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Posts posted by fraggleRock

  1. Testing positive for coronavirus does not mean you have covid 19, WHY?


    Because the common cold is the coronavirus...  so in cetain countries you will be added to the statistics as testing positive for the coronavirus NOT covid 19... Isn’ that a crazy thing... It a very sneaky thing governments are doing to ensure control.  Countries are on shutdown for the common cold.

  2. 4 hours ago, steven100 said:

    nonsense,Thailand has faired very well in the fight against COVID-19 transmission and infection rates. Measures put in place early by Khun Prayut Chan O Cha were necessary to ensure effective risk management as has been proven so just keep blowing your trumpet ... but kindly in your own kitchen ... lol


    Agreed, but sadly the cost to the population has been devastating, common ground should have been considered.  The virus won't being going away as its global and not localized.  The only way to contain the contagion is to remain on border lock down indefinitely - which is not viable and will probably put Thailand into civil war, hence the decree to control the population extension.

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  3. 3 hours ago, DrTuner said:

    Official Thailand: https://covid19.moph.go.th/

    Unofficial Thailand: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-53073046




    This time I didn't grab any of the captions in the screenshot, the usual suspect are free to have a cow. Or look at the BBC website.

    This graph is of no use just like what the UK feed the press, where are the datasets? In the uk I have analyzed the datasets from the ONS death certificate breakdowns and I can assure you the total number of deaths for 2020 will hardly exceed that of 2019 IF at all.... This COVID has fooled every government in the world and they know they have egg on there faces.  They have turned it around to use as a power grab to track everyone if they can... and use deprivation and poverty as a powerful control tool...

  4. 15 minutes ago, Peter Denis said:

    To summarize the changes in plain english

    > The 'owner of the place' where YOU - a foreigner - is staying has to report your arrival there only ONCE to your local IO, and this has to be done within 24 hours of your arrival at the premisses. 

    The above is valid as long as the permission to stay (or the extension of it) on which you stay in the Kingdom has not expired.  So when having applied for or re-entering on a new Visa a new TM30 has to be filed by the owner of the place where you are staying within 24 hours of your arrival at the premisses (and this has to be done only ONCE).

    Note; The 'owner of the place where you are staying' can be

    - yourself, when you are the owner of the condo where you are staying;

    - your wife/girlfriend, if it is her name on the house-book of the place where you are staying;

    - your landlord, in case you are renting;

    - a manager of a Hotel/Guesthouse where you are staying (even if only temporary).

    So exactly what has changed as this was what I was doing anyways ? 

  5. On paper Thailand has faired well and maybe dodged the bullet but its at a massive economic cost that might cause Thailand to implode! but the UK has been a shambles, they were directed to empty the hospitals in preparation and sent old folks to homes, where it spread like wild fire, they were thrown under the bus... here they have a track and trace of sorts in the UK they messed even that up... and it might be scrapped - UK kept flights coming in, no masks etc... late lockdown --- UK NHS staff to busy doing TIK TOK videos... !

    • Like 1
  6. 10 minutes ago, dallen52 said:

    I chose to make Thailand my place to live.

    I didn't chose to leave in February for Australia, it was the fires and obviously family members there.

    Been trying to get back ever since. 

    My thai family has been deprived of work, now unemployed, lied to about government assistance, living on what I can give them. And the food they can grow.

    At least allow me to get back into Thailand and be with them again...

    We are not married, but 7 years together and a family home.

    It appears that my retirement extension is nothing but a tourist visa when it comes to family matters.


    Sadly disappointing and heartbreaking. 

    Sorry to hear of your plight, best of luck.

    • Thanks 1
  7. 21 hours ago, Forza2002 said:

    "Meanwhile, Anutin said he was ready to be injected with a prototype vaccine for Covid-19 as part of medical trials." Talk is cheap????, if he does have the injection will it be witnessed by journalists. I doubt that very much...

    There will NEVER be a vaccine, eternal lockdown - but I hope they inject something into this clown..... like a brain! Thailand Government (Chailand) has chosen its destiny - not my place to comment but be prepared to jump ship when it hits the fan as my boat is ready... Lets see if they are prepared to stay on a sinking ship or be cowards and bail...

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  8. The Wuhan flu is not leaving anytime soon, and as soon as the borders are open ---- give it two weeks + and it will be shutdown again ... not just here but everywhere... this will be the future for a few years (5 -10) - NO vaccine will be developed as it will mutate over and over again .... where is the SARS vaccine after all these years....? The poor health or hygiene of many Countries will ensure its survival ...... batten down the hatches with your finances as the REAL financial impact has still to hit Thailand.... The devastation will put it back 50 years.  On a side note -> tourist target being Chinese and Indians who are on the verge of a major conflict.... that's gonna go well !

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    • Haha 1
  9. 6 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

    My 8yo son goes to Thai government school and has a perfect command of English.

    My 22yo step-daughter goes to Thai government University (after government high school) and has a perfect command of English.


    Although not attending currently as everywhere is closed.

    Because your kids have benefited by way of the command being your  ‘mother’ tongue... as is my son and daughter... from me and my Thai wife! They speak 5 languages including complex visual text from Japanese to Danish! This is not a racist post, its fact! 

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  10. 9 minutes ago, JackThompson said:

    You mean when we deal with corrupt immigration officials who try to extort us, as other branches of govt also do Thais?  I think complaining is the bare minimum we should do.  Ideally, we should be on TV pointing our fingers at the arrested "former" govt-employees.

    If you have a work permit and pay taxes? - I think the fact your not a Thai national may have something to do with it, just look at how Australia are not discriminating - one rule for all, you all pay.... from my understanding - feel free to correct me...

  11. Its very tough - but adults apart is pretty normal in Asia for work purposes but unlucky for me I have a child trapped in North Sumatra, Indonesia - IF they opened up all 3 airports and airlines blah blah etc.. required and then getting back to Thailand to my other child and mother I'd be required to spend 8 weeks in mandatory Government controlled isolation in 3 different Countries!  She is too young to fly alone and it wouldn't be allowed anyways.  Just have to deal with it and look forward to the end of the 'Chinese Plague'.

  12. 8 hours ago, bkk6060 said:

    Most of the people lined up for food are not travelers.

    In fact, I bet many work in the tourist service industry.

    Believe it or not there are a number of Thais especially in Bangkok who are fairly well off.

    Normally 1000's of Bangkok Thais come to Pattaya for the weekend. Eating, drinking, different activities, etc.

    Then add the foreigners who live here who travel to different provinces for tourism or other reasons.

    Nothing close to international tourists, but the tourists I mentioned do have some impact on the Thai economy.  At least it would be a start and bring back some jobs.



    I've worked in Thailand for many years for the top 3 companies listed as by the Government as the rickest --- your statement "Believe it or not there are a number of Thais especially in Bangkok who are fairly well off. ' is very floored... it a precepted weath.. most are literally living on Credit Cards..... 

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