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Posts posted by brokenbone

  1. 17 minutes ago, nauseus said:

    top one is sinking

    youre just ruining our panic-party, party pooper pooping all over anxiety, how dare you ?


    on a more serious note, it brings up a problem that has emanate

    lately. your typical climate scientist would combine both data

    to formalize it, and present an undeniable upward trend,

    this has been done in historical temperature record,

    while the obvious logical way would be to dismiss poor data altogether.

    this illustrate how sh!t data from sh!t stations are, sometimes

    with sinister intent, used to mess up history and predictions,

    and humanity would be a whole wide world better off

    with fewer high quality stations,

    its stuff like this that causes misinformation & hysteria

  2. On 12/12/2019 at 10:19 PM, Lacessit said:


    Meantime, don't buy  any real estate in Bangkok. A city only 1 metre above sea level doesn't strike me as a good long-term investment. Bet the financial advisers are not saying that.

    there are two tide gauges in bkk region,

    one shows rapid sea rise and the other very little.

    one of the tide gauges was built on fill dirt in a swamp,

    the other on solid ground.

    the gauge built on fill dirt in a swamp project flood by 2050,

    the one on solid ground project flood by year 8000 (western counting)

    not saying it is, but it could be that the alarmists mixed

    up sinking station with rising sea level,

    it wouldnt be the first time they got it 180 degree wrong


    this is, btw, a direct analogy to the issues of thermometer placement

    in urban surroundings these days, just swap swamp/asphalt/urban

    depending on what you are trying to measure,

    its going to give false readings either way you cut it


    EDIT By Crossy.  Graphs sourced here 


    bkk sea rise 1.jpg

    bkk sea rise 2.jpg

    • Haha 1
  3. 17 minutes ago, Lacessit said:

    Mildura is only on the fringe of the real Australian interior. Broken Hill and Alice Springs are more appropriate sites for measurements.

    Has it occurred to you the single reading quoted in 1906 may itself be in error due to a thermometer being placed in the sun for journalistic licence? Or that multiple, statistically significant readings in this century may be more precise and accurate?


    in case you didnt notice, it was specified it was in the shade.

    it can also be the case that many new stations are badly placed

    in urban areas with asphalt around, only adding noise to the overall picture .

    here is another record from 1896

    with 127 F / 52 C from south wales australia, (in the shade, no asphalt enhanced)

    which begs the question: was it really that much co2 in south wales then ?

    or is it plausible that it can be hot without man ?

    australia 127 f.jpg

  4. 25 minutes ago, Lacessit said:

    Your data is distorted by the absence of a statistically significant number of temperature readings in the Australian interior in earlier times. For crying out loud, can't you tell the difference between the Fahrenheit and Centigrade temperature scale? That 1906 110F reading is a comparatively mild 43 degrees C. The last heat cell in central Australia hit 54 C. Your data is BS.

    both articles states 124 F in the shade, which is 51 c,

    and it may well happen that the latest record is a result of a badly placed thermometer

    in urban area surrounded by asphalt, a problem these days

    for some of the readings.

    here is another with 127 F / 52 c 1896 from south wales australia,

    there wasnt any asphalt around to distort readings back then.

    australia 127 f.jpg

  5. 2 minutes ago, melvinmelvin said:


    you are of course welcome to think so, each man strong in his faith


    I still maintain my view


    I have checked the official Swedish figures re salaries for actors in the various "provinces" in Sweden,

    their salary is NOT high at all

    you would quite simply struggle to run a family with two grown ups and two kids with that salary


    I didna bother to look for the opera bit




    greta may well be making good money, i looked up 'media influencers'

    and it turned out a swede was at the very top, making 12 million USD per year

    • Confused 1
  6. 4 minutes ago, Lacessit said:

    Really. I suppose that explains why it is trending up ever since the Industrial Revolution.

    Where on earth do you get your projections from? A Weeties packet,perhaps?

    If you read my previous posts without prejudice, you may observe I am talking about heat and thermodynamics as well.

    yes, we, the humans broke the downward spiral,

    without us recycling co2 back into atmosphere where it belong,

    life on earth is destined to go extinct.

    more heat you say ? about time say i,

    i have had it with living in an eternal ice age, inter glacial or not


    • Haha 2
  7. 48 minutes ago, Scott said:

    You can stop with the endless posting of screenshots with no attribution and little or no explanation.  


