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Posts posted by uncleP

  1. 2 hours ago, lopburi3 said:

    I just use this for USB file playback but working great and very reasonable price - has full options for Kodi and such and enough memory to use.  Instructions very poor but there are good video set up on Youtube (just search MXQ).


    Mx pro is rubbish

  2. In my experience  Thai's have little idea how to teach English and you should avoid them completely . Start preparing  for restrictions to be lifted by getting your wife to listen, read, write, and talk English daily. This can be done with TV, movies, music, online esl resources etc. She should also practice using the british council pron chart as English has 44 sounds: there are apps for this. (see the odd looking print after words in a dictionary which are actually showing how to pronounce words). Once things get back to normal she should find someone she connects with and enjoys talking with. Avoid esl schools in Thailand as they are designed to keep getting your money  rather than actually teach English. 

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  3. I am getting stuff from china without issue, however, lazada are keeping things for weeks locally and delivering on the last day. Stuff from China via shopee arrives much quicker than ali express or lazada . Odd considering they are all part of the same company 

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  4. I have a 1200L water tank under my porch. No problems at all as long as it has a footing. Have to clean it out occasionally but you should do that with every  tank. Make it big enough so a thai guy can get inside to clean ????

  5. Go to a fishing shop and ask them. In thailand bread is often the favorite bait. Dampen a ball of bread have your hook on a piece in the middle and sling it out. Some fish need to be tricked with powder and a small polystyrene ball on the hook that will get hovered up as they  feed. A small commercial  pond and guys fishing will show you local baits.

    Failing all that you need to find out what you target species feeds on in the wild and introduce things that they may like. Thow sme free bait and see if it gets eaten over 24 hours. If eaten put some more  once you are sure the fish are feeding on your bait you can fish for them  easy innit!  ????

    there is also no point in fishing where there are no fish.   walk around the lake, many times if neccessary, and try to find where the fish are and where they feed.

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