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Robert Tyrrell

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Everything posted by Robert Tyrrell

  1. Good morning, ???? This just shows how accurate science is and how more foolish deniers look and sound like !! ????
  2. Show me the authenticity and videos stating that , A lot of fake <deleted> out there that most intelligent people would know but there’s a lot of gullible people out there !! Hint !! Obviously you’ve convinced me by your rubbish your blithering here !!
  3. We’ll certainly you have no knowledge of what the covid vaccine does !! It protects against Sever Illness , Hospitalization and Death, It never scientifically stated it stops,Prevent or immunes you from covid infection. I suggest you further your knowledge and understanding before you blither your trolling rubbish and lies !!
  4. Good morning, someone has a serious math problem and a lying media keyboard warrior. The Thai Baht Soars ?? !!! 555555555 ???? 2/10 % , Today that’s been well erased , That whopping 2/10% 555555555 ????
  5. Good morning , Below is an excerpt of a news article, Anti establishment position ??? Seems more like the Senators stance are more about Pita pointing out establishment corruption !!!! The senators in question have said that their stance against Pita is because of his anti-establishment position, declared publicly before the election. ??????????
  6. Good afternoon, So there’s actually Thai people believing a Military State is better leadership !?? Doesn’t the majority of Thai People want MFP Party ?? The recent elections say so !! That seems the furthest away from a Democracy in Thailand ???????? I’ll let your mind do the thinking on what I would call it , The last 3 letters are hip
  7. Hello , Get your money ready a lot of Baht to pay , Stupid thing to do on a holiday !!
  8. Good Morning, If anyone believes that this guy went crazy on weed, Then your as dumb as a bag of rocks !!
  9. Good Morning, setting a standard and enforcing a standard are two different things in Thailand ???? How about enforcing pollution control on motor vehicles and motorcycles, EMISSIONS TESTING !! Assuring holding Factories to the same testing and enforcement standards !! And certainly Ban !! ALL !! Agricultural burning as well, NOW THATS SETTING A STANDARD AND ENFORCING IT !! OTHERWISE THIS STANDARD THAILAND HAS SET IS LIP SERVICE ONLY !!
  10. Good afternoon ???? after they deal with more then 2 on a motorcycle without helmets and open pickup trucks with people loaded Unsafely in the back. !!!!
  11. Nobody wrecks anything with common sense and brain ???? During covid !! Stupid people are the same as arrogant people and the reason why since man started walking upright, Human Ignorance is always what spreads disease ???? And sickness.
  12. Good afternoon, I feel sorry for everybody in Thailand, Your Government is 30-40 Years behind compared to the Western World in Environmental Pollution Control and Regulations, Question is does anybody care about your beautiful paradise you currently have enough to tell your Government to pull up there boot straps and help save Thailand ???????? And the Planet ???? !!??
  13. Good Afternoon, Great Thai Logic !! Don’t worry if 4 get in an accident and there flying through the air to there deaths , That will be better then more then 4 getting killed !!! WTF !!!???
  15. Good Afternoon, I really would like to know how Visa Services can use there Financial’s and Bank Accounts to suffice Foreigner's Financial Requirements under Thai Immigration Law that totally contradicts Thai Immigration Law and what Immigration Officers have told me every time !!?? When I go to Immigration I have to show Financial proof with Bank Book and Bank Statements in my name only Thai Bank Account and proof that the funds are coming from outside Thailand ???????? Yet for 15-20 X Times the 1900 Baht for a Marriage Visa I can have a Visa Service do it all. Talk about double standards !!
  16. Yet you can purchase alcohol under age in Thailand and people kill people with drunk driving and they pay money and it all goes away !!?? Personally the Thai government is making revenue from these weed shops , Talk about shooting yourself in the foot if you make it illegal again !! And destroying peoples lively hoods instead it won’t be covid it will be your own government if you allow it VOTE !! KNOW WHO YOU VOTE FOR TO MAKE THE RIGHT CHOICES THAILAND !!
  17. Good Afternoon, Thailand is literally 30-40 Years behind the Western World, Until they start stepping up with responsible Environmental Laws and Protections for the environment Thailands environment will suffer , Thailand your environmentally destroying your paradise !!!! WAKE UP !!
  18. Good morning, You sure know how to embarrass yourselves Thailand ???? Red and Yellow cards , What are we playing football 5555555 ???? You already have a system it’s called Black List. They were certainly correct , Thailand is like 30-40 years behind the modern Western Civilization ????
  19. Nobody needs spoon feeding , It’s Thailand’s problem to fix. Maybe if the set the way back machine 30-40 years into the future they can start becoming more responsible Nation for environmental purposes and much more !!
  20. Good Afternoon, 70% Hotel cost up, Are certainly not because of Tourists demand in Thailand, There up because of dismal Tourist numbers !! And TAT spewing there inaccurate Tourism numbers in hopes of stimulating more Tourism in Thailand ????
  21. Where have you been !!?? ???? Most have high standards New Cars , New homes but know little about saving money or spending it wisely ????
  22. Good Morning, Just tells me like everywhere else in the world ???? Including Thailand, Is the balance of wealth is at about 12% Globally hugely separated by 88% of the poor and working poor. Middle Class , What’s that ? There’s not even a close equality between Rich and Poor !!
  23. Good Afternoon, What are we playing football !!?? ???? , Red and Yellow cards. Doesn’t Immigration already have a black list system !!?? Seems to be a duplicate process and BIG WASTE OF RESOURCES !!!!!!! As for foreigners behavior we are ALL humans regardless of Nationality, Color , Creed or Religion, We are certainly suppose to all be adults correct !!?? ???? Finally, Thailand what about Motorcycles no helmets , Pick up trucks full of people speeding down roadways , Drunk drivers , Corruption in the Law enforcement system. seems to me we need to focus on EVERYBODY being responsible and stop this in my opinion is bordering on xenophobia , With foreigners always being labeled as the problem , ITS PEOPLE PERIOD!! An American proverb , What’s good for the goose is good for the gander !! ????
  24. Good Morning , Double pricing Tourist , 300 Baht entrance fee, 700 Baht Exiting Tax , Inflation , War and recovering from a Pandemic , What’s next Thailand!!?? This is all good economic sense !!! ???
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