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Posts posted by BlackArtemis

  1. one time many years ago the wife wanted me to take her to church one Sunday. it was somewhere along Huay Kaew long before all the development. i remember it was a on a huge piece of land. we went in and a farang priest who had to have been 85 years old but very fit and immaculately dressed in designer clothes, along with his farang wife (who reminded me of Tammy Faye Bakker), and about 6 Thai men all wearing white shirts and dark blue ties approached us and began interrogating us, asking us what we wanted, why we were there, who told us about the church, etc. (all in Thai). the old farang woman kept shouting at me "poot Anglit mai dai". the old guy told us that he had lived in Chiang Mai for more than 50 years. we were taken back of course but decided to go inside and see what this was all about. we went in and there were about 20 Thai men inside and about 10 Thai women, all in their late 20's-early 30's. the men all wore white shirts and blue ties and the women all wore conservative dresses. i was the only farang in there. every single one of the Thais stared at me and the wife when we walked in. the sermon was given by the old guy along with a very feminine young man in a very angry tone in Lanna dialect. it was very bizarre, almost like a cult or something. at some point the wife looked at me and winked and we made a beeline for the door and got in the car and took off as quickly as possible. it was one of the most bizarre things i've witnessed during my time here.

    Very odd.

    Scarier than that, the hill tribes in MHS have tons of missionaries go up there. I was there for one of their huge Christian social gatherings. All the foreign speakers were American Southern Baptists spouting all this fire and brimstone shit.

  2. Years ago I attended 7 fountains which is Catholic, the father there was a great guy, down to Earth and held some great masses.

    He was even rebuked by the Catholic Church because he was allowing Protestant Ministers to preach at the church while he would go off and speak at theirs.

    He told the Catholic Church that the Christian community was already small enough in Thailand, why did they find it necessary to fracture it into even small sects in the name of Dogma.

    Cool guy, if I ever attended church again I would go there.

    That sounds like Fr. O'Brien, who died about 12 years ago. A great Christian and a fine priest. My gay partner and I used to go and chat with him (my partner was dying of cancer). He concentrated on the realities of the situation, and simply accepted the fact that we were gay.

    I forget his name but this was 2005 - 2007.

  3. Years ago I attended 7 fountains which is Catholic, the father there was a great guy, down to Earth and held some great masses.

    He was even rebuked by the Catholic Church because he was allowing Protestant Ministers to preach at the church while he would go off and speak at theirs.

    He told the Catholic Church that the Christian community was already small enough in Thailand, why did they find it necessary to fracture it into even small sects in the name of Dogma.

    Cool guy, if I ever attended church again I would go there.

  4. I asked if they sold well if there might be more coming. They tild me it was a possibility.

    BTW they are allowing test drives of their van van, burgman, Gladius, and Vstrom. This is unheard of here. The gladus feels sooo much smaller than mybninja 650 too. If I wasn't moving back to the US I would be getting a Vstrom though. Since I've been here 4 ithers have come to look at it and ride it. Lucky for me they're less than 150k baht seconhand back home 555.

    Sent from my GT-I9500 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  5. Helping a friend pickup the last one right now. It's the light blue one. Threw in a free jacket and helmet. Theft insurance was an extra 1600.

    Sent from my GT-I9500 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  6. This depends, I have a bike I bought and ripped it apart for the engine, swing arm, and brakes.

    I still have the green book for this bike, HOWEVER, I also have a photocopied ID and signature on blank docs from the previous owner. All I have to do is fill in the info to transfer it, as long as their ID is still valid, and it is until 2018.

    If you have similar documentation like I do, you can simply sell the bike and then the new owner fills them in and brings em to the transport office.

  7. Had a White guy go off on a 7-11 girl up here in Chiang Mai because he couldn't understand her Thai. And said "What are you you speaking some sort of hill tribe language?" (All asked in Thai, she was speaking Northern) She go flustered and embarrassed. I then asked him how the hell has he managed to learn enough Thai to communicate (not just 1 or 2 words, he WAS speaking full sentences etc) and not know that in the North they speak a different dialect. He shut up, looked embarrassed and walked out. The 7-11 girl was pissed off, but was thrilled when I and the guy behind her dealt with her in Northern haha.

    I think 3 foreigners in the same 7-11 speaking Thai has been a record for me.

  8. Willfreeman.

    So are you looking for something like a jx110, cg125, gl100 etc that you can cafe up? I know you can fit a lifan 200cc in all of these bikes, would love to see someone try to fit a carbed CBR150 into one.

    http://www.cm-club.com/forum/forumdisplay.php?f=27&s=803b5782062f061427f3569619d9ebb1 is where you want to be looking.

    And mods I am linking to the classifieds not the chat forums.

    Cm-club, use google translate it works well enough

    • Like 1
  9. Coke cans are the same size and same price.

    Pepsi cans are smaller and 2B cheaper.

    They are a pain in the ass, since all other inventions such as cupholders, soda racks, etc are made for the wide can.

    Awww man, I just realized when I was teaching surface area of cylinders I could have had my students calculate the two cans to see if there is a difference. Perhaps the new cans use less material?

  10. Am I the only one really living in Thailand? Most 'mom n pop' stores will sell alcohol, and so will many 'bars.' Of course, you may have to drink your beer out of a coffee cup.

    I prefer to go to Monkey, Warm Up, Riverside, Goodview, and various other places. These places will comply with the law.

    I know where I can get alcohol, and I am not even upset about not drinking, it's the fact that I can't socialize out at the places I want to on the days I would have off.

  11. So are you going to trash the Tiger Kingdom in Chiang Mai also? You are in there with them in the cages. Pictures are taken. No humans are mauled or killed. How is this different?

    Just stating that you have to be 15 years old to go in the cages, as the cats do "stalk" and follow little kids outside their cages. The trainers there said they would not trust the cats with any small children.

    As for the pic, it's not they sitting on the croc, but the fact that there are quite a few crocs right near them, it's bad enough to risk it with one animal, but there are a lot of variables in that shot.

    I do like the non nanny state attitude of Thailand, but there should be limits, especially when it involves other people's children.

  12. It appears the woman may have suffered a fall or been hit by a vehicle and then the boyfriend, both highly intoxicated dragged himself and the woman into the ally and did not call for urgent medical assistance with the consequence that the woman died.

    The medical examiner found no sign of trauma, and said that she had been dead for at least two hours.

    Will be interesting to see which of these two it was.

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