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Posts posted by fraggleRock

  1. 5 hours ago, TERMINATOR3AB said:

    It is  very sad  and I  am married to a lovley  Thai lady

    I have been to  6  Asian  countries   and Thailand by far is  the most Racist  to me as  an Auatralian

    Strange  though   the  country  that  shows real  warmth  and no racism  was Thailands  neighbour   Cambodia

    With  the Phillippiness  a  close  second

    Why  is that?


    Your right, ... I have travelled the world *** TWICE *** And by far Thailand is the most xeno country on the planet! .. I have suffered it for 15 years... no more ... even my well to do educated Thai wife has suffered due to marrying me, this country is a cesspool of hatred and loathing, up there own butt people with tiny brains... 

    • Haha 1
  2. I think all the traffic is one way... OUT ... your moronic TAT.... no one wants to come here, after 15 years of living here I never want to return... its a floating turd in a barrel surrounded by hookers, scammers, killers corruption, drunk drivers commiting hit and run and high level homosexuals in power... 

    • Haha 1
  3. 19 hours ago, Patts said:

    Media have done there best to scare Thai's of the dirty farang. 


    Thailand will keep the ban on international arrivals until a vaccine is approved. 

    Its been how many years and still no SARS Covid 2 vaccine.. Thailand will become jungle banana republic soon again... there is no test for covid 19 and there will be no vaccine... the PCR and antibody tests are flawed... Quite easy to pass these tests as the tests are unreliable... And with Thailands record on medical testing DNA amplification... well as reliable as an airport taxi meter... 

  4. There is NO test for the specific coronavirus ID 19 in existence, these people are being tested using a floored test procedure called PCR which is a DNA strain amplification test under uncontrolled and unsterile environments.  This test will basically in less the 5% of cases show you have had the flu in the last 5 years or so as it will, due to untrusted all ready mentioned amplification.  This also applies to the blood antibody test... it tests for coronavirus strains (flu) NOT covid 19 .. so if you’ve had the general flu lately you WILL test positive... No vaccine can or will be developed, only medication to help supress the symptoms which have existed for years ... its IMPOSSIBLE to die of a coronavirus as it is virus and not a bacterial infection.... 

  5. So Thailand is on the verge of economic and political collapse, the PM is concerned with something that happened years ago that underwent a brown envelope exercise years ago.  Get a dam grip PM and sort your starving people which should be of a greater concern... whats an absolute failure to the human race of Thailand, your a slow kid that was sent to private military school that got on his knees to many times..!

  6. 1 hour ago, Wavel said:

    As of today to leave Thailand one needs a health insurance policy with a Covid 19 inclusion to the sum of ฿100,000. To re-enter one needs a health insurance policy with a Covid 19 inclusion to the sum of $100,000, which is in excess of ฿3,000,000. Go Figure. The whole situation is going from "The Sublime to the Ridiculous". With people in authority pulling numbers out of hats. Some departments wish to get the economy back on track, (building & construction are reliant on local foreign labour) whilst others are intent on making it as difficult as possible for foreigners to gain entry. TIT.

    Why would I need 100k insurance to fly to my home country which has a national health service? Why would I need a Covid certificate? Ive not been out the Country since Feb.... ... what is your source of information for these requirements to leave this condemned to hell dammed place.

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  7. 5 hours ago, Laughing Gravy said:

    Sadly typical Thailand. Money is more important than justice and what is right. Just like years ago a certain person killed a policeman in front of numerous witnesses and the charges were dropped.

    A stint in the temple and he was a government minister.


    If i was Thai I would be absolutely ashamed and embarrassed that this continually goes on and people just accept it. A very sad day in Thai history.

    Agreed... a nation that has been repeatedly beaten down with banana tree leaves, now a nation of cowards who won’t fight and only know submission... The new oupost of CCP in SE Asia.

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  8. 1 hour ago, spiekerjozef said:

    Europe is getting a second wave now, just because they opened up way too soon. Save the economy BS. If they would have waited 2 more months, they've would have been fine. What's the point shut your business for 3 months, then open up for 1 month and you have to shut it down for another 3. Good luck with the 3rd and 4th wave.

    Yes, they can learn from Thailand's method.

    There is no wave, you have been watching too much MSM.   Thailands method has been to shutdown everything, destroy the country and don’t test anyone and mark all deaths as alternative conditions... no vaccine is forthcoming.  Thailand is the ‘new’ north korea, everything is suppressed and the population are so under educated they believe everything they are spoon fed, your a fool of the highest order and probably a political stooge ...

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