military equipment, Nothing but JUNK !!! And you bought it Thailand, Foolish !!!
  9. Hello, I guess this reminds me of a old story , If I have 5 babies and one behaves badly do I punish them all ? NO !! Thailand should provide there data to show what they say is 70% , Meta should offer solutions and compare there data to Thailand’s data and both parties should work together ????
  10. Good morning, And forming a Government against the Thai peoples will and majority vote !!! ??? That’s Democracy !!?? You got a lot to learn Thailand !!!
  11. Good morning, What a waste of money for pampering you and a visa !! I can do myself at local immigration office 20 minutes from my home for a fraction of what you pay for just a bunch of fluff !! ????
  12. Good morning, This is the fault corrupt Thai Politics and current government !! The Thai people choose there leader by majority vote and your robbing them of there voice and choice , ABSOLUTELY SHAMEFUL !!!
  13. Good morning, Well Thailand ???????? You have certainly screwed over THE VOICE !! OF THE THAI PEOPLE !! Shady Democracy is apparent !! SHAMEFUL !!
  14. Good morning, it’s truly sad that the people voted majority for the Move Forward Party and corrupt politicians are going against the words of Democracy and Choice !! Thailand appears to behaving like a Dictatorship !
  15. Good morning, Thailand stop your Political rubbish , Let the Prime Minister be who THAI PEOPLE CHOOSE PERIOD, YOU KNOW DEMOCRACY FREEDOM OF CHOICE !!
  16. Good Afternoon ???? BIG MISTAKE THAILAND !!!! ????????
  17. Good Afternoon, I fully open the door to Democracy , I see a lot people here questioning Thailand’s motive?? As for weaponry and wanted to buy newer technology, Thailands has decades old equipment it’s absolutely normal to be looking to purchase and of course a Junta would belly ache it’s a threat to there oppressive ways !! Look at China ???????? And Russia ???????? Would you prefer there ways !!?? I think not !! That goes for Junta’s , Dictator’s and other Oppressors, WE DON’T WANT IT !!
  18. Good morning, ???? This just shows how accurate science is and how more foolish deniers look and sound like !! ????
  19. Show me the authenticity and videos stating that , A lot of fake <deleted> out there that most intelligent people would know but there’s a lot of gullible people out there !! Hint !! Obviously you’ve convinced me by your rubbish your blithering here !!
  20. We’ll certainly you have no knowledge of what the covid vaccine does !! It protects against Sever Illness , Hospitalization and Death, It never scientifically stated it stops,Prevent or immunes you from covid infection. I suggest you further your knowledge and understanding before you blither your trolling rubbish and lies !!
  21. Good morning, someone has a serious math problem and a lying media keyboard warrior. The Thai Baht Soars ?? !!! 555555555 ???? 2/10 % , Today that’s been well erased , That whopping 2/10% 555555555 ????
  22. Good morning , Below is an excerpt of a news article, Anti establishment position ??? Seems more like the Senators stance are more about Pita pointing out establishment corruption !!!! The senators in question have said that their stance against Pita is because of his anti-establishment position, declared publicly before the election. ??????????
  23. Good afternoon, So there’s actually Thai people believing a Military State is better leadership !?? Doesn’t the majority of Thai People want MFP Party ?? The recent elections say so !! That seems the furthest away from a Democracy in Thailand ???????? I’ll let your mind do the thinking on what I would call it , The last 3 letters are hip
  24. Hello , Get your money ready a lot of Baht to pay , Stupid thing to do on a holiday !!
  25. Good Morning, If anyone believes that this guy went crazy on weed, Then your as dumb as a bag of rocks !!
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