Robert Tyrrell
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Everything posted by Robert Tyrrell
Good Morning , P.M. is hilarious !!! He's decimating the Cannibis Industry shops and Farmers, He's despreately searching for Government revenue because Cannibis is a huge losss to the Government money Till !! 🙂 All the Cannibis shops and Farmers should file a lawsuit against ther Thai Government to claim buisness losses and recover them !!!! File a Collaborative effort Lawsuit against the Thai Goverment !!! สวัสดีตอนเช้า , พี.เอ็ม. เฮฮา !!! เขาทำลายร้านค้าและเกษตรกรในอุตสาหกรรม Cannibis และค้นหารายได้ของรัฐบาลอย่างสิ้นหวังเพราะ Cannibis ทำให้เงินของรัฐบาลสูญเสียครั้งใหญ่จนถึง !! 🙂 ร้านค้า Cannibis และเกษตรกรทั้งหมดควรยื่นฟ้องรัฐบาลไทยเพื่อเรียกร้องความสูญเสียทางธุรกิจและกู้คืน !!!! ยื่นฟ้องร่วมฟ้องรัฐบาลไทย !!!
Hello , Hire Legal Advocates and file a lawsuit against Thai Government to compensate Farmers and Shop ownerrs !!! And keep Cannibis Legal. These shops and Framers should file Lawsuits against the government, One thing for sure the Thai Government is saying to these Framers and Shop Owners its unable to trust Thai Government to setup businesses that it wont trust them ever again the message appears clear these shops and Farmers should file a colaborative Lawsuit against the Thai Government for unesscary buisness Loss !!
Good morning , I certainly hope all the Cannibis Farmers and Shops that you file lawsuits for buisness losses created by the Thai Government !! I sure hope the Cannibia Industry has good Legal Advocates and Support !!! USE IT !! PROTECT YOUR LIVELY HOOD !!! Theres one message so far that Health Ministry has made clear that investiing in buisness is risky and not worth you bringing future buisness to Thailand with these illogical behaviors !!! REMEMBER YOUR GOVERMENT OFFICIALS WHO OPPOSE CANNIBIS TELL THEM WE WILL VOTE YOU OUT !!! OF OFFICE !!!
Thailand to reclassify cannabis as illegal by 1 January, 2025
Robert Tyrrell replied to webfact's topic in Thailand News
Hello, They talked nothing of Medical Cannibis ?? Will that be regulated and allowed ?? They have Government Cannibis Medical Cards you pay an annual fee for, Are those going to be accepted after January 1 ?? -
Good Morning, You will never see Thailand talk about control of alcohol, One of the highest road fatalities in the world , Thai youth can walk right into a village shop and purchase alcohol for there parents. I use it in medical capacity and it has improved greatly my fibromyalgia, Arthritis , Neuropathy in my feet and axiety compared to any medications that came with many side effects and longterm use of oral medications. I do not understand why Thailand is making such a stink when the rest of the world is makinbg it both legal for medical and personal consumption or both but Thailand loves senseless drama !!! 38 States in America have approved personal use or medical use or both !!! Theres plenty of data showing the benifits far more then a non benifit !!! WAKE UP THAILAND !!! WAKE UP HEALTH MINISTER !!!!
Good Morning, You will never see Thailand talk about control of alcohol, One of the highest road fatalities in the world , Thai youth can walk right into a village shop and purchase alcohol for there parents. I use it in medical capacity and it has improved greatly my fibromyalgia, Arthritis , Neuropathy in my feet and axiety compared to any medications that came with many side effects and longterm use of oral medications. I do not understand why Thailand is making such a stink when the rest of the world is makinbg it both legal for medical and personal consumption or both but Thailand loves senseless drama !!! 38 States in America have approved personal use or medical use or both !!! Theres plenty of data showing the benifits far more then a non benifit !!! WAKE UP THAILAND !!! WAKE UP HEALTH MINISTER !!!!
