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Robert Tyrrell

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Everything posted by Robert Tyrrell

  1. Good Morning 🌄, My God !! REALLY !!?? Like no helmets bring worn on motorcycles , 3 and more on a motorbike !!?? Drunk drivers and road fatalities!! YOU THINK THERES MORE IMPORTANT THINGS TO ADDRESS HERE THAILAND 🇹🇭 !!?? 🙂
  2. Good morning 🙏, Seems like slight profiling to me !!?? How about focusing on Community and Road safety ,Many babies driving motorcycles no helmets or more then 2 on a motorcycle?? 🙂 Or ungodly loud music disturbing people's sleep for school, Work and Retirement in villages or having to watch for drunk drivers on the roads Some of these suggestion seem logical and make sense 🙂 Maybe more beneficial then a authoritarian or profiling way of approaching things 🙂
  3. If your Country has a DTA Agreement !!Or Double Taxation Agreement!! My Nation does not !! Double Taxation is Illegal in my Country Thailand 🇹🇭 🙂 You should be ashamed of yourselves the backbone of your economy EXPATS !!! Trying to double and triple Tax people SHAME !!! PEOPLE WORK HARD ALL THERE LIVES FOR GOVERNMENTS TO PLUNDER PEOPLES RETIREMENT MONIES !!! SHAME ON YOU !!!
  4. The U.S. Treasury about 3-5 years ago put Thailand on a watch list for currency manipulation a no no in the Global Market.
  5. Good morning, Frozen pensions , No annual cost of living increases while living in Thailand. The U.K. Goverment should be ABSOLUTELY ASHAMED OF THEMSELVES !!! I'm glad my Country protects our retirement monies !!And Annual cost of living invreases , What does the U.K. Goverment think cost of living doesn't follow them when the decide to retire elswhere as example Thailand and you screw your pensioner's !!! APPAULING !! SHAME ON YOIU AGAIN !!!
  6. What they really need to stop is manipulating the Thai Baht,According the global watchdogs in the economic/forums and other governments Tresasury's is they are like in the top 5 monies being monitored for this possible activity. Stop adding travel entree fees, Stop trying to tax retired expats in Thailand which in my country is illegal , Its called double taxation 🙂 Mine will not be taxed no dta agreement or double taxation agreement with Thailand🙂 This will certainly put a damper on Thailands economy and global business and the crops or agricultural disasters and high unemploment and factories close down and Thailands products on average will see a 20% increase in there product inside and outside Thailand exported, Yes agricultural is one of the facets but the meat and potates I listed is the main factors of Thailands woes !!
  7. Adding entree fees and taxing retired forigners pensions/Incomes certainly will not aasist in even tourism if the keep down this thought process !!!!
  8. Good afternoon, I certainly do not understand why Thailand continuosly is shooting its foot off withforiegners whom put substaintail amounts of money into th Thai economy, Especially with us expats 🙂Tourism is the major backbone of Thailands economy yet things like :1. Charging a travel fee for whatever its is between 300-500 Thai baht to foriegners enterinh Thailand. 2, This dta agreement or as called a double taxation agreement, Trying to tax foregners wealth and pensions which in my country is not allowed and is illegal !! Most countries goverments tax there pension systems as you work through your life time and you certainly are not attracting expats especially to retire and many are reconsidering retirement elsewhere where this tax scam is nonexistent and cost of living are cheaper or similar to Thailand. How about using a attractive posture,Like retirees wave there taxation and any travel surcharges waive entering Thaoland with the valid retirement visa !! ????? I'm glad my Nation does not allow double taxation and any nation doing this should be ashamed of themselves !!! Allowing Thailand to tax there citizens after they worked all there life for retirement !!! NOT GOOD THAILAND YOU WILL NOT ATTRACT BUSINESS OR EXPATS = ECONOMIC LOSS FOR THAILAND !!!! 🙂
  9. Good Afternoon 🙂 FINALLY !!! They finally caught up with the real world a little bit 🙂 They had no debit card option and if you went into a store you needed to spend a miniiumum of 300 Baht , Ridiculous !!! They have improved there English option on there App but they certainly need to improve that a lot more , I do not understand, English is the International Language of Business catchup Thailand !!! 555555 🙂
  10. Hello, A lot of conspiracy and fake bull<deleted> here !! Yeah !!! Extremeley unlikely 61 Court appeals filed by the Trump Adminastartion across our Nation only winning one minor ballet issue and nearly impossible to hide any wrong doing !! Thats not only fact and statictally Impossible for anyone who has half a brain !! Infact for me this article is a prime example of poor journalism period !!! This is exactly what they want feeding the mindless Ameicans who follow this trash to tear down our Democracy and Republic !! HARRIS - WALZ 2024 !!!!
