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Everything posted by Almer

  1. He.is.wanted for questioning, not to quick to judge, he has upset many hence his bullet ridden car and in Los revenge is sweet.
  2. It shows how backward this sniffer is, geesh man you have to sniff and lick before they are washed
  3. A note to Thaiger, please follow this through the court and let's see of these offenders whose parents have money
  4. Why not put them in the same pipe they used for there "annoying" victim.
  5. 15-17 year olds, these are the future of Thailand, and there parents will show little or no remorse whilst they drive to work in there debt riden D Max, I put the problems Thailand has with parenting, my neighbour has a 31 year old daughter, who has had 4 jobs in her working life the longest lasting 3 weeks, drives about in her car all hours of the day and night and throws a tantrum when she wants something and the parents haven't the money to pay for it, the girl is a self confessed hi-so with no means if support other than her parents.
  6. In CG covid you had an excuse
  7. Every thing was going so well until he came to the hill, no sense idiot riding the foot brake down hill.
  8. I am thinking some do it due to no other option, eg you miss your 90 day for what ever reason, then you can't do your annual extension etc etc etc
  9. Nothing to see, all over except for the 6 months of 🐂 Shiite
  10. I wish I could have video'd it I have never in all my 75 years laid eyes on a 🇯🇵bottom end, because of my advanced years I may not get the chance, can somebody enlighten me to how I may have missed a phenomenon of nature
  11. spidermike007 you have a most direct way if hitting the nail square on, but I feel this wonderfully put analogy will go over 50 million natives heads.
  12. Pus:ing in public not good dosn't matter the nationality, but as an excersise how about we all send to this news platform all the Thai drivers we see taking a p:as break on the side of .he road when there will be a PTT any time soon and see how many are published.
  13. A Thai drink driving must be short of stories today, surely you could have found a falang pressing the wrong lift button to persecute
  14. I think there are a lot of people watching there backs at the moment
  15. Brake failure, so check her brakes and if found to be functioning slap her hard with a fine for going through a red, I suspect nothing will be done and it's all forget about this morning, the Thai people wouldn't lie.
  16. The day before his car gets sprayed again
  17. I think if the. Police chief wants one. Issued it will be issued, this is Los
  18. Yes offshore high speed patrol boats, where would the submarine patrol, they do know I presume it goes under the water,
  19. I wonder how she gets her rice sticky She is not selling sex she is selling sticky rice mango flavour
  20. Sure they will have a past
  21. Don't sell on my patch or I will snitch on you, I don't want competition. Thai business model
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