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Everything posted by JeffersLos

  1. That's true. Any foreigner (or Thai, really), that declares land in Thailand cannot be lost is a bit delusional.
  2. Yes. Land office scams, family scams, fake signatures, lost as collateral behind the owner's back. Super risky, and certainly not a safe investment for future half-Thai generations. ???? It will have value, just not for the people that lost it. For them it turned to zero.
  3. pointing out that investments on Thai land can turn to zero in the blink of a somchai.
  4. Thai land ownership has never been lost without the foreign sponsor knowing, of course. ????
  5. Gold melts at over 1000 degrees Celsius. Buy the furnace with bitcoin?
  6. Could be a 100% loss (unforeseen disease/disaster), could be a 75% loss due to market economics. Or a 100% loss due to the owner of the land losing it as part of Thai deal behind your back. It's not your land, is it. So in reality, you own zero of nothing and the investment could collapse to zero.
  7. Sounds fantastic. I can't imagine how you manage to keep off the weight. ????
  8. There was a queue that needed jumping.
  9. I doubt that anyone holding BTCs didn't expect this to happen after the last rise, and before the next.
  10. That's almost true. Our next sell is when it is $100,000USD (our last sell was at $50,000USD having bought them at less than $10,000USD) The price does matter because we will purchase some more if the price continues to fall to $20,000. We are not in a rush and have been successful in selling at 5 times the purchase price a number of times. ????
  11. Countless deaths??? That's what happens when the educational system teaches you to count to potato.
  12. I've almost lost a few fingers doing that. They're fast!
  13. I did watch the video, I do know what I'm talking about Evidently not. You're wrong. In these types of incidents - frontal collisions..... Search for the numerous sources of the studies that came to this fact. You're welcome.
  14. It would be pretty difficult for any other authority to seize assets such as cars and real estate wouldn't it. ..... Crumbs. Did you even read the article?
  15. Better off focusing on the Indians that inject up to one trillion spermatozoa between 6 of them.
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