New COVID Sub-variant KP.2 on the Rise in Thailand
Robert Tyrrell replied to webfact's topic in Thailand News
Good Morning, Wheres Booster Vaccines Thailand !!!!!! ??? Been trying to locate a Booster covid vaccine for the last 3 months !!! Anyone have any info ?? 🙂 Apparently the Thai Health Mnister has more important things like criminalizing cannibis that has no adverse issues but covid can be deadly, Great !! Job Thai Health Minister !!! -
Anutin Comments on Cannabis Reclassification Poll
Robert Tyrrell replied to webfact's topic in Thailand News
Good morning , Polls and scientific benifits are key to this fight also remembering your local government officials that they can be replaced at election times if supporting criminalizing cannibis again , Meanwhile many places in the world have legalized it creating jobs and opening up more medical treatments with cannibis. The Thai people built busisnesses and farms creating large quantities of taxable income and If you make alcohol and tabacco legal Stop !! Sterotyping cannibis the Thai people have invested there time and money into job producing industry especially during Tourism downturn and recovery. I agree with Anutin, Polling and scientific data is key but the industry shoiuld have legal representation during this foolishness as well !! -
Thai Prime Minister Calls Off Controversial 300-Baht Tourism Fee
Robert Tyrrell replied to snoop1130's topic in Thailand News
Good Morning , Gambling is Illegal , But now try to make it legal with casinos cause Thai's to get addicted and in more debt to make revenue !! ??? Alcohol is legal make more alcoholics and Thailand with one of the worst road fatality records in the world !!! CannibIS is legal creating jobs and big government revenues and now try to make that Illegal !!! ???? WHERE IS THE COMMON SENSE IN THAILAND !!??? 🙂 -
Police break up network aiding foreigners to stay in Thailand
Robert Tyrrell replied to webfact's topic in Thailand News
Good Morning, Is this the first one youve busted for this Thailand ? 🙂 As if this is a shock or the first one ? 🙂 Theres many places like this in Thailand and this is no secret, Supporting financial assistance with bank accounts and so on !!!! WAKE UP !!! What I don't undertsand does that mean they have corrupt Immigration Officers ????? 🙂 -
Thailand Considers VAT on Imported Goods Under 1,500 Baht
Robert Tyrrell replied to webfact's topic in Thailand News
Hello, This Pm and his Adminastartion is detroying Thailand,It's bad enough sometimes the tax is nearly doubled or more to import products RIDICULOUS !!!! THAILAND !!!! Now your talking about taxing all !!! ??? While inflation global economy is untamed your going to punish people more by doing stuff like this ???? No mention of the next business wait until the PM Destroys the other buisness booming in Thailand. I have been talking to many expats who are pulling the plug on Thailand and with that and the angry public it spells disaster for Thailands recovery. -
Scandal rocks PM Srettha: Ethics violation accusation
Robert Tyrrell replied to snoop1130's topic in Thailand News
1,882 new COVID-19 hospitalisations and 16 deaths in the last week
Robert Tyrrell replied to webfact's topic in Thailand News
Hello, What I dont understand is its difficult to find a vaccine booster !! ??? In Nakhon Ratchisma Regoin , Why ? Anyone have info to a location in this Province ? 🙂 -
Bad News For Weed Shops: Potent Cannabis Poses Mental Health Risks
Robert Tyrrell replied to webfact's topic in Thailand News
RUBBISH !! What about the poision Lokal whiskey killing people or it seems mental health should protect Thai youth where its not uncommon to see under age going to the village shops to buy beer for the parents and adults !! Thailands has one of the highest road alcahol related fatalities globally !! -
Thai U-Turn on Cannabis: Protests and Lawsuits Loom
Robert Tyrrell replied to webfact's topic in Thailand News
Hello, Protesting and filing lawsuits is the best way to address this also weed advocates should step up pressure and the Thai people should remember the polictical party who caused this issue !!! VOTE THEM OUT !!!!! Tell your local government leaders to support cannibis !!! Or VOTE THEM OUT !!!!! -
Hello, This apparently has no effect on Medical Cannibis in Thailand which was legleslated into Law in 2018,Nor apparently now also Opium and Mushrooms under Thailands Medical Laws and usage.So at last there keeping the practicality of medical benifits of these substances. They will wake up in a few years and legalize personal use agin.
Meanwhile the rest of the world legalizes it , And its ok for Thai children to go into shops in villages and buy alcahol for there parents !! Not to mention Thailands road fatalities from alcahol !!! Destroy the economy for thousands of shp owners !!! Why are you not talking with your government leaders and legal people to address this nonsense ,The P.M. is a dinosaur!!
Good Morning !!! Great News!! 🙂 Hopefully we can finally get some non bias news reporting with facts and not gas lighting either side 🙂 You know common sense factual news reporting good or bad and having the staff to write it and report it properly for all!! 🙂 Which I find more so with Thaiger News 🙂
PM Blasted For Saying Cannabis Policy Yielded Bad Results
Robert Tyrrell replied to webfact's topic in Thailand News
Hello, While rest of the world legalizes cannabis like Germany just did,The Prime Minister lives in the stone age!!! Why don't you ask all the farmers and shops that invested into their futures and generating large government revenue for the government that invested during tough economic times and the PM wants the pull the rug out from underneath them !!! PATHETIC!!! -
Good Afternoon, why would you want to squash a 1.8 Billion Thai Baht annually in government revenue !!?? Alcohol kills far more then cannabis will ever !! No problem with underage drinking in Thailand, Thai Youth underage going to village shops buying beer 🍺 and whiskey 🥃For there parents and drinking and driving and killing people. Not to mention trying to stop a booming industry that’s providing Thais with jobs and opportunities for farmers, Especially during a global economic downturn. Common Sense Thailand 🇹🇭 !!!!