    It is a discussion forum.   Discuss matters and post substantiating links.  

    for those of us that still view this as a technical rather then political issue,

    data is everything, and graphs are the most suitable means of transferring

    and presenting those data



    Fair Use of Tables, Charts, & Graphs for Research Purposes

    Frequently, researchers wish to utilize charts or graphs of factual data created by another author in their own research or publication. As noted on the Copyright Basics page, copyright protection does not extend to protect facts. The question, then, is whether copyright protection extends to the "arrangement" of facts as presented in charts and graphs. Generally speaking, if there is only one real way to present the data, whether it be a pie chart or a graph, the factual representation is not protected by copyright.

    • Like 1
  8. 3 hours ago, Hanaguma said:

    Hi. Until someone can tell me what temperature the Earth SHOULD be at, or how big the glaciers should be, the argument is nonsensical.  Depending on where you live, the world getting a bit warmer could be a good or bad thing. One thing is for sure though, it is a natural thing. Gets hotter, gets colder. It's a cycle that is literally as old as the hills. 


    As for Saint Greta of the Perpetual Scowl and her ilk, they are running into the big problem that all "true believers" of any religion or cult run into- the problem of hypocrisy. Go to a Climate Strike, ask the protestors to give up their iPhones and cool shoes and air conditioning- see how they respond!

    i dont think there can be any arguments against cambrian period

    with an average temperature of 22, 8 degree celcius higher then today,

    and 2000+ ppm co2, five times higher then today,

    are unrivaled in earth history for promoting life

  9. 3 hours ago, MeePeeMai said:

    time has in any case run out, we are heading for colder times,

    every article on warming from this point on is fake from start to finish

    solar cycle NASA 25 years.jpg

  10. 2 minutes ago, Saint Nick said:

    "you are dead wrong about the economic viability & reliability of windmills,

    in germany who was dumb enough to bet on it, electricity is now considered a luxury,"   wrong! Totally wrong and missing any kind of source for this laughable claim! 

    "and they still need the coal plants for when the wind dont blow." wrong! Except for the fact, that I would also like to see a quote for this next laughable claim: you know how BATTERIES work, don't you?

    "they have been labeled a wealth destroying technology" by whom? Please also give me a source for this laughable claim! 

    no, the only feasible 'battery' that would have any prospect of being viable

    in this case would be pumping water uphill on those occasions when the wind blow,

    and extract the potential energy when it dont blow

  11. 19 minutes ago, Saint Nick said:

    Read this, please!

    I am happy to help with your education!



    i was watching a german engineer talking about the issues first hand,

    cant re find it on a whim but here is another article

    on the issues http://ansnuclearcafe.org/2011/01/27/the-economics-of-wind-power/

  12. 1 hour ago, Saint Nick said:

    Trashing capitalism?

    Who want to do that?

    I mean...I personally would have a look into that, but the discussion is not about "trashing" capitalism!

    Closing coal- mines, that need subsidising and opening research facilities and windfarms or solarplants, that actually offer jobs and the prospect of gains and profit...is just finding new opportunities!

    No one says, that workers at windfarms or im hydro- powerplants are working for free and for fun! 

    you are dead wrong about the economic viability & reliability of windmills,

    in germany who was dumb enough to bet on it, electricity is now considered a luxury,

    and they still need the coal plants for when the wind dont blow.

    they have been labeled a wealth destroying technology

  13. 1 hour ago, Saint Nick said:

    Is there anyone (A-N-Y-O-N-E) who says, we should get rid of Co2 in total?

    Apart from the fact, that this is not possible...who has ever advocated for that?

    Even the dumbest of the dumb KNOWS, that we need Co2 to survive!

    But we sure don't need it in the quantity we produce it at the moment!

    we dont, but the plants that are the basis of our existence do,

    they have been at starvation diet for millions of years and it gradually gets worse,

    save the past few decades when we, the humans, had the decency

    to give them first aid breathing assistance.

    its co2  that holds them back with current co2 levels.

    its well known that they thrive at 1500+ ppm,

    and if we can sustain 1500+ ppm, that is what we should do


    also, its not only possible but inevitable that co2 will drop below 150 ppm

    due to sequestration, it will happen without doubt in 2-3 million years

    if man dont dig it up, and release it back into

    the atmosphere where it belong


    in addition in such a life critical matter, it would be unwise

    to say the least, to linger at the brink of extinction (150 ppm),

    we should have a good safety margin,

    even more so as it is only ever good for nature to be at a healthy level of co2.

    in construction, it is common to build with a safety factor of 10,

    theres no reason to be cheaper with safety in this case,

    when literally all life on earth hinge on it

    • Haha 1
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