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Posts posted by Seth1a2a

  1. 11 hours ago, IAMHERE said:

    I wonder if it was counterfeit?

    In the late 1990s Cambodia was used as a dumping ground for "Korean" counterfeiters. It's not a stretch to see it coming in from South Korea (originating in North Korea ) again.

    This link is from 1996


    "Each of the $100 bills was a nearly perfect counterfeit."



    51 minutes ago, hotchilli said:

    More like drug money, cash purchases are tricky to detect,

    Let's say it's not the " super k " type bills . There might still be a network of guys remaining to 

    put real money in need of laundering to it's best advantage.  


    It got so dicey back then that US 100s were triple checked everywhere I went . 





     I only mentioned the older story

    to say this isn't something new.  Those bills look pretty crisp in this photo

    Screenshot 2019-07-09 at 4.46.49 PM.png

  2. Marriage and divorce
    Topics relating to marriage and divorce in Thailand.


    Seems like you are posting in the correct forum but someone confused it with a new forum called "kick me please".


    Here are the basics (see the full list below) . You do have some light at the end of the time tunnel if you can wait it out. Easiest is to just stay completely out of touch with her. After 1 year and she can file (without your permission) or after 3 years you can file (without her permission). Change your phone number(s), internet addresses,  Home address ( get a P.O. box) or any legal way she can prove contact and just sit it out.

    Example Since you have no plans to remarry and she might run into another "Hansum Man" who wants to, she can file after one year. 


    "#4) One spouse has deserted the other for more than one year, the latter may enter a claim for divorce;

    #4.2) the husband and wife voluntarily live separately because of being unable to cohabit peacefully for more than three years, or live separately for more than three years by the order of the Court, either spouse may enter a claim for divorce;"


    Section 1516, Title I of the Civil and Commercial Code of Thailand provides that “Grounds for divorce

    1. The husband has given maintenance to or honored such other woman as his wife, or the wife has committed adultery, the other spouse may enter a claim for divorce;
    2. One spouse is guilty of misconduct, notwithstanding whether such misconduct is a criminal offense or not, if it causes the other:
      1. to be seriously ashamed;
      2. to be insulted of hated or account of continuance of being husband or wife of the spouse having committed the misconduct; or
      3. to sustain excessive injury or trouble where the condition, position and cohabitation as husband and wife are taken into consideration; the latter may enter a claim for divorce;
    3. One spouse has caused serious harm or torture to the body or mind of the other, or has seriously insulted the other or his or her ascendants, the latter may enter a claim for divorce;
    4. One spouse has deserted the other for more than one year, the latter may enter a claim for divorce;
      1. one spouse had been sentenced by a final judgment of the Court and has been imprisoned for more than one year in the offense committed without any participation, consent or in the knowledge of the other, and the cohabitation as husband and wife will cause the other party sustain excessive injury or trouble, the latter may enter a claim for divorce;
      2. the husband and wife voluntarily live separately because of being unable to cohabit peacefully for more than three years, or live separately for more than three years by the order of the Court, either spouse may enter a claim for divorce;


    5. One spouse has been adjudged to have disappeared, or as left his or her domicile or residence for more than three years and being uncertain whether he or she is living or dead;
    6. One spouse has failed to give proper maintenance and support to the other, or committed acts seriously adverse to the relationship of husband and wife to such an extent that the other has been in excessive trouble where the condition, position and cohabitation as husband and wife are taking into consideration, the latter may enter a claim for divorce;
    7. One spouse has been an insane person for more than three years continuously and such insanity is hardly curable so that the continuance of marriage cannot be expected, the other may enter a claim for divorce;
    8. One spouse has broken a bond of good behavior executed by him or her, the other spouse may enter a claim for divorce;
    9. One spouse is suffering from a communicable and dangerous disease which is incurable and may cause injury to the other, the latter may file a claim for divorce;
    10. One spouse has a physical disadvantage so as to be permanently unable to cohabit as husband and wife, the other may enter a claim for divorce.







    • Thanks 1
  3. 41 minutes ago, atyclb said:

    it ain't a thai girl

    I honed in on the "date scam" issue because of a similar situation with a girl I met from the Badoo website. Claimed she was working at Big C always stories about management, taking off sick days, store promotions etc.... Turns out she finally admitted she was a Thermae freelancer but wanted the BFE (boy friend experience). The big C job was over before we met......Usually went out dancing, eating and drinking a few times a week . Pretty girl with a clever ruse who was nice to hang out with. The lies were not diabolical . It was just a way of saving face. One day I showed up and she "borrowed" 200 baht to pay a local restaurant bill.....




