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Everything posted by JeffersLos

  1. They were selling 4kg of produce at the price of 4.6kg. Have you ever wondered if you've been scammed by any chance?
  2. Someone being killed in a country of 70 million. How bizarre. ???? ????
  3. I'm scared of being next as I always ride illegally with my gun in my waistband. Fleeing from knives when they had a gun? I hope they didn't get kicked in their vaginas.
  4. No, please go to the office in question and ask them.
  5. ???? He could either have been swallowing the pills put in his mouth instead of trying to spit them out and fight them. Or he could have taken them with bound hands, with bound and tied feet. Do you take pills with your feet?
  6. What private 20 year pension funds are available for EU nationals that are based in Thailand and will be based in Thailand during their retirement? In terms of security, monthly payment in, and out after a 20 year term? TIA
  7. I have seen a lot of very similar videos, and they always end up having sex in the middle of the carriage.
  8. That's true. Any foreigner (or Thai, really), that declares land in Thailand cannot be lost is a bit delusional.
  9. That's true. Any foreigner (or Thai, really), that declares land in Thailand cannot be lost is a bit delusional.
  10. Yes. Land office scams, family scams, fake signatures, lost as collateral behind the owner's back. Super risky, and certainly not a safe investment for future half-Thai generations. ???? It will have value, just not for the people that lost it. For them it turned to zero.
  11. pointing out that investments on Thai land can turn to zero in the blink of a somchai.
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