  11. Good Morning , 🙂 Sometimes baby steps in the cannibis bill being put forward is a good thing 🙂 It will at least benifit being legally used at full strenght THC%, medical or health issues only and .02 % Personal Consumption. and allows the bill to move forward keeping it legal and as time goes on I certainly see the industry opening back up to the general public sooner or later , This way the Thai Goverment still gets there slice of the pie 🙂 Once they see over time the revenue lost to the bill being put forward.They will start lossining laws up to the general public for use. Medical or Health I think its definetly a much better choice most times versus a pharamacuetical alternatives, I have some friends in America who use for Medical/Health and they are much better , Feeling good no pharmaceutical side effects versus cannibis which has very little of 🙂 America had the same Legal struggles and now theres about 35-40 States that have Legalized Cannibis for both personal anmd medical purposes and others who have Legalized Medical only but thats changing to and the Goverment Tax revenue there collecting is nearing Billions of U.S. Dollars and the Industry is even exceeding major crop profits of Corn , Wheat and more !!! So in the end its forward progress !!! 🙂 Safe and Healthy Wishes To All !!! 🙂
  12. She's Rockin !!!! HARRIS / Walz 2024 !!! Trump will be NO MORE !!! Finally that scumbag can worry about staying out of prision spending the least amount of Daddy's Fourtune !!
  13. Good morning , 🙂 What I'm reading here is a whole lot of nothing !!!! 🙂 Common sense for me anyways !! 🙂 20-25 Minutes from my local Immigration office 🙂 In the third largest City in Thailand 🙂 The Land of Smiles !! 🙂 Go to Immigration 5 times a year , The longest time spent there to accomplish what is needed to continue legally maximun time 2 hours or less to be Retired in Thailand with my Thai Family 🙂 total annual cost documents cost and 12 month visa about 2,504 Baht per year annual cost 🙂 I'm GOOD !!!! 🙂 Safe and Healthy Wishes to All !! 🙂
  14. Good Morning , 🙂 I'm glad my Country does not have a DTA Agreement / Aka Double Taxation Agreement with Thailand and for all good reason !!! 🙂 1. The writer of this articale is very correct the backbone of Foriengners that Retire here put lots of money into the Thia Economy are going to pull the plug on Thailand !!!. 2, The United States of America does not allow double taxation, It is Illegal !!!! American Pensions are taxed during your working years CANNOT AND WILL NOT !! TAX US AGAIN THAILAND !!! Sometimes or more times Thailand has no problem shooting there foot off , Stupid !!!!
  15. Good Afternoon , And they whine about cannabis !!! PLEASE !! Alcohol in Thailand is 100 X Worse !! Not to mention some of the globes highest road fatalities from crazy driving mostly alcohol fatalities !!!
  16. Good Morning, If your going to be competitive Thailand you need to consider some improvements: 1. Make Visa qaulification and processing more streamlined and efficent/ Electronic versus paper piled high !!! Offer more flexibilty after being a retiree in Thailand, Offer 5 Year Visa Option instead of one year !! 2. Stop this price gouging of foriegners for the same services and products Thai"s get for half the cost !!! 3. Offer more affordable housing allowing Foreigners to purchase both homes and property and Condos alike !!! 4. Enforce Immigrations laws to be applied equally and fairly at every Immigration office in Thailand and get rid of these rules that do not apply the same at every office. Example if an American no longer needs a Income Affidavit that was replaced with showing 1 year bank statement as per Law,Yet when I go yearly they always tell me to still provide this document ???? 🙂 Maybe Thailand should start thinking actually about how much revenue us Foriegners / Retirees pump into in Thailand,Start thinking about Efficency and Flexibility with Common sense !!!!
  18. You have to go in person from what I understand and bring every possible document and form of Identification you have because Thailands very good about asking for it 🙂 Also I'm sure a moving or frieght company can be used to transport out of the port if needed and I'm sure theres people there waiting for that kind of work 🙂
  19. Good Morning 🙂 More Seretha pipe dreams !!!! 5555 🙂, Meanwhile he can't even manage Canabis Industry with a projected sales net of over 2 Billion Baht in 2025 🙂 Government revenue Eienstien !!! 🙂 TIT !! 55555 🙂 I love Thailand its people and culture but like everywhere in the world I hate counter productive and lying and deceitful Politicians !!!!!
