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Everything posted by Almer

  1. Well keeping road fuel at under 30 has not worked, 30.40 30.80 is common, i haven't seen 29.95 .
  2. Online shopping can be risky, my preference is pay COD there is at least the security of not ri s ky money if nothing turns up, I have purchased many things through Lazada and the experience has always been good
  3. . I think you are correct in thinking that
  4. Funny nobody finds the time to write a few lines about the poor souls 19 years ago but will write pages about lady boys and such in Pattaya
  5. From the West you learn at a young age to stand back on a footpath if you hear an emergency vehicles and that follows you to your driving, get out if the way. I feel the ambulances here a partially to blame they run about all day with the ten lights on and are in no rush waiting with all at traffic lights, when one is in a hurry the audible siren in some can hardly be heard when you are stood in a footpath,
  6. Witnesses state the vehicle was powering at the time, the driver had it in 4 gear, the driver states it was the wet roads, 29 years minimum for killing 4 persons, and I think if is the job of the reporters to follow this and see what penalty is rushed out, for goodness sake this poor mother was selling water to feed her children, sickening.
  7. I was wondering why they hadn't filled the finance ministers role 555 OMG this will be played out in the world's press for sure encouraging loads of investments.
  8. Look at his eyes, worthlesss bag of s--t, let him do time in a UK jail they love his type locked up
  9. This is to please the masses not in any way to help the world, a typical new government looking for new friends, it wi put a little more in people's pockets to spend on the dark lottery
  10. It's not a lot but it helps, X all the other people who will save 350 baby, but beware the new tax plans!!!
  11. Bath Spa to be exact, with its very own hot water spa straight from the ground
  12. Today, TSB-Wise-Bankok Bank 7 seconds from press go.
  13. I thought there was a rule that no red plates in the hours of darkness??
  14. But we all no landlords do everything not to return the deposit, so as the saying goes, what goes around comes around.
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