    • Like 2
  4. Here's a guy pretty much doing the same thing (assuming it's not a troll post)  He's 58,

    Bar girl , 20 yr old ,  throwing big cash for gash , caveat this time is that he wants a kid in the bargirl bargain....


    Wondering if admin will let this TVF link stand here. Not off topic in my view.


    ...........................................................................................................................................................   ..... 


    [But how do I discuss the subject with a young girl 20-year old. I understand she may have a bf or want to have a bf of her age. But I don't want somebody else having sex with her till she is pregnant and the child is born.}



    how much money should I give her to stay with me? If she had a child with me, I am ready to give 10 million to her.














  5. 34 minutes ago, Peterw42 said:

    CCTV footage.....


    39 minutes ago, Eleutherios said:

    typically CCTV in bars

    A good guess would be yes. Lately, It has turned into a universal problem solving tool . In a few recent cases people have been tracked back to their own doorsteps depending on the seriousness of the crime.


    I'm not trying to get you sweating here just be aware that cctv could be anywhere. There's been a lot of shaming and naming in the news via facebook and the regular news media. 


    Predicting your future here is your concern so I can't add anything else of value .....










  6. 2 hours ago, notasmartassknowitallfarag said:

    But the cops looking into him because he flipped a sausage on a stall, shows the utter contempt they have for foreigners, who they only want spending money. 

    The 1946 movie Treasure of the Sierra Madre was based on a  B. Traven  book  published in 1927 ....

    Fred C. Dobbs:
    You know, if I was a native, I'd get me a can of shoe polish and I'd be in business. They'd never let a gringo. ........... You try shining shoes in the street, selling lemonade out of bucket, and your hash is settled.

    Bob Curtin:
    Yeah, and the natives would hound and pester you to death.


    92 years later .........It's still the same human nature, Just a different location.............


    • Like 2

    If you're open to an alternative , why not try "take out" from that place and have your friend spot you or someone else a half priced meal to order and pick up. 


    One door closes, another one opens up.....There's probably a better place a few blocks away anyway.

    We had a place that served an authentic Szechuan menu ....take out only . 85 year old Chinese guy and his wife 11:00-11:00  until he retired . A little hole in the wall but you could see right into the kitchen. High turnover always means fresh food.


    No guessing needed about those special ingredients in the U.S.. They do it . Some get caught, fired and arrested.   This just happened a month ago



    One guy was recorded by his co-worker who got tired of watching him do it over and over.


    Another story where police officers got a confession from a guy who spit in a drink  by using  DNA test results .







    I found OP's update post #627 on this ongoing issue since 2014. It was resolved by way of another guy

    (=$ucker)  entering the arena to change the game.

    On 6/26/2019 at 3:23 AM, tekNique said:

    Well the end to this story is all most here now.   About 2 years ago i was gonna post that we got married already and that we live in Australia happily every after.     Well................was like that for a long time but things have gone North in the last 6 months, she started getting abit more kang with me and not so sweet, its a long story obviously so I digress.    She found some one loi who is crazy about her and will buy her a new benz.  


     I walk away much smarter and happy in away that its over now and not in another 5 years.   I got out financially alright as im not rich (i was younger and ok looking) and he's gonna buy everything for her so all good.    She still is one of the most beautiful Thai girls ive ever seen but really she is a naughty girl.   This new guy is green as, he has never known a Thai or been to Thailand, she is gonna clean him out ????


     Too long to tell all now but may later. 

    Sad for the Kids as they have become awesome and I love them so much and are really proud of how they have devolved, the daughter asked her mum to live with me but i cant.      Life is crazy really.

    She got PR through me too.


    Edit btw it wasnt a scam in the end. Just her ex was trying to get his sinsod back. He didnt want to sign the divorce papers till he got it, he ended up signing them though.





    She got the PR but  luckily he did not come up with the US 30,000.00  .....




    The 3 Gabor sisters were married to a total of 20 different men.  Some guys pick the roses but completely forget about the thorns.




    Check their facebook pages you'll probably see a video of the whole story.

    Can't count how many times people ask me to "take a picture" or hold their phone to record them doing something dangerously stupid to put on youtube or facebook. Both companies are getting incredibly richer from the things these guys do for free at risk of their own health or in this case their freedom.  



  10. An American friend of mine met, married and moved into a nice place with his Thai wife years ago. I  found out this year on a visit that he has decided to become more "Thai" by acquiring  a mia noi to cross it off on his list of things to do.   It became a heated argument when I tried to explain that there was a serious risk involved regardless of his "that's what Thais do why can't I do it " stance. Lately there have been quite a few stories of vengeful Thai wives surfacing in the news.

