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About Tropposurfer

  • Birthday 11/09/1956

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    Nai Thon, Phuket. Thailand

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    Nai Thon, Phuket

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  1. Ya better hurry up there Sparkey ... cause if the nutter dark-ages GOP and their poster boy traitor Trump get there way shortly after January 2024 there won't be any Medicare ... unless of course the dumb as rocks people of the US wake up and send both him and his sicko cronies to jail and the political wilderness.
  2. From the posts tag line: And mind you I'm just 'spit-ballin' here but I don't think dead mother are allowed to emigrate lol 🤣😂
  3. only 4. To tickle the old and appalling misogynist mates I used to have, I thought there were only two; Ones with a pulse and ones without.
  4. From what I've seen of many of the Ruskie gals around Phuket they must have been jabbed at this clinic cause they look like some sort of weird character sex-dolls with their bizarre fat botoxed lips ... soooo ugly.
  5. Here a veritable cat amongst the pigeons: Tell yourself that when in the street in ... oh say Kununurra on any night and an eighty or ninety kilo homicidal woman of colour takes into her mind to bash a white c..t senseless, if not to death, then attempts to do so ... see how far the phrase; 'never hit a woman mate' gets you. My experienced guess would be, if you defer to that phrase you'd end up in the operating theatre in the Kunna's base hospital, if not DOA.
  6. The great myth that America was the motoring epicentre of the world, and ever made decent cars ... lol 🤣
  7. I read your post carefully mate n you need to: 1) go to a dentist ASAP who will deal with this "Black rotten" tooth, and thoroughly inspect your entire mouth. 2) You might consider taking a look at the thinking you express around this - particularly around the notions of self-care and self-love. I say to you because, for a person to not go to a dentist for years at a time, have "black" rotting' teeth clearly indicated a distorted view of self care. For healthy teeth; A person needs at lest 1 clean and fluoride a year, and at lest 1 to 2 checkups of all your teeth each year ... this whether you floss clean (and leave the residue of toothpaste in the mouth afterwards) and rinse a few times a day.
  8. I always suffer for that when swimming in colder European waters on holidays.
  9. What a great idea! Buy a ready supply of tiny plastic containers, instead if taking one minute more to grind your own fresh coffee, use the toxic plastic container once, then throw them in the endless ... NOT ... landfill
  10. Ditto ... Thai surgeons, - the best ones in the best Private hospitals (or Chula University Hospital) are second to none globally. "Cowboys" indeed! 🥴 ... don't know what he's talking about!
  11. Knew a fella back in the eighties in Sydney who did this with lots of women ... he got 15 years for his murderous exploits. Died in jail.
  12. Tropposurfer


    If ya google 'Flanders poppies' you'll find links to Remembrance Day ... lest we forget 🙏
  13. The very best of Dentists: Dr Lily Poncheron Bangkok Dental Spa. Soi 19 Sukhumvit. Opposite SQ Boutique Hotel Easy walk from Asok BTS, Terminal 21.
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