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Everything posted by Spamhead

  1. So your wife gets at least one scam call from people she knows each day ? Weird or what
  2. Blah blah blah. Yet more hot air from Thai Ministers. We all know know exactly what will happen. A few more committees followed by press releases and the obligatory photo opportunity with Ministers congratulating themselves on a good job done. Followed by absolutely zero action. It happens time after time with any major incident. Why would any right minded person think this would be any different ?
  3. Hire a solicitor and let them do all the chasing around and asking of questions for you. It's what they are trained and paid for after all. Good luck
  4. I didn't realise a delegation from China had been visiting parliament
  5. I hate to disappoint you but this is not always the case. I witnessed one such incident just this afternoon on Srinakarin Road with four coaches speeding down the outside lane following a police motorbike. Not even a bus length between them. A tyre blow-out or emergency stop by one and the following buses would be unable to avoid an accident. I
  6. I'm thoroughly confused. I thought their idea was to tax all assessable income on a worldwide basis, not just that brought into Thailand.
  7. I'd rather go without than drink that sickly sweet 3 in 1.
  8. Heads down, defamation lawsuit incoming !
  9. And neither will anybody else since there is no trial by jury in Thailand.
  10. Maybe he just wanted to offer you advice on how to construct legible sentences.
  11. On the upside his hair will grow back. On the downside he'll still be an ignorant peasant.
  12. You say she wants to pay back the cost of the ceremony, not that she wants to pay for the cost of the ceremony. This would imply she has already borrowed money from someone and your friend would simply be loaning her money to pay back a prevoius loan which makes zero sense.
  13. Maybe they can appoint someone who can reduce those taxes on wine and luxury goods you keep banging on about.
  14. How is stabbing someone in the abdomen several times an accident?
  15. Another one to add to the list of ways to kill yourself in Thailand. Hopefully when he recovers he will reflect on his stupidity...
  16. Spamhead


    Sorry but you are wrong to suggest this is not a Thai trait simply because back home they do similar.., A trait is not something that has to be unique. Suggest you looking up the definition.
  17. The problem with your argument is this is a Thai forum therfore the vast majority of criticism is by definition going to be about something Thai . If you can't understand that then maybe this is the wrong forum for you since you simply make yourself look like a Thai apologist. Let's just agree to disagree
  18. Likewise try not to see denial through the lens that if something is not right it must be because it's not thai/thailand.
  19. All pallets are brought onto the floor via forklift without exception. He's not talking a forklift truck numpty.
  20. Not at all. They are you're words not mine. Of course they should try and restock shelves as and when stock is running low. What they do however is wait for the stock to run so low that is necessitates them bringing a huge pallet board onto the floor blocking ailes and causing an unnecessary hazard and inconvenience to shoppers. No doubt if they run one of these unstable pallets into a customer it will all be the customers fault.
  21. At a guess because the management are total <deleted> without any clue how to run a retail outlet and even less commonsense.
  22. 555 I'll give you a moment to reflect on your statement and recognise the absurdity of that comment. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
  23. Sorry but that's plainly not true. If they put the original price up 12% and then discounted the resultant price by 12% you still received a discount on the original price. That's just basic maths.
  24. Makes perfect sense. The guy being quoted is a Swiss national and is talking to a Swiss news outlet therefore talking Swiss Francs.
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