    The fact that his mia noi is also casually involved with a  younger Thai man,  puts my friend in a serious situation of triple jeopardy if either one or all of them lose their marbles one day. . This is one argument that I hope to lose.





  11. This post in in the shadow of the theme already posted by "Bluespunk"


    We're like the guest at the party (of life) that everyone avoids because of the bad breath and the knowledge 

    that sooner or later earthlings are going to get drunk , start yelling obscenities, put a lampshade on our heads and basically spoil the party for everyone else.......

         We say : I'm European , He's African , She's Asian , They are sub-Saharan ,Samoan or Eskimo etc...

    They say "hey look, there goes another one of them thar pesky  "Earthlings."  Watch out, They'll put you on a cross , blow you up, Shoot your ship down, Eat you, prostitute you, trade your spaceship  for a bunch of beads , go to your country depose  your queen then make it a 51st State, try to sell you opium then shoot up your harbor and take your land if you refuse (twice if necessary).....


    Hey you're looking for  "intelligent " life.....how dumb do you think they would have to be to ignore 300000 years of this self centered ego maniacal behavior ?  .  When we get ourselves together they will get together with us but until then, the only aliens we meet are going to be a lot dumber not smarter  .And since even those guys won't be going anywhere any sooner than we earthlings, We are just going to  have to wait for that auspicious "1st contact " somewhere in the very distant future.   






    You want to know one thing that set Tesla and Einstein apart from a lot of people?

    They both missed a few classes of behavioral brainwashing by studying outside the system at early ages.  It might not be genetic for humans to be born with an "asshat" attitude about life. 






    2 hours ago, richiejom said:
    14 hours ago, stouricks said:

    No selfie stick used. You need an arm to hold one.

    you can see her shoulders point inwards as she swaps hands of the selfie stick


    The whole idea that its staged is bonkers, for a start there is nothing they could benefit from as they won't get compensation.


    Also you see a snake like grin on the girls face who pinches it as she sees the Thai girls are enjoying themselves and not paying attention

    Imagine if this eventually made it to court.
    On these secondary eye witness testimonies, the Thai women would be jailed for fraud and the alleged thieves would not only walk but could also sue for defamation = "Thai Style" to give em a piece of their own medicine, right?. 
    "We are freelance actresses, we thought they were hiring us for a public service video".


    [Note: I'm being factious here]

    The imaginary third person i.e. the phantom video "shooter" who amazingly can walk backwards exactly at the same pace and distance while crossing a busy street needs to get a job working in Hollywood.  I'd hire that person in a heartbeat. 


    As said before the "Thai fraud" or "Thief guilt" could be easily identified using local "London" cctv feed that covers that area .  They might also be able to show exactly when the alleged gang found out that the money was a sure thing.  For instance if/when she paid a bill at a restaurant or made a withdrawal at an atm. 








    And some people still wonder how O.J. got away with it..................

  13. 2 minutes ago, Kohkah said:

    It's everywhere the same. It doesn't matter if its London, Paris, Bangkok or somewhere else keep your valuables close to your body, properly locked away.


    Right .....    There was a story about a 3 member group from the Philippines  arrested last November.  Victims were usually targeted around the BTS areas and then skimmed once they were on the trains.....



  14. 3 minutes ago, wgdanson said:

    Only 25.9 million (1.85 x 14) people in UK? 

    My website quote,  but not my numbers.  They could actually be omitting the areas and individuals not affected by the surveillance.  Farm/ rural, Industrial ect... , but most estimates of the numbers of  cameras usually start pretty high . I was just answering  "Just Weird" who seemed to think I thought the victims video footage was cctv footage.......

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  15. 3 hours ago, Just Weird said:

    It wasn't a "London camera system" it was the Thais' own video.

     Thought this was common knowledge so sorry for the 2 paragraph omission in my original post.

    It was clear to a few others that with over 400,000 London cameras, law enforcement would be able to track and locate these women now that they are aware of which footage to check based on where the crime took place .[ Similar to the 2 cases of grafitti artist in Thailand who were tracked to their guest houses using a network of cctv cameras..]   


    This is the "London camera system" I was making a reference to.  


    A recent sampling found that 41 percent of public premises in London have CCTV equipment, and they estimate there is around 420,000 cameras in the city of London. ... Today, the U.K., as a whole, has the largest network of surveillance cameras with an estimated 1.85 million cameras, or one camera for every 14 people.


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