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Posts posted by brokenbone

  1. 3 hours ago, pikao said:

    Someone will correct me if I'm wrong, but I've heard that cows milk is not good for adults. For kids...maybe.

    The other thing was that a friend's girlfriend (in Europe) had breast cancer at young age (around 30) and one of the doctors told him that the breast cancer rate in Asia was much lower compared to other countries due to the non- or very little consumption of milk (-products). I just had a look on statistics and it seems that the classical "milk lands" do have the highest rates

    breast cancer may not be due to milk consumption,

    diabetes is much higher among asians but theres no ground

    for claiming its down to milk consumption.

    i think however there is ground to state that thais are only half the length

    of your typical westerner due to milk deficiency while they

    were suppose to grow, and the meat deficit also highly likely

    the reason they are not muscular

  2. 5 hours ago, smedly said:

    although I highly respect most of your posts and find them to be a good read - you are way off with this one.


    Having lived here a very long time I see no evidence of changes of the type you are suggesting.



    What has happened however are three fold


    - Thailand has become very expensive mostly down to the strength of the baht, people I know that came here on a regular basis are no longer coming.


    - the authorities decided to treat western tourists with contempt, they are making it harder and harder for tourists from the west to travel and stay here, so why are they doing this - to my 3rd point


    - they have foolishly overestimated the value that tourists from places like India and China bring here, there may be big numbers arriving but what are they doing when they get here - certainly not spending money because they generally don't have much, I see Indians wondering about in groups just looking, they may spend some time in hanging in massage joints looking for cheap relief but that is about the height of it



    Thai authorities think that big numbers translate to big revenue - well it doesn't, they have alienated the big spenders who are now going elsewhere - to places were they fell welcomed and treated properly

    agree on some points but when i on the odd occasion go out on gogo now,

    i see more asians then westerners as customers,

    and generally a whole while world less customers then it used to be

    back in the day before the relative strength of the baht.


    anyway, while the night life has died off,

    the traffic jam in the day time is as rotten as ever,

    many are the times when i give up my attempt to get a cappuchino

    in the middle of the day, its just too jammed roads

  3. 2 minutes ago, Tchooptip said:

    it's Saddam Hussein's fault, if he had not had all these weapons of mass destruction, and if he had not then made war with the USA all these disorders would not take place and Iraq would still be a quiet country today.

    Did I understand everything well? ????


    no, it was the other way around, US declared war on iraq,

    and what does wmd have to do with this at all ?

    except it being a false US claim that iraq had nukes as a pretext to wage war that is

  4. On 11/16/2019 at 1:26 PM, BritManToo said:

    My mortgage repayments have gone down.

    Petrol has also gone down.

    And cheese ..........


    Beer bars, bar girls and restaurants have gone down to ZERO, as I always eat and drink at home now.

    You wouldn't believe the amount of money that's saved me.


    On the other hand my company pension has increased by 40% in the last 4 years.

    yes i know, the one year when i lived too far away from

    gogo i could note a 200k baht increase in my bank account

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  5. 10 hours ago, BritManToo said:

    I thought that too ....... until I discovered Bar Girls!

    Who could have guessed as a 50+ something divorce battered Brit, I still had the best years of my life still to come?


    Thank-you Thailand!

    i lived with 2 thai bar girls for a while, and the only time significantly more

    depressing then that in my life was when i was living with a middle class thai girl

  6. On 10/31/2019 at 3:38 PM, Gecko123 said:

    Increase fiber in your diet and thoroughly chew your food. Henry Ford attributed his longevity to chewing his food until it was liquid.

    i inhale food and next to never chew on it before i swallow,

    that works too, i like to think of it as giving the stomach more stuff to

    work with so no need to worry about fibers

    • Haha 1
  7. the real issue here is that the so called 'gf' wants his money to go into

    the pockets of insignificant others.

    from this i extract that she is not a gf, but is paid a monthly salary,

    she couldnt care less of his economy, or him, so she is also not expecting

    to inherit him, she expect this relation to expire before he dies

  8. 8 minutes ago, Odysseus123 said:

    But an adult does not base their opinons on a bunch of a climate denialists posting on a free internet site,nu?


    Climate denialiats who cannot admit to any form of academic qualifiications,who persistently support brexit,Trump.alt right wing propaganda,and who support misogyny on a grand scale are not to be taken seriously.


    When challenged not a single one of then cam provide a single piece of evidence that they have ever visited Thailand in their lives which seems kinda strange for a Thailand forum.


