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Everything posted by JeffersLos

  1. That's great, because that's a lots of baggage to steal from.
  2. There are 6 tires on 4 wheels visible in the photo. Are you saying this truck had 6 wheels and 8 tires?
  3. Things like maintenance, training and obeying traffic laws are so inconvenient. Thais don't like inconvenience when convenience is equally available.
  4. Or the hospital. Was public or private. Public: Useless and clueless. Private: Do anything for money.
  5. Increases over the years. A school director near us retired with a 2 million lump sum payment and 40k per month for the rest of his life. Another school director near us runs the local karaoke bars and recruits the girls straight from the school.
  6. Yes, I'm well aware what top and bottom mean in regards to sex. Putting on a top or bottoms is about get dressed, not gay anal sex. Like wise, having two of the same buns on the top and bottom of a burger is about two of the same coming together as one. Not anal sex. Do you think pride month is only about those with willies? How bigoted of you. How dare you disregard lesbians and other non-males in such a disrespectful manner.
  7. It has to do with 2 of the same being together. Why is the OP thinking about anal sex? Is he/she a gay looking to get upset at non-events?
  8. That's a great price for a CB650.
  9. Good. Well done for them protecting the public that can now enjoy eating their watermelons injected with red food dye.
  10. Feel tired so be responsible and switch drivers so there's no lab nai, and a Thai still find a way to accidently kill you.
  11. Isn't it amazing that humans do all that, but have also walked on the moon. 6 decades ago. Not Thais of course, but other humans.
  12. Give them a gun and start them young!! Now that there aren't profitable wars for the Americans maybe they could recall the trillion dollar overseas soldiers to protect their kindergartens and gas stations.
  13. Why have you understood this?
  14. Nothing has to be accepted. PP was the most difficult and unfriendly place in the region to get visas for years. I doubt that has changed much, but you never know.
  15. And out the back door on bail after appealing the verdict?
  16. A big show of force, either life, death penalty, or a massive amount of years. Showing how hard the system comes down on such behavior. Then slightly less reported is that they will appeal the sentence immediately and be released on bail on the same day. The appeal will go on for years and despite the heavy sentence they will never spend a night in jail.
  17. None, until you see a dangling pair of grapefruits on a she that recently changed their pronoun.

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