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Posts posted by Seth1a2a

  1. A man goes to his doctor for a physical after noticing how fatigued he becomes during sex with his wife. The doctor comes back after reviewing a battery of tests and exlpains to the man that he was lucky he came in when he did. He tells him that one more time and he would not have survived. The doctor released the patient  and explained to the wife who was waiting outside that sex would no longer be a part of their relationship and that they should make the appropriate adjustments .  After about a year the wife who had remained faithful and had decided to sleep on the couch downstairs decided she just could not take it anymore and decided things had to change so she headed upstairs  . Coincidentally he was coming down the stairs so she asked "where are you going? " He said " I was just coming downstairs to die".  She said  "really?, I was just coming upstairs to kill you........  " 

    • Haha 1
  2. 1 hour ago, Andrew65 said:

    "Under the Criminal Code of Thailand, whoever dishonestly takes away any thing that belongs to another person shall be imprisoned for three years and shall pay a fine of 6,000 Baht". 

    True and don't forget the extra kick in the pants they'll give you if the crime is after dark......

    {Section 335. Certain Types of Theft

    Whoever commits theft under any of the following circumstances:
    1. By night;

    Shall be punished with imprisonment of one to five years and fined of two thousand to ten thousand Baht.    }

  3. I worked part time as a waiter with a Thai and a couple of Lebanese brothers back in the mid 70s. (in USA)

      On breaks we would all tell our "weird culture "stories .

    The Thai guy had everyone rolling on the floor when he told us about the fights that would break out in "Thai" restaurants regularly because Thais take it as an insult to be stared at while they are eating . He said that all it took was a glance and the place would turn into a western saloon fight.( Including a well dressed little kid biting him on his leg) He admired the fact that US restaurant patrons were so well behaved.

         I've been travelling (off and on) to Thailand since 1995 and with that in mind I can honestly say that in 24 years I have never sat and watched a Thai eat food. Even at private dinners in the homes of Thai friends with their families.

    In a restaurant I am mainly keeping an eye on my own food to avoid biting into any extra winged or crawling protein that was not listed on the menu.














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    • Haha 1
  4. 2 hours ago, Mitkof Island said:

    And another lame excuse for your own selfish reasons

    Exactly !!  Would they do it in Dubai? 

    Or would they do things by Dubai standards ?  Would they do it in Iran ?   or would they run from the Iranian police ?.

    Thais know when people are taking a piss on them because they know the same people don't piss on other countries in the same way.  

    Don't cut the line when it comes to respecting other peoples cultures, traditions or rules of law.   You'll get a lot further calling a travel agent than calling Thais stupid. If you're not happy in Thailand you might be happy somewhere else.


    Just for the record. There are nude beaches in Thailand and there are nudist enclaves in Thailand. 

    Thailand does have nudism but it is tolerated in those areas. A few samples below:




    Make your own rules and the Thais will eventually break them down.

    Live by the rules and you will usually get a break on minor infractions.






    • In Thailand there are a number of naturist resorts. All are member resorts of Naturist Association Thailand and host regularly scheduled monthly meetings. Examples include Chan Resort in Pattaya,[14] Oriental Village in Chiang Mai,[15] Phuan Naturist Village outside of Sattahip,[16] Lemon Tree Resort in Phuket, Barefeet in Bangkok, NF Camp in Phetchaburi[17] and the Oriental Beach Village on the island of Koh Kho Khao.[18]Peace Blue Naiharn in Phuket has been completed and is open, and additional naturist resorts are under construction.
    • Like 2
  5. 36 minutes ago, Pink2019 said:

    Have you lot got anything better to write about, leave Sam alone, you don't know him or anything about him, just a bunch of people talking about anything better! Keep your noses out of his business 

    Not an attack, but the quickest way to get this thread closed to further discussion is to help your friend get his affairs in order so that he can attend to the needs of his family.  The "Go Fund Me" request to "put noses into his business" , triggered a large range of responses because of the missing information involved in his overstay.  With justification the requested or needed amount could even be achieved in the form of a loan.      








    • Thanks 1
  6. I know it was not a question to me,  but if he did not worry about what was ahead of him it seems to follow that he would remain just as selfish .

    Hate to be prejudiced towards his age but that guy looks a lot younger than many I would feel sorry for who paid their dues in life, eventually retired and then hit some sort of legal or financial brick wall  "Through no fault of their own" . 


    11.5 years supporting his family ? This needs to be cleared up in his promised explanation . Right now it just sounds like the ticket ran out on the "Thailand" amusement park ride . This kid has to grow up.

    Both parents died and then he had troubles ? Not hard to imagine they were busting their a$$es supporting him and his family for the last 11 years. Someone talked about the parents estate.  If there was anything that was not heavily mortgaged left behind , there would be no need for this Go Fund Me (while I have fun) charade.  Too selfish to go to at least one funeral to pay his respects says a lot about this guy. Not a demon but definitely not a saint


    You can call me jealous or judgmental ,but the jewelry, the hair tint, and the slight smirk on his face says a lot about what he was really concerned about.


    Screenshot 2019-07-16 at 11.19.10 AM.png

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  7. This won't make you proud but as you say something needs to be done.

    A non lethal solution is to get a bowl of the hot peppers they sell in your area.

    Boil them down, strain the liquid through a cloth , put the liquid into a utility sprayer and keep it handy. There is a neighbor who seems to relish the fact that her tiny little dog goes after the young children and elderly (walking their dogs on a leash ) . Came onto my property to take a crap last night and then decided to show me who's boss.... After the spray the dog was trying to clean himself while whining and rolling in the grass . Those sprayers usually cost  60 to 100 baht. 

    He saw me this morning but stayed across the street. 

    They seem to get braver at night .




    (not related to your soi dog = no owner, but the neighbor came out and called her dog while giving me a dirty stare as if she had been watching the whole thing. Usually he follows people to the next block while they walk backwards.)

    • Like 1
  8. 10 hours ago, MeePeeMai said:

    On the way home I just thought to myself .... welcome to the Twilight Zone, where the Mandela Effect is now in full force. 

    Named after the famous Nelson Mandela this conspiracy theory Is when a large group of people remember something being a certain way, but when people go back and look at it, it has changed or is gone in this universe with no reasoning other than "it's always been like that".



    Sounds like an accurate description of your situation.

    Thanks for the info. Please give us an update on your next visit if they make any new changes in policy.  















    https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Mandela Effect




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    This happened a few years ago.   Yes, I know there's a difference between an altered passport missing pages and one missing enough pages as a reason for denial, but I just wanted to inject a little humor into the thread.             May the Mods forgive me...



    This woman — who was neither from Germany nor from Florida  ripped pages out of her passport and used them as toilet paper. The Thai government didn’t accept her altered passport, and deported her.


    I Wonder what the reference to "Germany" and "Florida" is all about.....

    Screenshot 2019-07-10 at 6.32.32 AM.png

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