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Everything posted by TacoKhun

  1. Butt scraping can be caused by many reason, common one irritation/inflammation of anal glands.
  2. Nice to see another regular, though i am taking their small pancake breakfast, love the coffee
  3. this one actually somewhat decent, the place itself, i dont know it is like one of this bars with many people getting drunk, a lot of noise, loud talks and shouts.. hard to just sit and chill.
  4. Been there. 200 baht, did not like it. not worth the money in my opinion.
  5. I tried their cheap 89 breakfast, only good thing i can say about it that it was 89 baht.
  6. Simple simons breakfast was 130 baht, while it was not top quality stuff, it was much better than many other places. There is no point to spend more than 200 baht on some eggs and bacon, when i can get salmon steak or any other decent lunch with better and healthier food in 200-250 baht range.
  7. I used to go to simple simon, but the place is no more. What i want is under 200 baht, good sausages and bacon (some places serve cheapest 7/11, disgusting).
  8. Do you mean limits only on foreign currency accounts (USD) or even regular bank accounts nominated in baht, also?
  9. Interesting point of view. As far as I know EU is still buying russian gas. So can I ask you do you think EU still finance Putin's affairs because it cant let their people get a little bit cold and thus makes you putin supporter as well? In case If you dont support, could you show a picture of yourself where you protest against EU buying russian gas/oil otherwise it makes you as guilty as anyone else, am i right?
  10. Bloodbath between civilians if army block city for long, lack of food, water and medicine. People would just shot each other for a piece of bread until ammo runs out.
  11. Well they posted video somewhere on youtube, maybe RT, i dont remember. Submarines going underwater, mobile launchers moving their usual parking spots and spreading out in Siberia, long range bombers aka Doomsday planes going up, stationary silos switched to death hand mode (if they dont receive signal from command center over some time period, meaning command center was destroyed then they initiate launch at the designated target) + this stuff set to ready https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Status-6_Oceanic_Multipurpose_System#:~:text=The Poseidon (Russian%3A Посейдон%2C,delivering both conventional and nuclear. Was not CGI, real things. I dont want to test if all of that was fake and i am afraid there is always possibility of human or machine error and unexpected start happen and everybody begin pew pew pew
  12. With all the weapons they distributed among civilians it will be bloodbath
  13. I read it was 2nd powerful military in Europe, something like this
  14. Was anyone really expected Russia can do this in 2 days? Ukraine has massive military. They have been fighting with rebels for like 8 years...
  15. WW3 has already started. Thats one of the redlines that can make it become Nuclear.
  16. EU nations are going to accept Ukraine and Poland will host Ukrainian attack fighters to attack Russian forces. Might be the end of everything.
  17. Covid tests, certificates, whatever or I can leave as before covid?
  18. So is something changed already or changes are coming only after 120 days? I did not understand from the article if "exclusion from narcotics list" and "cannabis and hemp law" is the same thing, or one comes before another, because narcotics list regulates use and possession, but law regulates production. So like if production law comes in effect in 120 days, what about possession and use?
  19. Small chocolate milk pack went from 12 to 13 bat in 7/11 ????
  20. I paid mine in Krungthep bank last year, the one that on central road like 100 meters from the beach. I was like single customer there.
  21. feels about as small dose of tramadol, little sleepy and calm
  22. Used to be 200 many years ago, now they changed to new tokens i think 500 about right
  23. I read several. My favorite this and last year "Dungeon crawler carl"
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