    Gone down the drain where they belong..

    firstly, i dont deny medieval warm period and minor ice age,

    can you confirm whether you accept that part of climate history or deny it ?


    secondly im retired and didnt bring my engineering graduate papers when i moved to thailand,

    i had zero intent to work in thailand, i couldnt give a rats ar$e what england do,

    but i think politicians should obey the vote they asked for on principal a basis,

    this is exactly the field where consensus has any kind of legitimacy.


    thirdly just give me a suggestion of what you constitute as proof

    that i live in pattaya and ill see if its a reasonable request

  9. 1 hour ago, Odysseus123 said:

    Hmmm..go Greta go!


    But then I am not engaging in psuedo-intellectualism am I?


    I am merely pointing out the very close link between Trumpists,Brexiteers,mysogonists ,climate change denialists,alternative rightests and addicts of the internet in general.


    My academic qualifications at least allow me to ponder on these subjects..


    I guess that you wouldn't like to see another photo of our native birds,eh?

    what is the link between brits wanting to leave EU

    and republicans in USA ? and how do you link them two closely

    to 'climate change denialists', which is in itself a misnomer,

    since the group you now refer to generally aknowledge

    that climate has changed over history, -unlike the activists

    that deny there ever was a medieval warm period or minor ice age.


    this is such a bunch of confusion that it indicates you

    just fired up a cannabis bong and think that qualify as education.

    • Like 2
  10. 2 hours ago, Airbagwill said:

    So, who to believe, the unequivocal evidence as presented by Greta Thunberg and David Attenborough or the inane misogynistic blitherings of those on this thread. 

    You are just making fools of yourselves.

    i dont know what greta ever presented beside a 'how dare you'

    and some rant that people are dying, presumably due to co2 radiation,

    but unfortunately david attenborough is demonstrably wrong,

    its such a shame he made a tit out of himself as the final presentation,

    i really enjoyed his nature programs


    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  11. 1 hour ago, samsensam said:


    the way the term cheap charlie gets banded around amuses and confuses me; is it an insult or a way someone looks on others in order to feel superior? what is a cheap charlie?


    i know a foreign guy lives round my way, he wears the same very basic clothing every day, fills water bottles from water fountains and eats at the cheapest food stalls, it's i guess, all he can afford, does that make him a cheap charlie?


    I know people who have a lot of money but are careful with it, they dont throw it away unnecessarily, they understand the value of money - are they cheap charlies?


    in the end of the day everyone works hard for their money and how they choose to spend it is nothing to do with anyone else. live and let live.

    i know a downright wealthy man that flat out refuses to spend big,

    he dismissed a resturant that wanted 120 baht for a big leo,

    he took a 300 baht room on a bike tour even tho the fanciest hotel wouldnt

    make a dent in his income, let alone wealth.

    he worked hard all his life, so i guess he know value of money

    • Like 2
  12. 3 hours ago, Airbagwill said:

    Good to see Greta is getting the recognition she deserves..... 


    ...or perhaps if media ignored her altogether she would go back to school

    and try to be constructive ? then again its a competitive world

    and her prospects of a career is rather low, given her mental issues.

    maybe this is her best bet making a buck.


    speaking of media, their relentless rants are making humans dumber


    • Like 2
  13. Quote

    I notice more and more Cheap Charlies leaving Thailand.  No longer do our tales of woe convince the Thais to give us discounts on meals consisting of only pork and rice. No more phony Embassy letters for retirement visas.  And now there is talk of requiring the expensive Thai health insurance for retirement visas, OA class now, but no doubt all classes in the future.  


    Thailand is moving up, worlds ahead of neighboring Cambodia and Vietnam in terms of infrastructure and western amenities.  Yes, visas there are easy, but living is not.


    So, is this the death knell for Cheap Charlies in Thailand?  Are we about to become extinct?


    firstly you are going to have to define what constitutes being a 'cheap charlie' ?

    cause i always thought it refer exclusively to people that doesnt gives allowances

    to strangers and call it 'tip', which is just about every non american,

    but it was just about only americans that could get 'phony embassy letters'

    so what nationality are you confused about ?


    secondly i have never seen or heard of any foreigner trying to convince thais

    to give discounts on meals, actually i do, i recall a thai woman in a noodle shop

    complaining russians wanted to negotiate price for red pork,

    but that is the only instance i can recall from almost 20 years

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