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Everything posted by JeffersLos

  1. In the future there will probably be a few big rich families or corporations in the country running their monopoly. Similar to the beer monopolies. Licenses will be made much harder to get. And sellers will only be permitted to buy from designated suppliers (in the name of health and safety of course)
  2. Great, thanks. I didn't know they needed grease.
  3. This is what happens when your country hasn't been at war with anyone for a year.
  4. Thanks. It's more of a creaking sound, like an old door creaking, rather than a squeak from something rubber.
  5. These guys? I could just show them the photo and get them to replace the front ones.
  6. An older car of ours (around 12 years old) has gotten very creaky up at the front lately, when going over little bumps, and it evens seems to happen when turning. We had new suspension forks/wishbones put in around 2 years ago (11,000THB IIRC) When the road is wet or it's raining, the creaking noise isn't there, which indicates it is external. Perhaps some grease is needed somewhere on the suspension/steering assembly? I don't trust mechanics all that much. Any ideas about what could be the cause? TIA.
  7. Stay in Sukhothai for 2 nights. Spend one day touring the amazing historical parks. Sukhothai historical park
  8. The nasal stick didn't revive her? Rest In Peace. The things parents let their kids do here has stopped surprising me at this stage.
  9. Get a yellow house book, as is your legal right, and you never need one again. ????
  10. Don't the airport taxi guys attack them and their passengers with machetes?
  11. None of those are fit for anything longer than 24 hours.
  12. I think I have it!! I ordered 3 plastic items and received a Fitbit.
  13. He is. He has an uncle that left him billions, he just needs $5000 to release it.
  14. Debatable. If there is CCTV he could be prosecute with criminal damage and possibly theft. Off to prison?
  15. I presume that most people have a wife/GF/partner that also has an income of 50k+ 100k for a couple is okay if they're not out partying 5 nights a week. Restaurant a 2-3 times a week, property and vehicles that they own, it is okay. ????
  16. Suits me down to the ground then. Yes, half way through we put in a spoonful of ground Orange Cali bud.
  17. Yes, I haven't used drugs in around 2 decades. The three liters was due to being topped up. 500ml French Press topped up around 6 times.
  18. ^ We put a little bit of ground up Orange Cali (I think) straight into the water half way through the evening. I don't know if that worked or not, but today my brain and mind is all cloudy and muddy and spaced out. Which isn't a good thing at my age. ???? I read that drinking it as tea makes everything slower and longer, the time to feel the effect and the time for the feeling to wear off.
  19. I tried this for the first time tonight. Instead of using the teabag I cut it open and poured the contents (very finely ground greenery, almost fine like a powder) into a French Press. Probably with three liters of water due to topping it up again and again. Very relaxing light mellow buzz (but I have no tolerance for the drug). will use it as our after dinner tea in the evenings now until trying other methods.
  20. Not that I know of. Of course. They hardly volunteered to sit in a seat for 17 hours. ????
  21. It's simple to cross state lines, so what's the big deal about that?

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