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Robert Tyrrell

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Everything posted by Robert Tyrrell

  1. Good Morning, 1.4 Billion Thai Baht for a Soccer Tournament !!?? ABSOLUTELY RIDICULOUS THAILAND !! Why don’t you use the money to help the poor , Or manage flood zones so people don’t have to wade through human sewage , Or establish a Nation Wide Solid waste collection system.
  2. Hello , Stop whining Thailand, Shuck up the Baht , You have no problems making foreigners pay dual prices. You either pay up or miss The Cup !! That simple ????
  3. Hello, since about 2019 when they changed Immigration Laws you are required to show Bank statements for one year showing monthly deposits of 40,000 Baht for Marriage Visa and 65,000 Baht for Retirement Visa or lump sums in your Thai Bank account of 400,000 or 800,000 Baht 60 days prior to visa application and must stay in account 90 days afterwards or of course a combination of cash deposit and monthly deposit combination are allowed totaling the above amounts listed.
  4. Good Morning, ???? Dual pricing is hard medicine to swallow , Huh Thailand !!?? ????
  5. Aseannow, WHAT THE HELL !! DOES WEED have to do with effecting Tourism !!?? Purchase and smoke it if you want or don’t , Horrible reporting here !!
  6. Good Morning, Yet alcohol is allowed to be purchased in villages by children , People allowed to drive motorcycles without helmets with little RTP Enforcement , Pickup trucks loaded with people on roadways , Vehicles overloaded with various items , You really embarrass yourself Thailand, Truly !!
  7. Good Morning, Im American ???????? Retired in Thailand, We don’t charge more based on your ethnicity in America ???????? For a Hotel why should it be done anywhere in the world !! ?? Seems a little xenophobic in my opinion, Besides that’s the problem with the world ????, Wealth controlling our Governments and not the people controlling them !! I say the hell to a Wealthy Tycoon of all people telling others to raise prices based on there ethical backgrounds !!
  8. Good Morning, Absolutely hilarious ???? !! They never make any stink about alcohol like this 555555 That kills more then weed.ever has. of fyi whoever wrote this article is definitely challenged in mathematics and precentages , How F—K !! Do you get 566% from 100% !!!????? 55555 ????
  9. Good Morning, NACC , I think you need to look deeper into RTP having exuberant personal assets !! Theres a lot of them we could ask how they get all these things with there RTP Salary !!???? The term brown envelope and tea money are not just metaphorical statements !! ????
  10. Good Morning, What a Big joke !! For 1 Rai of land !! Im American ???????? And Thai Nationals can freely buy as much land as they want ???? That’s why they call it The Land of the Free !! Sounds a little xenophobic Thailand when you say we are not selling Thailand off to Foreigners !! Apparently your ok allowing Chinese Government to infiltrate Thailand, Be careful with that or soon you will be fully owned by the Chinese Government !!
  11. Good Morning, Well hopefully Putin the dictator will not show to help sure up Thailand’s ???????? Face for the dismal decision for Thailand ???????? not condemning Russia at The U.N. assembly along with what MANY !! Other Nations did, CONDEMN RUSSIA ???????? For there continued atrocities in Ukraine ???????? !!!
  12. Hello , Well good news on scraping Chinese Submarine purchases , Gotta be fools Thailand to by submarine’s from China ???????? Anyways !!
  13. Good Morning, I hope this applies to motorcycles as well Thailand ?? I see just as many if not more motorcycle drivers playing with there phones while driving, If it’s anything like helmet enforcement or many people sitting in the back of open pick-up trucks , This Law will be another laughing stalk that RTP hardly enforces !!
  14. Thailand mostly always has been a fence sitter, I ask this question what for example if this was taking place in Thailand and they were reaching out for Allie assistance ??!! Put the shoe on your foot Thailand !!
  15. You’ve certainly been gulping the ways of Dictatorship and Communism Kool-aid haven’t you ??! , I suppose you also support China and the imprisonment of Wayger people in China !!?? PATHETIC !!
  16. Hello , Apparently Prawit has no knowledge of legal and fair practices of monetary global exchange rates and practices, That he openly admits falsely intending to falsely manipulate the Thai Currency. No wonder why The United States ???????? Treasury has put Thailand on the watchlist for potentially falsely trying to manipulate the Thai Baht !!
  17. Good Morning , ABSOLUTELY SHAMEFUL !! APEC , Allowing that oppressive Dictator Putin to this event !!!!
  18. Hello , How does a known Police Officer with a violent past and drug use ever get him in a Police Uniform, Badge and gun ? Seems to me a lot better mental health screening and past criminal record and offense screening needs to be much more intensive RTP !!
  19. Good Morning , Maybe Thailand’s status under The U.N. Security Counsel should be reevaluated !! Practicing these behaviors !! Also as an American ???????? I would say are you willing to risk a alliance and friendship that Thailand ???????? And America ???????? Have enjoyed for over 200 Years !!??
  20. Tell me it’s business as usual when your family and friends are being tortured and killed, Oh well that’s business !! PATHETIC !!
  21. Good Morning, AN ABSOLUTE SHAME THAILAND !! meanwhile people are being oppressed and killed and tortured in Ukraine and your supporting Russia inviting tourist. not to mention chartering planes to circumvent what the major airlines are NOT !! DOING !! SHAMEFUL !! it’s very true what they say it’s all about Baht !! SAD !!
  22. Turning an blind eye to Dictators and Oppressors is as foolish and dumb as a bag of rocks !! Once Russia is finished with them who next !!?? NEVER !! WAIT FOR OPPRESSORS AND DICTATORS TO COME KNOCKING ON YOUR SOIL AND HOME, Especially the very human atrocities that have already happened in Ukrain !!
  23. Good Morning, Personally , Thailand you should be ashamed of yourselves with neutrality towards Russia and the war in Ukrain, People are dying and loosing there homes and not to mention the human abuses and atrocities happening there by a Communist Dictator out of his mind !! Not mention your certainly not reflecting your membership and status under The United Nations, It’s appalling Thailand !!
  24. Good Morning, if it’s anything like wearing helmets or having dozens in the back of a open pick-up trucks then this is hilarious ???? The other day at the RTP training center in ChoHo Thailand dozens !!! Of police leaving the compound with no helmets being worn at ALL !! RTP Set the example before you start looking to enforce laws and rules !
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