  20. Good Afternoon , 🙂 I'm sure the Thai people would appreciate that !! His ideals and policies certainly have more common sense then Seretha the current PM !!!!!!
  21. Not this 🙂 Its his legacy he rolled out both medical and personal use, So in sorts he's the grandfather of medical and personal use of cannibis 🙂 And involved in crafting the bill besides did you see what the government said ?? They highlighted the money !!! Taxable money as 2.5 Billion Baht or higher for 2025 !! Government income !!! Still do not understand why there trying to flip the current laws upside down when many places in the world have made medical and personal use legal but TIT !!
  22. They actually have believe it or not Government Medical I.D. with an annula fee 🙂 So basically you do have this id then fines I'm very sure 🙂 So the industry makes out , The Government and Police 🙂
  23. Good Afternoon, Sounds like a start lets see if the draft and bill are actually passed by January 5555555You know how things change BY wind direction quickly in Thailand 5555🙂 However, 🙂 This reminds me of an ancient story !! 🙂 The Trojan Horse that was gifted to the city of Troy, Well the rest is history read about it !! 🙂 So with those thoughts Shops and Framers PROTECT YOUR LEGAL INTREST !!! ESPECIALLY THROUGH THIS PROCESS !!!
  24. สวัสดีตอนเช้า , เราก็ฟาร์รังมีสามัญสำนึกเยอะ :) ซึ่งบางทีก็หายากในเมืองไทย 555555 🙂 ไม่มีที่พักแน่นอน !!!! เลขที่ !! การลงทุนในประเทศไทย !!!! ดูภัยพิบัติในปัจจุบันของคุณจากการทำลายล้างอุตสาหกรรม Cannibis !!! ประวัติความเป็นมาเปล่งประกาย ได้รับข้อความจากประเทศไทย !!!!!!!การสูบบุหรี่ ดราม่า และพฤติกรรมการรับใช้ตนเอง ดูเหมือนจะเป็นแนวทางในแวดวงการเมืองของประเทศไทยและมีอยู่มากมาย !! - Good Morning , Well us Farrang have a lot of common sense 🙂 Which sometimes is a rare species in Thailand 555555 🙂 No accomadtions absolutely !!!! NO !! INVESTMENT IN THAILAND !!!! Look at your current diaster of decimatiing the Cannibis Industry !!! Track record is shinning Thailand Message Recieved !!!!!!! 🙂 Seems to be the way in the political realm in Thailand and very plentiful !! 🙂 :)Smoking mirrors,Drama and self serving behavior seem plentiful in Thailand !!! 🙂
  25. Good Afternoon, Thailand's P.M. Is about to decimate the livelyhoods of Cannibis Shops and Farmers putting thousands upon thousands into finanacial hardship and poverty !!! Because they put personal intrest above medical facts and certainly uneducated in the medical benifits meanwhile allowing Thailands youth to walk into village shops purchasing alcohol underage for there adult gaurdians !! Thailand having one of the highest global road fatalities !!! Cannibis shop owners and framers should file a colabrotaive lawsuit against the Thai Goverment for buisneass loss and decimation of the Industry !!!! สวัสดีตอนบ่าย, นายกรัฐมนตรีของประเทศไทย กำลังจะทำลายล้างความเป็นอยู่ของร้านค้า Cannibis และชาวนา ที่ทำให้คนหลายพันคนต้องเผชิญความยากลำบากทางการเงินและความยากจน !!! เพราะพวกเขาให้ความสำคัญกับความสนใจส่วนตัวมากกว่าข้อเท็จจริงทางการแพทย์และไม่ได้รับการศึกษาอย่างแน่นอนในผลประโยชน์ทางการแพทย์ในขณะเดียวกันก็เปิดโอกาสให้เยาวชนไทยเดินเข้าไปในร้านค้าในหมู่บ้านเพื่อซื้อเครื่องดื่มแอลกอฮอล์ที่ยังไม่บรรลุนิติภาวะให้กับผู้ปกครองผู้ใหญ่ที่นั่น !! ไทยมีผู้เสียชีวิตจากอุบัติเหตุทางถนนมากที่สุดในโลก !!! เจ้าของร้านและผู้วางกรอบกัญชาควรยื่นฟ้องรัฐบาลไทยในข้อหาสูญเสียธุรกิจและทำให้อุตสาหกรรมเสียหาย !!!!
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